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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I think you either accept it or you don't, as soon as you start the discussion on morality then you begin from a losing position, as the negatives of the regime currently outweigh the positives. Trying to justify if or overtly celebrating it (please no headscarves ) is just painting us in a bad light. Is anyone justifying or celebrating human rights abuses ffs? What absolute nonsense. People are overtly celebrating the departure of the club's horrible owner to be replaced by extremely wealthy new owners. The two issues ARE separate and people will eventually have to come down off their high horses when the realisation of their hypocrisy sets in. You still talking about journalists here? I'm talking about people who are wagging their disapproving fingers at NUFC fans over this takeover, be they journalists, own fans or other clubs' fans. Suddenly internet people have moral issues with the Saudi government? Is the concern for the victims genuine or is it just a fashionable topic to pontificate on? If the concern is genuine what have these people done to put pressure on their own governments to stop actively aiding this regime? Do any of these people actually know the history of the kingdom and how it came to be? Perhaps a slight in-depth understanding of this history might shed a bit of light on the hypocrisy I'm talking about. My overall point is that there's no doubt the Saudis are an oppressive extremist regime who can't be allowed to carry on what they've been doing for decades. Not only on a local but also a regional and international scale. The responsibility of that doesn't lie anywhere near Newcastle United fans though. And if people are happy to turn a blind eye to crimes of other nations/owners/criminals in their sport or league then they can also leave NUFC well the fuck alone to get on with it. Does this matter? I appreciate its unpalatable to be lectured by armchair pundits but it doesn't mean there isn't a good point at the heart of it. If the truth becomes fashionable should it be ignored?
  2. Agree wholeheartedly, Greg. The most meaningful and significant pressure should come from the UK Govt, football pales in comparison.
  3. The profile and the structure of the club would increase massively over 3 seasons with Rafa here. With the right types of transfer I'd back him to win something too.
  4. Having mulled this over for a few days I've kind of reached a settled view on it. It cannot be right that you should have to, or be expected to, forfeit your support for your football club by virtue of who happens to be rich enough to afford it. The difficulty here is that the new owners are highly undesirable. I have no time for arguments about the actions of other Nations or organisations. Quite simply the Saudi Regime is abhorrent by western standards. Women and Minorities are oppressed to a ridiculous degree. There is precious little democratic participation, peaceful freedom of speech is cracked down upon. Torture is commonplace and systematic in order to maintain a pretty bleak status quo. What goes on in other areas, by other States or Corporations can not circumvent the quite legitimate criticisms of Saudi Arabia. This leaves supporters in a difficult position morally. The faults of Saudi Arabia should not be laid at the feet of Newcastle supporters. We are not responsible for what goes on in the Kingdom. It is far more equitable to question the role of the Premier League in allowing Sovereign States as questionable as Saudi Arabia to buy football clubs in the United Kingdom. Even then, sport has traditionally been apoltical and for good reason. Morality has long been absent from the Premier League. I will continue to support the team, but there will be an awkward reluctance to it. I will look to not put money directly into the club. I would hope that fans who like me continue to support the team continue to recognise the deep problems with the owners and do not glamorise or gloss over the evils of the house of Saud. I hope their ownership presents an opportunity to generate more criticism and discussion of the regime and its practices. Newcastle fans can be an important part of that without forfeiting their right to support their club.
  5. ‘He has come in and balanced the books’
  6. It’s going to be so weird not being cynical as fuck about transfers.
  7. That's seriously quick. Meanwhile the world record is 12:37
  8. Fuck you, I have dyspraxia you little cunt. Do you two have history? Usernames confuse me. I always think it's the same person. This has been a bad morning.
  9. Can you not just create a thread about whether its moronic to wear a towel on your head at the match?
  10. Just screenshot it and email them saying the link they sent doesn't work and you want to cancel. Should be enough proof. Wanna join my Zoom chat with my Nan later, teach her how to suck an egg?
  11. So after getting a free 14 Telegraph subscription back in March to read an article about the takeover (and post it here no less) the fuckers still wont let me cancel my subscription. Just sending me a link to cancel that doesn't allow me to cancel, by April 29th according to their T's and C's im on the hook for six months. Fucking maddening.
  12. Keeping Bruce for any period would be akin to getting a new toy without batteries.
  13. Can we please pay Peter Capaldi to reprise Malcolm Tucker for his sacking.
  14. Can't wait to talk down to a new wave of fans. When I was comings up, we didn't know if we had enough money for Roman Amalfitano, now we've got enough for Marcus Rashford. Must be fucking nice.
  15. We will be responsible for bringing the KSA into the 21st Century. Nobel Prize awaits.
  16. Remember he was used to flog some cereal that I was desperate to try when he signed.
  17. 1.7m followers and follows 133 acounts... Interesting.
  18. Looks like a promo for the Adam Johnson Musical.
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