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Everything posted by GideonShandy

  1. This bit from the Vice article evidently predates the Australian ball-sandpapering episode. "Hernandez’s cheating admission provoked a particular outcry in Australia, a country which prides itself on the traditional values of sportsmanlike conduct. For Australians, it’s embedded deeply into the national psyche that it’s not only important to compete hard but compete fairly. “It’s because Australian sport prides itself on the gladiatorial aspect,” Huw Bonello, a journalist for Daily Telegraph Australia, told VICE Sports via email. “No matter what the odds are against you, you play hard but always fair. That’s how you are respected.”"
  2. Fantastic stuff. The Eddie and Wor Miggy flags, a few rainbow flags mixed in with the sea of black & white, lovely goal celebrations, Miggy and Eales hugging after the game. Love everything about our club these days. After 14 years, a club that tries . . .
  3. That pair can do whatever they like as far as I'm concerned. Love them both.
  4. Voted Joelinton, partly out of my guilt for slagging him off as a waste of money when he was being played as a striker/target man. Totally put me to shame and I love him for it.
  5. From a Mikel Merino interview in The Athletic. ----------------------- How were your experiences playing at Dortmund and in Newcastle? Dortmund wasn’t like I hoped it would be. When you go on an adventure like that, you get into a good mindset to play, to develop, to become an important figure. Then I arrived and things were not as I expected. I learnt a lot from a top club with top players and I’m the person I am because of my experience there. That helped push me to a higher level. Newcastle was amazing. I felt like I was home there, the people were so kind to me. I’d walk around the streets and everybody would call me. The stadium was always full, home and away. It was great to play in the Premier League, to experience the physical side of a league where you have to go strong in the tackles. It’s not about managing the ball and giving passes, but strength and going into battle. I thank Newcastle. I didn’t learn any Geordie phrases, learning English was difficult enough! But watching TV in English, Netflix and Game of Thrones, helped me learn the language. You have to pay attention; otherwise, you lose the drama. How do you think Isak will do in the Premier League with Newcastle? Alex has already started well. His mindset is very good. He can adapt to whatever you tell him. When he came here, he had to adapt to a very specific system of playing where he had a specific role to make an exact movement when the ball was in a certain position. Being from Sweden and being able to adapt showed how smart he is. With his abilities, his speed and strength, the Premier League is a good place for him. He’ll be great for the Magpies!
  6. Douglas Ruiz red card revoked. Not suspended for our game after all.
  7. It's pretty hysterical to read the full article again. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-10192591/Steven-Gerrard-Aston-Villa-perfect-fit-Newcastle-blew-chance-appointing-him.html#
  8. Not the first time Mitro has pulled this soft-as-shite stuff.
  9. The second Beardsley goal from the second clip down is a thing of beauty.
  10. Saying he was better than Cabbage Heed doesn't really count as praise tbh. And headbutting rarely works out well.
  11. When I read this I assumed you were predicting what he was going to say, not reporting what he already said. The guy's worse than a broken record.
  12. Cabbage Heed doesn't rock up. He walks through the door.
  13. GideonShandy


    Food injuries are the worst. Pulled ham string. Badly braised leg.
  14. What would a bunch of Italians know?
  15. At least it's a slight change from "If I'm being brutally honest" which was the customary Cabbageism.
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