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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. It's offensive like. He should get s*** for this, doesn't matter how old you are at the time you shouldn't they spouting crap like this In the context of what can constitute homophobic abuse it’s right down the bottom end. Aaron’s should perhaps be spoken to and challenged on his views if still present but really doesn’t merit much more than that. Very unfair for much more of a punishment for something tweeted 5 years ago.
  2. It’s stupid but it’s not particularly offensive.
  3. If the takeover happens, you probably won't be able to get onto the site tbh Daves got all of our phone numbers for this situation.
  4. Benítez is often cautious to a fault. He knew what he was doing, no injury, next round, next.
  5. Lee Bowyer was in the same Birmingham League Cup Winning side as Martins.
  6. The man is a colossus. He clearly retains the confidence of all these players. It's a poor squad and the youngest in the division too. His reaction when we were denied a penalty was to calmly instruct the players back into position. In the circumstances that shows just how experienced and in control he is. So fortunate to have him at the club during this dire period of ownership.
  7. I like him. If we stay up this season will have done him the world of good.
  8. Yep Just wish he had a higher tempo. Seems to take an age to get the ball under control and or release it. He's playing well. We're playing well. Good to see us have some menace going forward.
  9. I think people confuse being posting a critical, reasoned analysis that doesn't fit in with the prevailing view and shrieking like a petulant little twat.
  10. Yeah but being fucked off because your bike isn't a car isn't really on.
  11. I guess the point would be look at his win % with Liverpool.
  12. We are bereft of any attacking threat. Need signings in January otherwise we will limp through the rest of the season.
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