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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Premier League punditry seems a lot more 'product-orientated' than say the World Cup coverage. I could have listened to Shearer, Henry and Seedorf all day when they did the World Cup.
  2. And yet people have a dim view of Manchester United fans?
  3. This is Pardew's fault. Bit of a freak result, just so annoying in the context of five previous Derby losses. I'm confident we will do these at SJP this season.
  4. Actually think it's starting to come together, some nice football has been played by us at times this match. All gone to fuck now of course. If as rumoured he wanted rid of Colo he's going to pretty fucked off right now.
  5. Fucking Stephen Fletcher causing panic in behind. It's ludicrous. What the fuck was Elliot thinking about?
  6. None of which have looked good at CM. I would love to see him replaced but we currently don't have any better. Worthwhile observations.
  7. The importance of this result cannot be overstated. We are so brittle and six goals should do the teams confidence a world of good. It looks like its starting to come together, it's just very frail.
  8. Creates so much space for others. Makes some very unselfish runs.
  9. Looks so ordinary compared to our good players.
  10. He takes so many clever touches in the types of position you'd expect a massive rush to the head. He really does look a lot better than most footballers on the pitch.
  11. I love a goal scoring midfielder. His runs for his headers were excellent.
  12. I mean if I was a footballer I'm pretty sure I'd want to win every game I played in.
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