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Everything posted by LV

  1. i.e they didn’t take his call
  2. Some great chants in here. Keep them coming.
  3. LV

    Sandro Tonali

    Homes Under The Hammer theme tune right?
  4. This would be amazing. Need more credible sources before I believe it though.
  5. LV

    Twitter nonsense

    That’s actually true though. No issue with that.
  6. Think I read he’s been told he can go and he’s been looking for a club. Just hasn’t found anything yet I guess.
  7. LV

    In-house media

    Pope?!! Seriously?
  8. If you didn’t keep looking at your phone and hitting refresh every 2 minutes that’s exactly how it would happen. There are too many journalists and tap-in merchants out there (not to mention the WUMs and fake accounts) with no clue what’s going on giving constant non updates. Maybe just ignore them and all the noise and you’ll feel a bit better.
  9. They don’t just sit on the bench though do they. This is a squad game now and even more so next season when we’re in the CL too. We’re gonna need those squad players.
  10. LV

    Harvey Barnes

    There’s a solid reason why the chants thread is now on page 2 and rapidly dropping through the floors.
  11. I don’t doubt they’ve got all the luxuries but as you say, I’d feel a bit like a prisoner there. Is there much to visit in the countryside/ the cities or to do off compound that won’t get dull really quickly? I honestly don’t think some players will last longer than a season.
  12. Living on a compound sounds absolutely shit to me, however luxurious it is. I’m not really sure how long some of these players and their families are going to last in Saudi.
  13. LV

    Harvey Barnes

    Now you’ve done it..
  14. Headline is misleading. We not in for him, just Chiesa It’s Chelsea and Tottenham who are in for Vlahovic. If you believe any of it. The article is all over the place.
  15. LV

    Harvey Barnes

    Oooooooooh ‘Arvey Barnes
  16. I fear for Lowes’s mental health
  17. LV

    Sandro Tonali

    Seaton Sluice I reckon
  18. All I could think about was salami
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