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Everything posted by LV

  1. Who's the opposition like?
  2. I'm sick of Pardew thinking he's some kind of Mourinho-like tactical genius by switching to a 'tighter' more defensive setup when we take the lead. Just hold onto the initiative ffs
  3. Who's at RB? Thought it was Santon but he's constantly over on the left.
  4. LV

    Steven Taylor

    Pretty much, aye. Much like saying all black people must be able to do the hundred in ten seconds, or all Indians are good at maths, or Jews are good with money, it's all racist s*** and it doesn't have to be motivated by any sort of maliciousness. On a slightly related point, take note of all the white people saying they see nothing wrong with, and aren't offended by this kind of crap. So if it had been the other way round and Haidara had posted a picture of 4 stereotypical white guys to take the nick out of willo, Taylor, colo and cabaye would that be racism? Would you be offended?
  5. LV

    Steven Taylor

    Ok, I'm confused. Is it racism? He's not said he hates them because they are black. In fact, it's quite clear he doesn't hate them because they are larking about and they've been ribbing him for his crap attempts at speaking French. So is he racist? Are they xenophobic for mocking an Englishman for his inability to speak another language. I thought racism was racial hatred? Or am I completely wrong?
  6. Me too. And I've paid 9.99 for Now TV for this too. Was it a good move?
  7. Great. Pardew on BTsport says he is setting team up to 'keep it tight'. Because attempting to soak up pressure against Chelsea will work.........
  8. Cisse. Good Christ. He's snatching at chances a bit at the moment but a forward shouldn't be judged on goals alone etc etc
  9. LV

    Alan Pardew

    You're still defending him after Sunday you f***ing mess. A select few players and a bit of luck with injuries gets you a 5th place finish in the Premier League. f*** off To be honest Brett, we made a fair few quality signings who Pardew hadn't yet had the chance to coach the quality out of. That's why I think we finished 5th. Now he's had his wicked way with them.......... well, just look at us.
  10. LV

    George Caulkin

    Has he? I read most of his articles and can't remember him being particularly supportive of Pardew, which would probably have annoyed me. What has he said?
  11. LV

    George Caulkin

    Me too. I want him to be Prime Minister.
  12. Something spiteful like changing the club colours to blue and red perhaps? Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. People need to stop being so petrified of him. I agree. I just expect him to fight dirty.
  13. Something spiteful like changing the club colours to blue and red perhaps?
  14. ".......on the front foot" Almost choked on my cornflakes.
  15. Come on, man.. He's a confidence player and he isn't going to get it here. Get rid of Pardew then not Cisse
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