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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Crooks has such a weird intensity to him. He reminds me of this guy. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/09/03/article-1210923-00A70D241000044C-73_233x539.jpg He's currently in Broadmoor for eating someone's brain. I fully expect a similarly violent meltdown from Crooks at some point.
  2. Its a common error to use compliment when complement is correct. Props to Deuce.
  3. Perez and Mitro look like a good partnership. Perez in particular is playing very well.
  4. Which means it should be ability then rather than form. On ability hes a starter for me.
  5. I think official suits are on the way IIRC.
  6. Complete and utter horseshit from a normally excellent poster.
  7. Elliot. Shouldn't be here. Probably wouldn't be out of place in League one.
  8. Fuck knows. Just trying to bait froggy.
  9. IIRC Andy Carroll had similar clauses in his Liverpool contract.
  10. Man Utd are a tourist attraction so they would probably be alright.
  11. I think this squad is capable of maintaining my interest over a season. That'll do for now.
  12. Ryder must just shoot ever rumour down on the basis most of them don't come in.
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