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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Super rich club complains about even richer club.
  2. Probably when we spent money under Shteve. Prior to that Remy.
  3. Lascelles and Luiz attacking set pieces would be rather good. But then, he ain't coming so.
  4. Budget will probably be linked to points on the board by the time the window opens.
  5. Just realised they are different posters.
  6. Sorry I think I play a different game to others (skysports). Just wanted to join in.
  7. 153 for the week. All my silver linings have clouds.
  8. 6. Everything will be just about ok.
  9. This club is fucking wretched. For the past 10 years its just been constant kicking in the bollocks.
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