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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. I think the PL don't want MBS to be connected to the club due to his human rights and piracy issues. Imagine they give it a pass but say he must not be connected. How the fuck would he get the money into the club? Surely you can't just have someone not connected to the club throwing money at it?
  2. The PL are actually asking 4 months down the line "who is going to be in charge"? What in the actual fuck have they been doing.
  3. Yeah shouting mine I can understand as then you know not to go for the ball and get in the keepers way. Just seems like I should shout "SAVE IT " everytime the opposition take a shot ?
  4. Why do goalkeepers always shout "AWAY" when your defending a corner? I mean don't we all know that's exactly what we're suppose to do? Happens at every level and just seems utterly pointless ?
  5. Didn't Douglas or GC say even the buyers are now not saying what questions they are answering from the PL? If Jacobs is correct then it must be a leak from the PL.
  6. Do PIF own Saudi Telecom? Is there a genuine chance the takeover could be on hold until that deal ends with Man Utd at the end of this month? Not enough information I can find about what kind of impact this is/could be having on our situation.
  7. Used to. I'm sure the forum went through this when he first chirped up. Either way, he's saying it's stalled due to piracy issues, yet Duncan Castles is saying all questions and answers regarding piracy were complete a round a month ago and now the buyers aren't saying what the current questions are related to. Two completely different "exclusives"
  8. If the PL have received a nudge from the government to get this done and keep the Saudis trigger happy with their cash in this country, then PIF have played it perfectly. PL just stalling but they know this has to go through from pressure above. The government can’t tell the premier league to pass it imo. How can they influence them in anyway really ? The government want the Saudi money. They do not want the PL to piss off SA on any day, let alone now that we are in recession. Money comes first in everything, so that alone I can't see the PL wanting to reject this. There's just to much a stake even though that will never be made public of course.
  9. If the PL have received a nudge from the government to get this done and keep the Saudis trigger happy with their cash in this country, then PIF have played it perfectly. PL just stalling but they know this has to go through from pressure above.
  10. This. How on Earth they've managed to get themselves involved so heavily is an absolute joke. Yes they have the rights but that's for the PL to sort out with SA. It's the content of the PL not Qatar. The PL have been bossed and bullied by Qatar so much its laughable.
  11. Why the Henry rumours and letter be sent today if it was supposed to be announced tomorrow. It would have been sent when keys announced Friday if there was any truth to his claim.
  12. https://twitter.com/rejointheu/status/1281854392908611585?s=20 https://twitter.com/rejointheu/status/1282015119023669249?s=20 No idea if there is any truth in this but it does make sense to me and seems very likely something the PL would request.
  13. Haven’t they already relented with the anti piracy measures they have put in place. Yeah he mentioned that and it's certainly a start. He said ideally the best thing for SA to do is kind of build a relationship with Bein and play by the book. (allowing Bein to have broadcast rights in SA for example) It's all very confusing and yoi can see why this is taking an absolute age to get passed by the PL. So what's happened to the O&D test then...... seems that has been put to one side now and it's basically, please play nice with BEIN. Farce! Yep exactly that. This is the perfect opportunity for the PL to get SA to play ball after trying for so long to end the piracy issues. Like GC said, money talks and the PL want Saudi money. This will get sorted, just have to keep waiting.
  14. Haven’t they already relented with the anti piracy measures they have put in place. Yeah he mentioned that and it's certainly a start. He said ideally the best thing for SA to do is kind of build a relationship with Bein and play by the book. (allowing Bein to have broadcast rights in SA for example) However this is highly unlikely due to the massive political issues between them. It's all very confusing and yoi can see why this is taking an absolute age to get passed by the PL.
  15. Yeah it was a good listen I found. His main "concern" is Saudis pride. If they stand firm and plead complete innocence in piracy without willing to make or do any changes then their is a big chance the PL will not let them in "the club" Fwiw I think SA see this as a real opportunity to be bigger and better than Qatar on the World stage and SA will do everything needed to keep the PL happy.
  16. The game? Remember having to copy down all the codes from the manual for the Spectrum game. Also, does anyone else remember the radio station that played spectrum and c64 games overnight so people could record them? A double deck tape player was also a vital bit of kit for copying spectrum games No the movie. Was late 80's/early 90's iirc and it wasn't released in the UK. Think we got it from Cyprus Felt truly smug first day back at school ? But even in this day and age, there's apps you can get from play store that let you watch any live football game across all the top leagues. Piracy is completely uncontrollable now.
  17. I remember going back to school with a pirate version of teenage mutant ninja turtles after buying it on holiday abroad. That shit was hot hot goods.
  18. Has the response been posted anywhere in here? If not will it be made public?
  19. There was a journo last week who tweeted something like "PL want piracy issues sorted from SA then they will nod it through" With today's comments from masters that journos source is definitely legit. At the time lots were tweeting different things but his tweet has been proven to be spot on. Can't remember which journo it was though
  20. Still gutted we sold him. Love him as a character and think he could have really improved with us.
  21. Acceptable for supporters but what about the club and the people involved who work there though? We're stuck in limbo and this is the main reason why the PL needs to come to a decision.
  22. You know the PL are taking the piss when they still haven't made an announcement before HTT finishes writing.
  23. Reflect accuracy, hopefully be some bews at FT too. been doing it the full game. Noticed this too. "come on City" played numerous times. Couldn't pick out a single Newcastle song.
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