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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Fat Sam looks like a fucking bus driver.
  2. His best position is in midfield. He may however add more value to our side as right back for the time being. That said with our injuries in midfield he should be being used in midfield. I think over time he will help us become a better footballing side.
  3. One thing that I will say is that with Pardew given a long term contract we should hopefully see the end of a lot of knee-jerk 5 year contracts. Think of the amount of players over the years who have been given 5 year contracts that were agreed by managers (and or board members) who ultimately were present for a mere fraction of the contractual terms that the players signed. Hopefully now the only players given long term contracts are part of Pardew's long term thinking, or as a necessary evil for inflating sale price.
  4. Of course they can. Whether they should is another matter.
  5. Impossible to read that without getting that song in your head.
  6. He never learned how to use it to full effect playing on the shoulder, but to claim the guy isn't fast, is a completely mental thing to say in public. Seem to remember a game against Blackburn(?) when he passed a through ball to himself? Just remembered when he hit the bar against Liverpool, I was mortal as f*** in the away end and couldn't believe it, came from nowhere, such a strange player. I was sat with the home fans (Dad is a Liverpool fan) and had managed to keep nice and quiet all day. Not hard as we were 3-0 down and it was a typical Anfield performance. Then along comes Martins with that effort and I jumped up screaming.
  7. I can remember watching Southampton win the Johnston's Paint Trophy when Pards was there. They were a decent footballing team. He plays too safe (percentages) for the quality of our starting 11. I can sympathise however as I think it must be a real balancing act managing the club. Plausibly a fifth place finish could be our highest end position over the next eight years and yet there is a developing disquiet about the way things are progressing. I'm not saying that's wrong or right either. I would say that Pardew has shown himself to be highly pragmatic in his style when mananging us. I hope this pragmatism will lead him to develop a more attractive footballing side. I would be surprised if that wasn't the direction he wanted to go in. It may take some time and also may well require some investment in the squad.
  8. They have probably heard what has been alleged and have reported it to the Police so that the Police will investigate it. Police often only investigate things where a complaint has been made. Also, this f***ing country at times. The f***ing hysteria. Racism is a problem because a bunch of whites kidnapped blacks, shipped them to the far corners of the world and made them work for nothing. Blacks were then systematically denied access to welfare and education which conveniently enabled a public perception amongst whites that they were inferior. This led to an understanding amongst whites that there was a genuine genetic inferiority in being black. This was obviously compounded by blacks only being able to achieve low social standing in Western society. This is a huge travesty and one that can't ever be justified. I appreciate thats a potted history that misses out of lot of things but can we not just have a bit of perspective. The hysteria and rhetoric that surrounds these allegations and instances (Suarez, Terry et al) does nothing to contribute to the race debate. It also creates an image of hyper-sensitivity which quite simply doesn't really exist in the day to day lives of most people. This is a bit of a rant but it f***s me off. The amount of fuss the media will make over something like this will far and away exceed the 100's of genuine injustices that happen day to day. We're just dumbing ourselves down. They should stay out of it imo, got f*** all to do with them, if the Chelsea players want to report it then that's up to them. Agreed, no denying its boosted their profile though.
  9. They have probably heard what has been alleged and have reported it to the Police so that the Police will investigate it. Police often only investigate things where a complaint has been made. Also, this fucking country at times. The fucking hysteria. Racism is a problem because a bunch of whites kidnapped blacks, shipped them to the far corners of the world and made them work for nothing. Blacks were then systematically denied access to welfare and education which conveniently enabled a public perception amongst whites that they were inferior. This led to an understanding amongst whites that there was a genuine genetic inferiority in being black. This was obviously compounded by blacks only being able to achieve low social standing in Western society. This is a huge travesty and one that can't ever be justified. I appreciate thats a potted history that misses out of lot of things but can we not just have a bit of perspective. The hysteria and rhetoric that surrounds these allegations and instances (Suarez, Terry et al) does nothing to contribute to the race debate. It also creates an image of hyper-sensitivity which quite simply doesn't really exist in the day to day lives of most people. This is a bit of a rant but it fucks me off. The amount of fuss the media will make over something like this will far and away exceed the 100's of genuine injustices that happen day to day. We're just dumbing ourselves down.
  10. Martins hits the bar against Liverpool on that video site. As mad as a box of frogs.
  11. its a tired point but at least we are picking up points. If we do start to play well surely things will get a lot better.
  12. He is a niggly b****** but one who is unlikely to ever cause serious harm to anyone, same as Tiote really. Fellaini is all about flailing arms which are horrible to deal with and he deserves punishment for it but he's never going to keep players out for a long time. Equally, I can't remember Tiote ever seriously injuring anyone, am I being a biased t*** here? Most of his cards are for the stupid s***, not 'bad' challenges, mainly just hauling people down one too many times in nothing positions and such like. Yeah, he needs to change his game but I don't think he's as dirty as some make out I don't think you are being biased at all. I spoke to a die hard West Brom the other day who didn't think Tiote was a violent player. Who also felt the red in the Derby was completely wrong. I agree with you too but i'm probably a biased twat. He makes a lot of professional fouls and little trips. He tends to catch players rather than clean them out. Though you could argue this makes him dirty. He didn't do himself many favours with his cameo at Norwich though. That being said, Cabaye is way ahead of him in the dangerous tackle stakes.
  13. quite literally at 6's and 7's.
  14. http://ncsustudyabroad.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/11-21picture-5.jpg?w=540&h=405
  15. I don't see that as a red. Yellow all day. Its clumsy but for me nowhere near straight red.
  16. I would rather just have 2 quality players for every position.
  17. Is he eating an imaginary hamburger like the fat boy on Hook?
  18. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/newcastles-muslim-stars-told-dont-play-in-new-wonga-tops-8204411.html To be honest, if such fuss weren't made out of this I don't think our Muslim players would care that much. (we're still not sure if they do, tbh.) Inclined to agree with you.
  19. Yes but you have to remember Ashley is pumping in £20 million a year too!
  20. Sharia Law is a really poor choice of words from the Independent. It has extremely powerful and negative connotations. The Old Testament/Torah forbids usury (making loans with excessive interest rates) so if for example we had Orthodox Jews or Christians playing for us there would probably be similar advice coming from the relevant bodies. The fact that our Muslim players take their faith seriously isn't any great problem.
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