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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Can see Anderson stepping in at left sides 8 too, I guess it just depends who miraculously gets back first
  2. It’s widely reported that is the case, so I wouldn’t worry
  3. Well you thought wrong then, we had to pay Brighton significant compensation to secure him
  4. I'd suggest Barnes', Burn's, Anderson's, Murphy's and Pope's would class as freak injuries.
  5. Or maybe they'll be luck and Billy Goat Gruff will help them cross the bridge past your good self and they'll be fine
  6. I"m a few years older than you and can assure you, no one not even Man Utd fans thought they were bigger than Liverpool in the late 80’s and anyone who even suggested it would have been laughed at.
  7. I'm sorry but that’s a touch revisionist, they had a period in the 60’s and then were well placed to capitalise on the explosion in finances and exposure in the 90’s following the creation of the Premier League. But the narrative that’s they've always been the biggest team in the country is as mythological as the Loch Ness Monster. They spent 20 years nowhere near challenging for most of the 70’s and 80’s and have been miles off it for over a decade now. Another decade similar to the last and Manchester will be largely blue as kids won’t want to have the piss ripped every day at school. In exactly the same way as I'm sure the number of Mackem's in traditionally 50/50 areas has diminished over the last few years and will continue to do so, short of some utter disaster
  8. Found it quite funny how Neville and Keane released their podcast claiming other teams were doping, when their beloved club has just hired this cretin
  9. It would be truly awful if the rumours about him being up to his neck in doping at Team Sky were ever to be confirmed, not
  10. All joking aside given they could only loan Arambat this year, will they even be able to afford the compensation this FFP period?
  11. There's no way we don’t protect ourselves the same way Brighton did when he moved to us "IF" he moves. I have said this on multiple occasions, even if he does move, it won’t be until September after a period of gardening leave. Can Manchester United have another summer where they don’t have a proper plan? They need someone in place NOW, so that ETH isn’t chasing overpriced Ajax players again all summer
  12. There's lots of noise, but I think the club would not allow him to join anyone until after the summer window closes to protect ourselves. Can Man Utd really afford another rudderless summer?
  13. I take it everyone missed Joelinton's response to reports around his contract, that he expects it all to be sorted and doesn’t expect to be moving this summer then?
  14. Nah she's getting better with age if you ask me
  15. Their right back Williams got away with a fair amount of snide shit too tbh. The ref let far too much go today, I sometimes enjoy it when the officials let the game flow a bit, but not when we're already down to bare bones in certain positions
  16. Would think he'd be ideal, I can imagine there are lots of other PL clubs having the same idea too tbf
  17. My word a few on here man ?? I can imagine a few on here having their dream celebrity threesome (Karen Gillan and Gillian Anderson for moi fwiw) and spend the immediate aftermath complaining that one of them left their wet towels on the bathroom floor. Have we already become so detached from where we were less than two years ago to not be able to enjoy a hard fought away win?
  18. No arguments from me on that, but I’d argue Beardsley was just as effective for us, I honestly wouldn’t change any of our players from that team for any of theirs, with the exception of Schmeichel. As mean as it feels speaking ill of Pav who's obviously no longer with us. Schmeichel in my opinion was just so much better than every other keeper in the PL, Flowers was probably the closest, but I’d argue there was still a sizeable gap.
  19. I'll die on the hill that this game was more one sided than the 5-0 the following season. Which just makes me think that Keane is clueless as an analyst of the game, given the fact he continually downplays Schmiechel's impact on that Man Utd side. Put Schmiechel into that Newcastle team and Man Utd don’t get within 20 points of us that season.
  20. He "might’ve" been more consistent, but there's no way we have the highs of thrashing PSG at home, beating Sheff Utd 8-0, Villa 5-1 etc etc. I also think the crowd accepted his pragmatism when it was in opposition to Ashley; but the crowd would have gotten restless if it had continued post takeover.
  21. I've listened to Wilson's podcast on multiple occasions and would say it’s decent entertainment but not terribly informative or illuminating. There’s also a difference between being rushed back and playing earlier than they’d have preferred. But as with every conversation on the internet, there’s never any nuance ?‍?
  22. Right this is why you do annoy several people on here. Your opinion or observations are just that, observations and opinions. Conflating that with "evidence" is at best disingenuous or at worst just fucking deluded. Do you think your Mk1 eyeball is a better judge of player loading and fatigue than the clubs team of sports scientists? If you genuinely believe that, pimp yourself around PL clubs you’d save them a fortune.
  23. Id say you had a point if Wilson's issues were just this season, but it’s been the story of his career since before he even arrived here. Why do you think someone with his numbers ended up at Mike Ashley's Newcastle? Blaming the staff for not turning around a player the wrong side of 30, with a consistent history of being injury prone, just seems incongruent to me
  24. It'll never catch on with some
  25. Absolutely, but they couldn’t have prevented the injury from occurring or ultimately change the recovery period for that kind of injury. If anything Botman is back significantly quicker than most in that regard. And as for Barnes lots of others have pointed out how this kind of freak injury can be an absolute nightmare to treat and is more common in other sports. He was literally running with no one near him when it occurred. How is that down to club staff exactly?
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