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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Post count would be a pretty cool feature.
  2. Why is Perch being touted as CB cover?! What has Kadar done wrong?!
  3. Fucking hell, is Kadar injured or somethung?!
  4. Can this thread please be renamed to the "Wa Steev Brewce appreciation thread."? Thankyou.
  5. Don't care about Barton, Cabaye is better.
  6. So he's playing as he always does then? Why does he play for England when he is just a carbon copy of Routeledge?
  7. If Brewcie gets the tramps relegated, he should get an MBE - Magpie Badge of Excellence.
  8. Have been giving him a run as a striker on FM and he's scoring goals for fun. He is immense.
  9. Always thought Willo was better, but Saylor seems to finally be fulfilling his potential. He is streets ahead of Willo now. Long live Saylorcinni!
  10. Only short sighted Sunderland fans would laugh at your crowds. We're both going to be quite a bit down from capacity in games this season, due to the current economic climate and an increaing malaise towards the modern game. I think the biggest factor is the feeling towards the modern game, you've spent a lot of money & got nowhere, we've spent nothing, so both sets of fans can look at it & scratch their heads, especially when you get people like Mark Lawrenson claiming teams like us will need to spend about £100m to get to the top 6! imagine how many players mike and dekka could get with 100m, at least 20 Going off the Carroll situation, we'd get Kuqi and Robbie Savage on frees and then claum that the £100M was spent on wages, agents fees and a borehole.
  11. Hawthorn isn't just down the road, and it isn't full of mansions.
  12. I think the m*ckems will completely and overwhelmingly dominate them for 95 minutes, but lose 5-0.
  13. 99/9% wasn't you but who was that knacker on here who said he didn't want to Rooney in and England XI? Rupert. Admitted, he's playing well ATM, and I'd put him in the England team, but at the time he was diabolical and should have been dropped by club and Country till he sorted himself out. Also, he's a complete form player. In a few games, he'll have a stinker and then go missing for 18 months. Guaranteed. And when it happens, I'll be sure to quote this so you can drink some piss.
  14. Krul Raylor Saylor Colo Santon Is the painfully obvious answer. Nailed on that Pardew will play: Elliott Perch Loven Ranger Smith Or something equally as shite not involving Santon.
  15. Best thing is, that photo isn't distorted at all! 100% original size and aspect.
  16. Would be happier if Ranger played with his Range Rover into a wall at 80mph, breaking both his legs and preventing him from ever dishonouring a football pitch ever again. Cunt.
  17. Never mind lock, just out and out delete this thread, or at the very least move it to Chat.
  18. I still think Simpson is the long term answer. I also think he has been playing poorly but should recover his form once his personal life is sorted. Give Raylor a run at RB till Simpson picks up again.
  19. If he ever becomes a star, i.e. plays for England senior team, I'll drink a pint of YOUR piss in Fenwick's window. Naked.
  20. Ben Arfa and Cabaye together! Sex wee alert.
  21. Ranger shouldn't be getting any pitch time.
  22. Give Sammy the number 9 shirt, a 7 year £40,000 PW contract and start him up front every game. Infinite goals!
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