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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. The profit is the £13M, fella you’re either an expert troll or fool, I’m genuinely not sure which at this stage
  2. How many people have to tell you, that you’re not using the correct values in terms of FFP. lets do some simple maths shall we, add the two figures you have and take away 13 (The post Covid profit Ashley left us with), if those figures were right we'd already have been charged as we'd be well in excess of £105M
  3. Bringing Bobby Clark back more maybe?
  4. 1. You can add an unproven at this level Jow White to that list too. 2. The window isn't shut yet
  5. Aye they will, but using Matty1892's 40% discount
  6. Erm the fact he's seemingly telling every man and his dog about it! If it were my business I’d be discrete as hell about of any of this stuff and denying all knowledge were anything to leak. Then I actually have plausible deniability. Just my two pennies worth though
  7. I just can’t help feel that 99% of everything being reported is guesswork, even more than normal as local journo's have very little in the way of reliable sources any more. Factor in the fact we are a "big story" again and it’s become bullshit, clickbait central.
  8. I’ve no doubt it goes on all the time, however that’s different from an owner apparently having knowledge of it going on all the time from a legal perspective.
  9. If he knows that is going on in his establishment and doesn’t do anything about it, he could be prosecuted. Section 175 of the Licensing Act 1964 states that it is an offence for the holder of a Justices Licence knowingly to allow the licensed premises to be the habitual resort or place of meeting of reputed prostitutes, whether the object of their so resorting or meeting is or is not prostitution. Section 35 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, which applies to licensed premises, also imposes a penalty for allowing prostitutes or thieves to assemble. It is an offence under section 36 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956 (SOA) for the tenant or occupier knowingly to permit the whole or part of the premises to be used for the purposes of habitual prostitution. The SOA also makes it an offence for anyone knowingly to live wholly or in part on the earnings of prostitution. Basically either that person is full of shit, or likely to get a knock on their door sharpish.
  10. Honestly not sure about that, but it’s been reported widely that they needed to sell Johnson earlier on in the window than they did. They elected to hold on to as late in the window as possible to maximise the fee received, which they believed would be understood by the PL. Obviously that was not the case and the PL charged them. I’m unsure how confident Forest are regarding challenging the deduction. But given their continued spending I wouldn’t be surprised to find that they’re in a position where they need to sell again to avoid a further future breach for this accounting period.
  11. And Forrest are in the clagg facing a points deduction for waiting out for a higher fee for Johnson, making his sale fall in a different accounting period. They may also be at risk of a further deduction if they don’t make additional sales.
  12. Given the way Ashley subcontracted much of the running of club functions out, I wouldn’t be surprised if Castore pay the club a fixed annual fee and an absolutely tiny percentage of sales. The fat cunt really did fuck the club over
  13. Yes because the bottom of the league was closer and clubs like Forrest threw the kitchen sink at it
  14. I would! We need to get our UEFA coefficient up so that we get paid more and are hopefully in a more favourable pot next time we qualify for the CL
  15. I think people need to think back to previous January windows personally, there isn’t as much business done and what does happen often isn’t until the last week. I think it’s been a bit quieter this year but think that more to do with how the league is shaping up, rather than concerns about money myself. if you’re a club in lower mid table at the minute, is there the same need to spend to keep ahead of the relegation chasers this year?
  16. Well I’m not an accountant, but I think you might be putting 2&2 together and coming up with 5 myself
  17. I would suggest instead of reading that, actually watch the Eales interview on the club website. You’ll find it FAR less sensationalist than much of the media reporting about it.
  18. By all accounts we may be skirting close to our PSR limits, but this sale if it goes through will be to free up wiggle room to allow us to bring other players in his window, following a Joelinton’s surgery. Not because we were fearing a points deduction.
  19. Is he no going to be competing with Alvarez too, who by all accounts has done really well for them ??‍♂️
  20. And we don’t actually know, or indeed have information to the contrary either. Ffs what have those running the club got to do, to convince some people that they’re not fucking clueless?
  21. You can afford to do that when the government massively subsidise your rent
  22. Would imagine that Leazes Park or similar would be explored again too. Never really got the massive uproar against it the last time. It’s not as if access to green space is an issue for anyone in the North East of England full stop.
  23. Well obviously not, but there will be further player trading alongside the increases in commercial revenue, which for the next few years the club can be fairly sure of, given the low base Ashley left us at. Remember the club are actually employing competent people now to manage this stuff.
  24. seem to recall him looking good for Bradford and in his first few appearances. Not in comparison to the players he replaced obviously, but did he not suffer a horrific ankle ligament injury soon after arriving (some things never change eh!), which completely ruined him, rather than him not actually having any talent at all. Probably a shame for the lad as if his career had been ten years later, it probably wouldn’t have affected him so greatly.
  25. A combination of all of the above and as others have suggested I think there is a significant amount of debt held against the club too. Just for clarification I’m not having a go, or diminishing their achievement at all. Just rebalancing some of the narrative out there surrounding them, that it’s been done without any significant financial investment, which is factually incorrect.
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