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Wild Geese

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Everything posted by Wild Geese

  1. They’ve always had a vicious element amongst the Everton support, Rafa will never be accepted…….
  2. Bruce did the fat man’s bidding and took exception to constructive criticism levied. His biggest sin was treating the support with pure contempt and garnering sympathy from the so called football experts. We are on the nose with outsiders, but we’re used to that………. “We were Born n Raised in the Black n White” Fuck em all
  3. If Keegan turns up they’ll be tears, I’m welling up now reading the posts Howay
  4. Full of pop and still cock a hoop…… Tottenham twisting and crying foul play…..ha ha FUCK EM Can't remember the year, 80s summit…….white heart lane, waddlers first game against us, Scot’s lad McKinnon on debut and the Mackem tore him a new in……..spurs fans taking the piss doing the harry enfield skit and waving Loudsa money at us and we got pumped as usual glory glory Tottenham ……….loudsa money eh, who’s laughing now !
  5. Wild Geese


    Are the Players still Professional in the THIRD DIVISION or just Part-Timers Sunluns a MASSIVE Club.........are they F*CK' ha ha ha ha '
  6. Play's with a helluva lot of Heart, think we've found a Diamond with this Lad.
  7. Excuses excuses.....'We offered nothing, diddly squat' First game of the season, same old same old.
  8. You sure ? I suspect there's a lot more to this than we know at the present time......I'm no Philadelphia lawyer, but I would imagine in ya f****ed ya tax return up you,d get a letter please explain and then maybe a summons to appear, not ARRESTED ! Under the counter payments, brown paper bags or any financial irregularities would fall under the interest of the Football League and due punishment would follow. Typical Newcastle
  9. Touch of the Duncan Ferguson about him. Think we've got a good un here
  10. There was games last season that players certainly did not seem to try, including our esteemed Captain. Colback went up in my estimation because he never stopped trying last season, he's not the most gifted of Footballers admitadly but the lad gets stuck in. Defensive midfielder who links up well, blocked a certain goal yesterday and for my my money was one of our best players on the park.
  11. Can't believe the negativity surrounding Jack Colback, he always puts a shift in and certainly never hides or feigns injury to cover up lack of skill like some others do !!! He played well, why some of you won't acknowledge this is strange.
  12. Yes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newcastle_City_Centre how about UNITED NEWCASTLE
  13. The sooner he's gone the better.
  14. Reminds me of Peter Beadsley when he goes on those mazy runs..........A Truly Special Talent
  15. Feels like we've been evicted ! 8m-10m for wor History............ Wish to F**k i could stop caring............FCB Get out of Wor Club
  16. Wild Geese

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I The Lad looks like he's trying to run with boots 3 sizes to big for him! Long long way off recovered.
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