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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Saha for us would be a good one for non-fans.
  2. If he's sacked before relegation his stock will have taken an absolute hammering. I can't see his next job being in the PL.
  3. Simpson wasn’t a particularly good defender whilst he was here.
  4. He has shown in the past he is capable of making more than a 'minimal' contribution in an attacking sense. Hopefully, better players will give him a bit more space and time to operate in.
  5. Yesterday’s result ought to be very helpful for the players too. They’ve all been working very hard and yesterday it paid off emphatically. Will have given everyone a lift.
  6. He looks a bit leggy when he’s on and some of what he does looks very tired. Probably because he’s running pretty hard for most of the game. I actually think he could develop a lot next season.
  7. I'd get Merino on before too long, win some free kicks and slow the game down.
  8. To be fair on NBC they referred to Yedlin as “the United full back” once. Souness corrected himself on sky and then said Man U instead.
  9. Our results against the bottom half teams have been good. Maybe not in individual games but across the season so far. What is more problematic is our record against the top half teams. Almost like the gap in quality between playing squads becomes more pronounced.
  10. His results are poor = fact? I'm not convinced you can present this as fact. I mean you can look at points on the board and our results across a season and say that is poor. But is it not more complicated than that? The ability of our playing squad makes what at face value can be argued 'poor' results become considerably more reasonable. Similarly, the argument about our playing squad being a lot better last time is not just as simple as saying well I don't agree. I mean if you were to look at the transfer value of that squad compared to this squad the difference in quality would be pronounced. Would any one of our players if sold (at a time of greatly increased fees) merit a transfer fee of £23 million?
  11. Must have missed all those floods of offers coming in for our Premiership quality players.
  12. He's doing good, but I'm not convinced he can perform consistently for 90 minutes.
  13. This Such a depressing part of the day was just how far we’ve fallen behind the likes of palace.
  14. As well they should be. 6 in a row is fucking disgusting and may not ever be remedied
  15. My dad used to say and stands by that they both should've been our front 2 as Shearer's legs were going after 2003/04, despite how much of a little t*** Bellamy is. Your dad's not wrong. If 54’s Dads wrong, I don’t want to be right.
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