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Everything posted by LV

  1. LV

    George Caulkin

    Hmmmm....they are black and gold right? Hull score twice??
  2. LV

    Ryan Taylor

    Does anyone know where he lives and can block his driveway with a combine harvester?
  3. LV

    George Caulkin

    We need someone to find a dead tiger in their kitchen to counteract this omen.
  4. He blew us out too. Would probably come if we stay up though. Not sure Ashley takes kindly to rejection. I can't see it happening now. It's going to be Carver as it's the cheapest option. If he goes in the future then it'll be Stone or Beardsley. I'm actually surprised he hasn't given a 'senior' player the role as a player/coach.
  5. LV


    We're down imo. Think Hull will beat Man U's reserves.
  6. LV

    John Carver

    I'm even dreaming about this guy now. I dreamt last night that he was a security guard at a car park in front of a building site, still wearing his blue nufc training top. He was just standing there with a big grin on his face. I was going to go and talk to him and confront him about picking Raylor in midfield. But I was in a shed across the road and naked. I think this means we are getting relegated.
  7. So like the rest of the team, aye? Pretty much. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, if he was still here, it would make literally no difference to our league position. You honestly don't think he could have won us a game in this wretched run we have? Probably not. If everyone else doesn't give a monkey's then I don't get why the master of not giving a monkey's would be any different. Especially if his time at Hull is anything to go by. Also find it bizarre that people would think players like Marveaux would have saved us. So like the rest of the team, aye? Pretty much. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, if he was still here, it would make literally no difference to our league position. You honestly don't think he could have won us a game in this wretched run we have? Probably not. If everyone else doesn't give a monkey's then I don't get why the master of not giving a monkey's would be any different. Especially if his time at Hull is anything to go by. Also find it bizarre that people would think players like Marveaux would have saved us... This guy. What an absolute plum. Give me the excitement and potential of Ben Arfa any day over the likes of Colback and Gouff. I don't remember him ever looking not bothered. I remember him looking frustrated at not being passed to, I remember him losing the ball trying to, you know, make things happen and that. I feel sorry for you if Ben Arfa didn't inspire a modicum of excitement in you.
  8. I'm not able to imagine what celebrating must feel like. The most I can do these days is shrug when we score and smirk when we concede. Congrats VI, enjoy every minute.
  9. That would certainly be the best team. There's no way he won't pick the proven central mid pairing of Taylor and Colback though. Proven to be shite but still picked week on week, loss after loss. The whole regime needs to be chased out of town with torches and pitchforks.
  10. LV

    Mike Ashley

    You absolutely sure about that? I think he wants to make money out of us whilst destroying the club from within before he eventually fucks off.
  11. It's really not bullshit. Time and time again already relegated teams start getting wins when they couldn't win anything before their relegation was a reality. Football is a confidence game and if you are too scared to make a mistake against a team who are playing without any pressure you'll be fighting an uphill battle.
  12. LV

    John Carver

    Not a chance in Hell IMO. Every chance under Ashley. If he can appoint Joe f***ing Kinnear not once but twice he could do anything. Even Kinnear got laid off once it dawned on Fatty that it could only end in disaster. We can say as much as we like that Carver will get the job, but there has been nothing during his tenure to remotely suggest he could keep us up next season. Even the slightly improved performance last week came after the players held a behind closed doors meeting without him. I really hope you are right. But didn't Uncle Joe get kicked out only because he didn't get enough money for Fatty from the Cabaye transfer?
  13. LV

    John Carver

    He slipped a 'trust me' in there too. A line straight from Chapter 1 of the Pardew Manual of Bullshit.
  14. I suppose it depends whether they play the bad eggs or give some of the reserves/ usual subs a chance. Some of them will want to show what they can do.
  15. Already relegated teams tend to win games at the end of the season. I think we'll lose this.
  16. I'm never betting on Napoli again. That's twice they have screwed me over in as many weeks.
  17. So hang on. He wrote it in his native Spanish but it took him 3 goes because his own grammar, in his native Spanish, is so bad? Bullshit.
  18. I'm livid at how stupid they think we are but even more angry that some of our fans are taken in by it.
  19. I'm convinced they built St James' Park over a native american burial ground. It's the only explanation for what we're going through here.
  20. LV

    Lee Charnley

    I wonder if they are paying the tea-lady overtime to make the calls?
  21. LV

    Lee Charnley

    ....and saying what?
  22. Astounding. We're football's equivalent of a parody twitter account.
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