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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. Shola at Chelsea. Colo home to Wigan. Both last minute as well, let this cunt take them.
  2. Cabaye definitely can. Everyone (Ben Arfa included) seems shin at it. You're right about not winning like. I think we used it all up on the Arsenal 4-4. I'm sorry like. I love Cabaye, plus he is glorious to look at, but can he fuck take corners. The only player in our squad who can is Raylor. It's worrying to be honest, at the point now where when we get a corner I think ffs.
  3. Set piece work needed ASAP. Cabaye can't take corners like. Also the fact we've never came from behind to win under Pardew (in the league) is worrying.
  4. Back home now, Villa better team, we were frustrating as fuck. Someone tell me the formation we played? Needs sorted asap this like. Every set piece we took was shit btw, Cabaye, Ben Arfa, Bigi and Marveaux included.
  5. I'd be pretty pissed off if we just didn't give a shit about it. We spent all last season wanting to qualify, so we may as well give it a go. Fucking 2 games in 4 days, wow. I sometimes play 2 in an afternoon on Sundays. I'd happily sacrifice top 6 for an extended run to say the semis. To us, what does top 6 even mean? Aye it looks good on paper, and you get more prize money, but it's not like the playing squad ever see the fucker, so just go for it ffs.
  6. Would love to see them both score in the same game like. Ironically last time (the only time) it happened was against Villa, so fingers crossed.
  7. Chicken Dancer

    Joey Barton

    He is an utter cunt, and a limited footballer. But I feel like we do have some kind of affiliation with him, genuinely think Newcastle means a lot to him. At the talk in he talked of living up here when he retires. Seriously hope he does well over there, he probably should have left England when he left us. Oh, and no matter how entertaining he is, he needs to delete Twitter.
  8. Always thought Given was a cracking shot stopper, but an average keeper. Definitely a period maybe 02/03? Can't remember exactly but I recall a lot of fans actually would have preferred it if Harper was the number 1. Shame the way Harper's career has gone actually.
  9. Just to clarify, the reason the security fella threatened to have me arrested was because I was wearing a Newcastle shirt. They definatley used to have no football fan policy which was why the club coach trips always went Dover to Calais. Don't say that man. I'd be wounded. 22 of us booked on, fucking buzzing for it.
  10. God knows, I've been told you can get the ferry from Hull though. Not sure how true it is.
  11. Brugge man, going to be thousands of us. Birmingham took a few I think, so we will. Can't wait!
  12. Didn't Birmingham take like 6000 to Brugge last year? Would love that like.
  13. Means nowt I suppose, was suspended on joining us the other day. Still think he'll go there though. I've found myself in a funny position, from originally not wanting him near SJP, to toying with the idea to thinking that we better get this plank in else the window has been a failure Obviously exaggerating but I've definitely come round to the idea. Maybe but considering we were favourites yesterday there's obviously been a lot of money going down. Whether it's well-informed money remains to be seen. True, we'll have to wait and see. Can't believe I'd be pretty gutted if he went there
  14. Means nowt I suppose, was suspended on joining us the other day. Still think he'll go there though. I've found myself in a funny position, from originally not wanting him near SJP, to toying with the idea to thinking that we better get this plank in else the window has been a failure Obviously exaggerating but I've definitely come round to the idea.
  15. Reckon he'll go West Ham now, there move is financially better for Liverpool, and Carroll will probably just think fuck it, I'm away.
  16. Talking about deal everyone knows about: check Extremely tenuous link to club: check Mentions transfers they knew about in advance (but failed to tell anyone at the time): check Seems legit. Exactly. Same kind of crack as the fountain of knowledge, big Colin. Guesswork based on rumours, hoping it happens so they can say 'see a told you, eee am a football itk me' .
  17. Absolutely bang on. You're right, no one is asking us to pay millions for superstars, just a bit ambition ffs. I think everyone supports Ashley's model to a certain extent, I mean look at the fucking clip of QPR etc. But when we (according to reports, paper won't refuse ink and all that) seemingly are to miss out on Debuchy for the sake of a million, its very frustrating. A signing like Debuchy, a French international who shone at the Euro's would have give not only the fans a lift, but the players too. Who's to say the likes of Coloccini, Cabaye, Krul etc aren't having their say behind the scenes? I'm not saying last season was a fluke, because we were fantastic in bursts. But there is no way Chelsea will be that poor again. Just look at how they have addressed their league position. I know we haven't got a Billionaire Russian like a kid in a sweet shop, but every year, no matter where you finish you should look to improve. Aim higher, because you never know what can happen. It looks as though Ashley etc are hoping for the same again this season, hopefully the team can somehow squeeze a top 6 finish and their model is the fucking dogs bollocks again, until deadline day comes around and everyone starts to squirm. I can't see us getting top 6, that's not being negative either. I love the team, love Pardew and his staff, but to ask them to challenge on 4 fronts with the squad we've got would be nothing but unfair.
  18. Definitely going to the wire this. Clear he will only leave to come here, as someone's already said in the thread, it's who breaks first. Won't be us, that's for sure.
  19. http://i1.cdnds.net/08/11/w550_gsff_ryan_giggs.jpg :lol:
  20. Yeah but I mean when the likes of Ryder were tweeting this afternoon, it was about a deal not being on the table, which to me sounds like fuck all is going to happen and the deal is dead. But reading the rest implies that it isn't dead, at all.
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