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Al Moody

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Everything posted by Al Moody

  1. Changed a few of mine today. Currently on: Mignolet Luiz Enrique Cole Hazard Michu HBA Bellamy RVP Bony Anelka
  2. GW1 Liverpool 2-0 Stoke City Arsenal 3-1 Aston Villa Norwich 1-1 Everton Sunderland 2-1 Fulham West Brom 2-0 Southampton West Ham 2-2 Cardiff City Swansea 1-3 Man Utd Crystal Palace 0-3 Tottenham Chelsea 4-0 Hull City Man City 3-1 Newcastle Chelsea 2-0 Aston Villa
  3. Al Moody

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Embarrassingly whenever I end up having post pub drinks with people back at mine, I always get to a point where I'm making people watch this, and the Blackburn one. That's usually an indication of when I should go to bed.
  4. Al Moody

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The amount of idiots who claimed at the time that "its not that good, he only runs in a straight line" Completely missing the balance required, the split second change of pace to get away from the second tackle and the little chip while running flat out at the end to leave the last defender tackling thin air. The turn, the first touch which sends the bolton player for a paper, the little chip an inch over a defenders foot as he tries to tackle. It's beautiful. I remember screaming the house down when it went in.
  5. Al Moody

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That goal still gives me a hard on.
  6. So much smiley material in this set of pictures man, almost been in hysterics at my desk here.
  7. So frustrating knowing that he won't go for it, the massive mug that he is. Cisse Remy HBA Sissoko Cabaye Anita If I thought we were going to set up like this I'd be so excited for the season. As it is I'm full of
  8. Big worry if so. How can a manager get so many things wrong, so often?
  9. I was wondering this yesterday. Hart, Richards, Barry, Milner, Rodwell, Lescott, Sinclair.. Not sure who else they have?
  10. Is there one? Nah - I was going to delete it actually, still can't log in.
  11. Al Moody

    Loïc Remy

    ok ill start adding like-s
  12. I love London. Lived here nigh on nine years now, apart from 6 months back in Newcastle last year. I don't find it as intimidating, mental or too busy as some have said. I love the diversity, the endless list of things to do and see, and eat and drink. I came down for uni, and have had a string of totally different jobs/career paths along the way. Right now I'm trying to figure out my next move, and may well find myself back in Newcastle full time sooner rather than later, but the only reason for this would be because I want to be closer to my family. The whole North vs South thing is pretty boring, though. One's home, the other's an amazing place to live and work in for a bit, as a young/youngish/maybe not so young person. As Interpolic touched on, the only place I really encounter any rudeness or major negativity is on the tube in the morning or after work. Some people are just c***s, and I love having a go at them from time to time.
  13. giggs?: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2383551/Newcastle-agree-8-7million-fee-Lyons-Bafetimbi-Gomis-French-club-confirm.html
  14. Wouldn't surprise me if, because he disagreed with Pardew on Bent, Kinnear sabotaged this one purposefully. This is based on diddly squat - other than the post where it was mentioned Kinnear asked a few of the youth team dads what they thought about DB and didn't seem very enthused by the idea of signing him.
  15. So gutted I can't the time off work to come back for this.
  16. Al Moody

    Papiss Cissé

    Need to get him and the club on Jeremy Kyle to resolve this.
  17. Al Moody

    Papiss Cissé

    Does he participate in Ramadan? According to N-O you can pick and choose which rules of the religion to adhere to. You not got some grassing to do?
  18. Colo wasn't the only one to lose his cool, either. Debuchy was after a fight with someone and Sissoko nearly pulled someones face off. They were having digs, as said above, and were over all a dirty team. Shouldn't have retaliated, like.
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