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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. It will be a cosmetic rule change that will make fuck all difference if they do it. It's just arse covering
  2. Another interesting feature is just how damaging the appointments of Dalglish and Souness were. Dalglish knocked 20 percentage points off our win percentage. Souness knocks 15 percentage points off SBR's win percentage. Also highlights just how good the talent was under Pardew.
  3. Cheers. I maybe overstated the impact it would have on GR's stats but as expected, Souness sinks like a stone when you take out walloping European cack. Speaks volumes of the depressing effect Ashley's ownership has had on the clubs performance. Winning 1 in three is overachievement and that's before you consider the fact we've not troubled the cups either.
  4. Pilko[/member] Rank by Win Percentage Premier League Fixtures Only 1 Keegan (92-97) 54.54% 2 Sir Bobby (99-04) 44.38% 3 Roeder (06-07) 41.17% 4 Pardew (10-14) 37.6% 5 Dalglish (97-98) 34.54% 6 Allardyce (07-08) 33.33% 7 Rafa (16-19) 31.76% 8 Hughton (09-10) 31.25% 9 Bruce (19-20) 31.03% 10 Souness (04-06) 29% 11 Keegan(2nd spell) (08-08) 28.57% 12 Gullit (98-99) 26.9% 13 Kinnear (08-09) 26.31% 14 McClaren (15-16) 21.42% 15 Carver (15-15) 15%
  5. Rank by Win Percentage 1 Keegan (92-97) 54.98% / 54.54% Prem Only 2 Sir Bobby (99-04) 46.67% / 44.38% Prem Only 3 Roeder (06-07) 45.83 % / 41.17% Prem Only 4 Souness (04-06) 44.83% / 29%Prem Only 5 Dalglish (97-98) 38.46% / 34.54% Prem Only 6 Pardew (10-14) 38.38% / 37.6% Prem Only 7 Gullit (98-99) 34.62% / 26.9% Prem Only 8 Allardyce (07-08) 33.33% / 33.33% Prem Only 9 Rafa (16-19) 42.47% / 31.76% Prem Only 10 Hughton (09-10) 59.38% / 31.25% Prem Only 11 Bruce (19-20) 31.03% Prem Only 12 Keegan(2nd spell) (08-08) 28.57% Prem Only 13 McClaren (15-16) 22.58% / 21.42% Prem Only 14 Kinnear (08-09) 22.22% / 26.31% Prem Only 15 Carver (15-15) 15%
  6. If relegation is going to go then it’s surely pointless playing the rest of the season
  7. I’d like to sell something for £100m please Oh ok who should interested parties contact on your end? Just send it through to the admin department, someone will pick it up. .....ok
  8. Both of these really needed to be options.
  9. This post match interview. The BBC version is best with Robot Wars but content not available at the moment.
  10. https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-52462123
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