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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I’m just glad Juventus were finally able to catch a break.
  2. I still can’t really believe they scored that late. Fucks sake
  3. We’ve come fucking miles in under a year. This result is galling but we’ve played two of the best sides of the past decade and come close to beating both.
  4. To be fair Shelvey in the Championship looked like prime Riquelme.
  5. Jury fail to reach a verdict in the Giggs case.
  6. Should just say he's here on holiday and not pay him. Give him a bonus for his next match.
  7. Gonna be massively disappointed if the Isak work permit thing is not just a ruse to keep Liverpool guessing.
  8. This was actually a very tricky tie that we came through well. Both Lascelles and Botman coped really well with it. The team looked a lot more organised and disciplined than any second string I can remember, they just aren't particularly good.
  9. considering Joao Pedro was a fluminese prospect and that we have Bruno flying for us too we’ve got to start to look well positioned in terms of bringing Brazilian talent through.
  10. Three Brazilians in a starting 11 is pure taste. In fact we may end up with more Brazilians than any other nationality in our side at times.
  11. Ando is my transfer shepherd, I shall not want
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