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Everything posted by M1tche

  1. crap goal to concede, we tried Big Joe in DM and it didnt work, we made the changed and have looked much the better team. If Wilson and Isak play together it has be be this 4-2-3-1 with Isak in the 10, we look very dangerous like that. Big 45 coming
  2. Big Joe deepest is an interesting change
  3. M1tche

    Anthony Gordon

    Im not arguing that the sub was wrong at all, it was 100% the right call and would have said so at the time. he made a few decision making errors either through thinking he could get in the goos books by goign rogue or just not listening and then the 1 on 1 was a poor finish.
  4. M1tche

    Anthony Gordon

    People calling him poor are wrong, he was one of if not the brightest spark for most of the 1st half, the reason he got subbbed was that he just wasnt playing the patterns at all. You could see players getting frustrated with him for making his own decision instead of what is usually done by the team in certain positions, he'll get there and will be an asset once he does!
  5. Get 1 in the next 10 and I think we'll win by a few, they'll grow in confidence the more it goes on at 0-0
  6. We are not defending well so far, Gordan looks well up for it though
  7. I know you dont have to register under 21's, but im sure you can register them and use them as the homegrown at club quota
  8. Swapping Longstaff for Gallagher would be madness in my opinion, there's not much between them as players. Gallagher seems to have a better nack of scoring goals, outside of that though im not sure what else he goes that's better than Longstaff. They both get caught on the ball at times, and Longstaff covers more ground, is happy playing the role, keeps things simple and the ball moving, picks out some lovely passes and is also a local lad that fully gets it and will always give everything
  9. Im confused how some people dont rate Rice highly, addinh him into our midfield takes us to whole next level. Him Bruno + 1 would be a unreal 3 and very hard to compete with for any team in the league, I've watched a lot of West Ham over the last few years and he looks a class above in most games and against the top teams doesn't look out of place but also doesnt have much else in there to help them compete with those sides
  10. M1tche

    Epic NUFC photos

    Always loved this pic
  11. M1tche

    Anthony Gordon

    Wasnt a massive fan of this signing, but could kind of see how he would fit it. That said its safe to say that is not the impact i was expecting him to have, if he can keep that up then he's going to be soo much better than i expected.
  12. M1tche

    Anthony Gordon

    As much as I dispise him and have openly slatting him for having more bookings than goal involvements, I think he could fit the way Howe has use playing pretty well. High energy, work rate and abit of that twatishness about him. I don't want us to sign him, but can see why we might for the right price..
  13. I'm East London born and bred and a few reasons made me choose to support Newcastle, the 1st 1 was watching the Cole and Beardsley link up on TV, I wasn't massively into football at the time but they just seem to standout, the kit and then the fact that it was a team that no-one i knew supported. Weirdly in school i was called a glory hunter (worst glory hunter ever!!), 30 odd years on though it was definitelty the right choice to make, its been a rollercoaster as a fan but love the city, love the fans, the stadium and passion attached to everything around the football club. It's a club that just fits for me
  14. M1tche

    Alexander Isak

    Now we get to see how good this guy really is and im bloody excited about it.,
  15. M1tche

    Fabian Schär

    He's just getting better. Mitro got nothing out of either of them today
  16. Tense, but its soo good to be able to bring Isak and keep Wilson on at the same time, instead of having to swap them over. Will serve us well going forward
  17. I'd guess at about 4 weeks unfortunately, but fingers crossed its less serious and is just a bad strain
  18. playing on wont have made it any worse unless there was another impact on it.
  19. I doubt that, but we can hope. I've done simialr a few times and once you stop and swelling comes you're looking at a few weeks before running properly.
  20. Unfortunately I'll be shocked if he comes out for the 2nd half
  21. Couple of signings and no major injuries and I think we do it, its a massive ask but we are where we are on merit, so no reason to expect any kind of fall off
  22. M1tche

    Alexander Isak

    Cant wait to see him back and firing for us. Looked class being thrown straight in, so with now knowing the team and stucture more i think he'll be magic once back in the team
  23. If we could give him Matty's shooting technique he'd be another level up already. He's played his role brilliantly for me so far this season ad now and again pulls off some lovely creative passes (the one to Isak vs Liverpool being the 1 that springs to mind) He definitely needs to scan more and half decide what he wants to do before he controla the ball so he gets caught on it less. These 2 pretty simple improvments will keep him in the squad for a good few years yet.
  24. I think our system just about out does theirs. With the legs on the cover of who ever is paired with Bruno in the middle we can afford to have ASM (Whose tracking is lower than others) start to force Arsenal back and think about us on both side on the break. Having ASM, Wilson and Miggy start would make them have to leave 1 midfielder sitting in and the full backs 2nd guess going forward, thats key to winning the game
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