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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. Best thing for Villa to do in the grand scheme of things is sell him, when his value is sky high. Take 20-25 million and sign 3 or 4 quality players. Who knows he could have a poor season then leave for half the amount being touted about now in a years time. If he wants to go, he will go. Not allowing him now is only delaying the inevitable. Such a shame tbh, big clubs like us and villa dont really have a leg to stand on these days if a player wants away.
  2. Agree with the gist (want to keep him ideally, at least until we have a replacement plus an extra first team striker sorted), and I understand why you didn't include Shola in our forward options, but you must have forgotten about Gouffran if you think it's only him and Campbell? Think it's more to do with the fact Gouffran isn't an out and out striker, like a Cisse. Played mainly on the left/right for us.
  3. Even in the 4-0 to Wigan we weren't that bad IIRC. Just one of them mad games.
  4. Its what the girls played at school while the lads were playing football or rugby.
  5. Cup. Football is about winning trophies, about glory. Aye, going down might be shit, but you can move on and rebuild. We done it. I would give both my testicles as well as relegation to see us win a trophy, we could start by having a decent run.
  6. That clears it up. Sounded better in my head Almost as much a mong as Pardew.
  7. Poyet. Thought Rodgers was a myth and Swansea's 'style' was ingrained in the club from previous managers (it is, but still) but I would love to see us play that kind of carpet football. I know it hasn't been perfect for Liverpool but seeing everyone actually look for the ball and talented players like Coutinho given the role to do what they like gets me really fucking jealous. Would love to see Ben Arfa given that type of role, no coincidence he's been linked with them imo. Poyet plays this type of game, and IIRC he was favourite when Keegan left despite never had a managerial gig? Am I missing something or does he apparently know Ashley or was it something to do with that odious dwarf Wise?
  8. Joke or no joke, those comments themselves are a fucking joke. Was largely undecided on Pardew until Liverpool, but the cunt has got to go now man. Surely even Ashley can see that the man and everything he stands for on and off the pitch are a fucking shambles. Fucking negative tosser, hope he is gone before the Arsenal game so I can go to the match and think, fuck me we might actually have a go here. If today is his idea of all out attack then he is seriously both fucking backward and deluded. I noticed the nose bleed he had when we countered at one point. Far too dangerous for this tit.
  9. QPR/ Sunderland or Draw. Pays 3.76/1 on 365.
  10. Think he lost the majority of the dressing room when accommodating Ba at the start of the season. I know he scored the goals but the system that was working, that everyone was playing well in at the end of the season, was dumped so Ba didn't spit his dummy out again.
  11. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/133113/airplane-slap-o.gif Tell me how it's wrong? I've been going to the match since I was 4, I've seen some absolute shit but some of the shit been served up this season is up there with the worst. I can't actually remember going to the match expecting to lose like I have this season. That doesn't make me a defeatist, it fucking kills me when we lose. But I have travelled across Europe this season to watch us, been to 6 games away in the league, basically spent thousands of pounds and I just can't see us getting any more points this season. Think Pardew has lost the players as well as the plot. I think we will stay up, but will we be very surprised if we get another point. Every game I always thought in the back of my head, ah well, there's always next weekend. Morbid, I know. But after Saturday I've lost any remaining hope in this season. Hope to God we stay up because as fans we deserve it, 50,000 + for the last god knows how many league games. It's incredible man.
  12. ill lend you a gun soon, cos clearly you have nothing to live for... get a grip! Why pretend that we're gonna miraculously recover and get points on the road, something we have struggled with all season? Not once this season have we been convincing, Wigan at home maybe but even then they were down to 10 early on. Last minute goals have papered over the cracks, we've been shit all season so forgive me for being realistic and not being fickle enough to think that all of a sudden we're going to start ripping teams apart. FWIW I think we will probably stay up, just. But that will be down to Wigan running out of time, not because we're going to get the points ourselves. This clown has to go in the summer man, because I actually know that we have good players, just a useless twat of a manager.
  13. I just honestly can't see us getting a point. Think West Ham will beat us comfortably, QPR are shit but they will beat us, because we are extremely shit away from home. Arsenal will probably just take the piss to be honest.
  14. I honestly think the club feels different these days. Like going to the match doesn't feel the same as it did 7/8 years ago. Dont know why, or how. But have said it for a while now. At times it doesn't feel like St James' anymore. Finding it hard to describe to be honest, but I know the group of lads I go the match with feel exactly the same. I used to wake up on a Saturday buzzing for the game, but now the match day just feels a bit distant. There doesn't seem like, the same passion there was a few years ago, amongst the support and the players. Even last season, we were winning games and going to the ground was enjoyable, but it still felt strange. Might have something to do with all the Sports Direct shite plastered all over the place, but I think St James' is losing it's spark, and it really pains me to say that.
  15. Was always in the 'give him next season' brigade until Saturday. To me it looks like he's lost the players and soon the fans. Was shocked there wasn't a turning on him ala Allardyce on Saturday tbh. Would love Poyet or Di Matteo.
  16. Anyone go to that Beardsley talk in at the Iona in Hebburn last night? Apparently everyone is fit bar Santon. Wonder if he just forgot about colo or? Also said Debuchy is our best player.
  17. Chicken Dancer


    Cracking atmosphere that day, if you're on about the one under Keegan. Thought last years atmosphere was a bit flat, honestly think the kick off time and weather played a part as daft as that sounds.
  18. Chicken Dancer


    Saw a thread on RTG for this, so may as well ask the question on here. Favourite derby game ? Mine would have to be the 5-1 ( probably most people's answer) because we had just came up, they were full of their usual shite and we put the cunts right back in their place. The only way I can describe it is beautiful.
  19. Chicken Dancer


    He means in Benfica.
  20. Any news on when the tickets will be out? And how many we will be getting? Can see it starting at around 50 points which will suit me down the the ground!
  21. He's a cracking player with massive potential, its not like he stood out as shit in a good team yesterday. Everyone was poor. As for his best position I would say deep (ish) with the licence to run forward with and without the ball into space. Similar to Yaya for Manchester City. Can interchange throughout the game too, no doubt in my mind he will be a massive player for us. No reason why he can't hit 10-15 goals next season.
  22. Absolute arseholes from what I remember of the Championship season. Remind me of a shitter, Championship style Liverpool. Living on past success.
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