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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Don't think it was him who found it first tbh. NUFC360 Gave credit to someone else who I think was first to post it. Although loads put notifications updates on for companies house for any changes so it was only a matter of time
  2. This is the response he needed in the press conference.
  3. Just imagine the post from Mimms when (if) it comes. "Everything done. Charnley and Bruce gone within days. Replacements already sorted, currently looking at 1 or 2 big name signings to strengthen the team and indicate their spending power" This place would go fucking mental
  4. Our potential takeover has really made some big wigs shit scared huh
  5. I'd disagree tbh. Bruce knows nothing except what Ashley and Charney tell him (next to nothing most likely) Lawyers and friends of lawyers know a lot more about the situation than Bruce does right now imo.
  6. Ashley putting another bid in for Debenham. Got some money coming your way Mike? ?
  7. Knew Pardews career would dither away after he left here. Bruce will be exactly the same. As managers they just don't have the ability to turn a club around long term and eventually will slip away to non existence. I honestly believe there are better tactical minds in non league football who will never ever get the chances Bruce gets just because they haven't made it to the top level as players. Bruce's management career is based solely on his name as a player and because he played under one of the best managers in the history of football. He has absolutely no credentials in his management career that stand out and make people think, "wow he can really do wonders for our football club" Except Ashley of course, but somehow Bruce is even fucking that up, just like Pardew did, because that's how bad they are.
  8. Source I’m getting the snippets from definitely knows more than he’s letting on and the bits of information he does pass on have usually happened 2-3 days ago (at least). ? Appreciate the updates, cheers.
  9. Any idea on what the different direction is about? PIF looking at a smaller slice for example?
  10. I'll never forget when we played away to Leicester under Rafa. After so many years of poor defenders and poor defensive managers, it was like watching a dream come true. We were so solid and organised. Literally textbook defence and it was all down to him.
  11. Cannot fucking stand this twat. Absolutely shite as a manager yet he thinks he's something special. Awful awful stuff.
  12. What what he would be like as a manager.
  13. Another way to look at it is its a signal that they aren't willing to keep talking for months with no resolution. If they believe the PL are just trying to waste time again then serious legal proceedings will start. At that point the PL lose ultimate control over the timescale and also risk financial loss and also loss of face if some of the shite they've been pulling is exposed in court. Also I think Ashlety is exactly the kind of person who would take this as far as he can even without the current buyers. He's offended easily and holds grudges, I'm sure he's never been told he cant sell something he owns before and he's fucking furious about it. Yep as above. Lawyers don't just get told "wait a bit". They're getting paid a lot of money to get this sorted and they will know exactly what they're doing. Personally I think this is all on the lawyers of the PL. If they say we can give them a realistic fight in court and have a good enough chance of winning, the PL will happily take that route. However if the lawyers advise the PL to look at out of court settlement then they're basically saying you're fucked. I don't think the PL lawyers would be happily sitting around doing nothing. The legal team of the buyers clearly see a strong case if the info is true and that means the PL need to get the ball rolling as if they don't it will be a very costly mistake.
  14. The big 6 will just give back handers to the PL to cover the cost of the amount they have to pay Ashley. Better than the alternative of losing out financially to a new super powered rival club.
  15. Nice little get out there for the "buyers" eh. But the buyers have got out before. Then came back.
  16. I'm sure I read it was delayed due to covid so it's now expected to be finished around November/December this year.
  17. Absolutely but what a player he would be for us.
  18. Just done the free agent 11 on BBC website. Surely we should take a punt on some of these? Mandzukic would be so much more effective than Carroll https://team-picker.files.bbci.co.uk/free-agent-xi-6fb81eaba572211b055161b0096fde23.html
  19. Honestly think he would be a consistent stand out performer in a real Madrid/man city/barca team. Him playing for a team that dominates possession is what he was born for.
  20. Forget the spat with Keane, listening to Klopp is like being on another planet to Bruce. I know he's one of the top managers in the World but fuck me, Bruce will never ever ever begin to comprehend these kind of tactics. Bruce just shrugs his shoulders, licks his lips and gives it the old "we go again next week, the boys are ready"
  21. Shame we play Fulham in December. Would have been a nice time to play them over the next few games but can't see Parker being in charge when we meet.
  22. Steve Bruce and his fucking shoulder shrugs man.
  23. I thought it was 4-3-3 with Joe and almiron out wide ?‍♂️
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