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Everything posted by LV

  1. What a different team we are when we find a bit of confidence.
  2. LV

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Ha. I meant in the time he was on the pitch obvs.
  3. LV

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This. I loathe Pardew's negativity. This team are wasted on him - they are a talented lot on paper but somehow they come out looking defeated from the off all too often. I also don't know where this Ben Arfa was shite against Everton is coming from cos I thought he was pretty much our only threat despite being played on the left.
  4. How many years to go until Pardew retires? Just trying to work out when we might be rid of this c*nt.
  5. I hope they have a pop back at him if he starts to throw the teacups.
  6. Got a feeling Tiote will have one of his special 'moments' tonight. Red card or wayward backpass.
  7. The whole point of starting a football club is to enter it into a competition and to actively try to go out and win games in order to win the whole thing. We seem to just go out and try not to lose and try not to get relegated. There is no inspiration or passion in that. I want the 90s back! (minus Graeme Fenton)
  8. It's about time our club and Pards realised that it is actually possible to win a cup as well as stay in the league and have a crack at Europe at the same time without players dying from exertion or a super-massive black hole spontaneously appearing over St James's Park.
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