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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Well tbf I’m unsure when prize money for finishing place and the variable aspect of the TV appearance money is received by the club in relation to accountancy years. But then unless we have a club accountant on the forum I doubt anybody else knows either ?
  2. So just off the top of my head there’s roughly £16m more prize money for finishing fourth over 11th (2.3 million per place), our TV revenue was up massively last season compared to previous years. The additional revenue from the league cup run and the SELA shirt sponsorship, not to mention the other announced smaller deals. i wouldn’t be worrying about us being able to spend in the summer or ending up over our FFP limit.
  3. There’s also a vid with Bruno and Big Joe in retro Adidas tops too, guessing they’ve been filming a lot of promo stuff for next seasons kits
  4. And as previously mentioned this summer was the first year we offset some of our incomings with sales for actual money. The Wood and Maxi deals will have presented at worst wiping our noses on Wood from an FFP perspective and whilst many didn’t think Maxi went for enough, given the amortisation on his £12 arrival fee, probably represented a decent wedge in ffp terms
  5. Sorry what I meant was the most recently released accounts
  6. Or are you presuming we are going to make a similar loss next year, with the SELA money, CL money, greater income from the cup games and higher league finish? Not sure which years accounts the Adidas deal will land on too. I wouldn’t panic we have competent people running things, they know what we can afford to spend and will do, but I’d imagine it’ll be at least as much as this summer, but offset by higher incoming commercial revenue.
  7. Look at the bottom of the table it includes this years accounts and it shows £105M. Dunno where you’re getting the £180M from?
  8. Selling Maxi and Wood ring any bells? Also the £73M loss announced this year is not all attributable to ffp, with many things deductible from it for things like the academy, training ground and investment in the Women's team not counting towards the PL's PSR calculations.
  9. People going on about ffp and how restrictive it is, I’m personally amazed the whole window system hasn’t been scrapped tbh. Not just because of the situations it potentially leaves clubs in, but also restricting the options of players frozen out by managers etc too. I’m not sure who it serves other than the person who sells Jim White a yellow tie every six months
  10. Think that whole situation was a deliberate bait and switch, to build evidence around rules specifically being introduced to hamper us. Rather than any actual desire to loan players from Saudi
  11. I was being facetious, if I recall it was more defensively that we used academy graduates, with the likes of Ramage, Edgar and Taylor. The point still sort of stands though, we had no option but to use the academy kids at that point and I argue in that first season did so fairly successfully
  12. Honest answer the one who could, is already playing I think. The rest are miles off being suitable for first team football and the ones, theoretically nearest are out on loan elsewhere. the club have started seeding the academy with players like Sanusi, Heffernan etc, but we are years from potentially seeing the fruits of that work
  13. Erm they didn’t play for Spurs Did they win the appeal? I thought they just held things up in the courts for long enough that the majority of the provable stuff fell outside of the allowable time for charges to be brought
  14. Right I get people’s frustration but let’s actually look at the types of injuries we've had this season. Murphy and Pope - Dislocated shoulders - so not related to training or playing intensity Barnes - freak foot injury - not related to playing or training intensity Burn - Fractured back - impact injury following awkward fall - not related to playing or training intensity Anderson - Spinal stress fracture - unsure of circumstances resulting in injury - possibly training related? Willock and Joelinton - recurrent muscle injuries - genuine possibility these haven’t been managed well, but given the lack of minutes Willock had it’s not down to cumulative intensity of play. Botman - ACL issue post impact - impact injury not related to intensity - was initially misdiagnosed however which is a black mark against the medical team. Wilson - continues to be made of glass. So whilst I’d agree there is much for the entire club to learn, I’d argue a significant portion of these long term injuries are just unfortunate, rather than being the result of how the team play. Obviously in top of this the Tonali situation has left us short of numbers in midfield too, which has resulted in overplaying of whoever is currently fit. But that would potentially be an issue even if we played in a less intensive tactical manner. Mainly as I suspect much of the fatigue the players are experiencing is mental rather than physical
  15. I’m beginning to wonder if we have a recall option on Joe White's loan at this point, full academy graduate midfield by the end of the season. It worked for Roeder back in 05/06 ? we’d all be over the moon with another 7th placed finish at this point right?
  16. Don’t worry about it, they can just upload your replicant consciousness into a new husk, once the injury crisis has subsided
  17. Which signed Tonali and Minteh last summer? And has generally made most of our "Purple" ? signings from Europe.
  18. You see I don’t get this opinion at all, we are two years ahead of schedule and this season was always going to result in a bit of a slump or regression given the fact that we are really only 3 (This jan being the 4th and it’s still open) windows into an actual build. Jan 21 was about staying in the league rather than being forward looking, Bruno signing aside. People quote how long it took City to challenge as being 4 years, before FFP and from a significantly higher base too. They’d had significant investment by Shiniwatra prior to their big takeover and also had lots of saleable assets. Unlike the utter car crash and squad largely bereft of quality that was here post takeover.
  19. Yes but that assumes you don’t sell anyone and that our revenue stalls. People talk about a lot of easy PSR wins, such as training ground sponsor, stadium naming rights etc. these will be phased in over time to allow the revenue to continue to grow organically. Rather than shooting our wad all in one go so to speak. The honest reality is going to be more expensive tickets etc too, especially for folks coming to the end of the Ashley price freeze. Additionally, actually continuing to progress in cup competitions means increased revenue from additional games. Taking ownership of retail and refreshments in the stadium, rather than the undervalued contracted out situations we had before and the fan zone; will all see our revenue start to creep up.
  20. I mean I could go and tweet that I’m having a threesome with Karen Gillan and Gillian Anderson tonight. It sadly doesn’t mean there’s any truth to it. Basically I’m just saying I’d wait until there’s multiple sources with a better track record of getting things right in relation to Newcastle, before I shat the bed (Preferably with Karen Gillan and Gillian Anderson in it). Also known as wait for the harbinger of doom Craig Mope to confirm it first.
  21. Because it’s Twitter and he'll probably release another one tomorrow with Joelinton expected back in three weeks? ??‍♂️
  22. I see everybody losing their shit over that article regarding Joelinton out for the season. Is that guy legit? Never seen him tweet anything about Newcastle before, so is there substance to it? Or is it the usual Neurotics Online case of presume the worst even when no evidence exists?
  23. If their fees weren’t amortised across the total duration of their contracts yes. But Hall will be £6M a year for FFP calculations
  24. I think it’s been mentioned that we are also taking back control of retail at the same time as binning off Castore. If they play their cards right and actually stock the club shop with stuff to buy, unlike Castore, that could also end up being another increased source of income too.
  25. It was a sickener, particularly as we all knew the money was just going to disappear into the aether and not be reinvested.
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