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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. We have plenty of well supported non-league clubs and developing clubs hoping to get into the league. You just have to look at the likes of Doncaster, Fleetwood, Wimbledon, and York to see how their are clubs who are viable league clubs. Doncaster came all the way from the Conference to the Championship in a few years, Fllwtwood are devoting into a decent league team. Last night we had Acceington Stanely and Wimbledon in the League 2 play offs, both clubs who are replacements to their original clubs. In Wimbledon's case their rise has been rapid. York city are on the verge of building a new stadium to house increasing supporter numbers. Closer to home we have Gateshead who ideally want their own stadium to house their steady following. England is unique in the sense that we have hundreds of well supported clubs and are possibly the only country in he world that can support then. It's are duty to continue supporting them. Nah. More games = more revenue. Money that will be used to pay the wages of the Stewarts at Fllwtwood and Acceington Stanely.
  2. There's generally compensation due to the club. Traditionally the manager's new club pays this, presumably agreed as a formality in their contract talks with the manager.
  3. Nice to see Mike moonlighting as guest American writer for the Chronicle
  4. We had 3 points from 9 games when Sam came in. We've averaged 1.25 points per game since he arrived. That kind of return would get you about 47 points for the season. I'd be more than happy with that. Also his signings have been brilliant. Kirchoff for £750,000 is an absolute steal. Kone is a beast and Khazri has been immense. I understand why Newcastle fans slag off Allardyce, you deemed him not good enough, but for us he seems like a great fit because our expectations are less. Trust me, if his signings had been of the ilk of cacapa, geremi and alan smith instead of the 3 you've name-checked your lot would be wanting to hang the fucker off that fake tyne bridge you've got!! Expectations wouldn't come into it!! He's done a decent job there with his signings and getting the best out of Defoe, at Newcastle he was bloody awful. If you're comparing his record against Keegans in the same season it must also be taken into account that Allardyce had the easier run of fixtures as well as the benefit of a full summer and pre-season to get prepared.
  5. This all day long. Obviously there are financial considerations and cloth will have to be cut to an extent, but if we're serious about going for promotion* we need to be giving ourselves as much of a headstart over the other teams in this division in terms of squad quality and not be shy about it. I don't think, for example, we need to be pissing about going into the season with Armstrong as the first choice striker only to realise by October he's not good enough and we're writing the season off because we don't score enough goals. We'll also need players with guts and character. Our away record last season was horrendous which points to a lack of mental strength and if that's not sorted it could be our downfall. *goes without saying this is a big "if" with these jokers in charge.
  6. I think you'll find it's original, witty and hilarious. And if we don't say so, it's just because we're bitter about going down. Obviously.
  7. Typical mackems. Wouldn't necessarily say typical. For starters, it looks like they live in the nice bit, and they can at least afford some clothing that isn't made by kappa.
  8. was waiting for someone to pipe up with this!!
  9. Don't think we're gonna get a quick announcement on this one. If Rafa is thinking about it, he might want to "think about it" until we see how Spain do and what happens with their managers job. The board will just be happy to keep him here as long as possible to squeeze out extra season ticket sales, and each day longer is a day closer to next season's excuse of "By the time Rafa decided, all the good managers had already been hired. We're lucky to have Laurie Sanchez really."
  10. Fuck that, it's going to be an embarrassing, uncomfortable day on sunday, even for this sackless duo. Make them experience every torturous minute on the pitch I say. Get Captain Coward out there on his crutches and all.
  11. Does he drive it at 30mph? Just to be on the safe side? Everywhere in reverse Round and round in circles going nowhere
  12. A match of the day facebook post which is just a picture of the Newcastle badge and the word "relegated." Solely exists for the "hilarious" bantz brigade to be tagging people in.
  13. It wasn't bitterness, it was schadenfreude. It's all part of football. The time to worry is when you go down and nobody bats a f***ing eyelid. People go on about 'the banners' but they're talking about two banners which could have been brought by one person for all we know. It's not like we were all riding around the city centre, sat on top of our cars, bibbing our horns and waving flags at 3am in the morning because you'd got relegated. Anyway, we know what it's like now - we've been slowly tortured to death in front of the entire world for one entire season now. We have had loads of p*ss take and media coverage about it and to be honest, it just makes me feel better - that us getting relegated is still 'a story'. Unlike pointless yoyo clubs like Albion or Norwich, up and down so often people forget where they are from one year to the next. This fixture is a great opportunity for you lot to take the p*ss back, and we're going to have to suck it up. The only problem is: 1. Your current league position which may render p*ss taking inadvisable before the end of the match. 2. The fact that that banner posted here is proper s****. Tbh Brummie, it was worse than you probably saw, although granted "bitter" is probably the wrong word to describe it. I've been to numerous away grounds down the years and never experienced the amount of abuse, threats of violence, w*****s taking their turn to get in my face and eyeball me etc as on the train from aston to new st that day. Loads even followed us onto our platform to wring every last bit of p*ss-taking they could out of the day. That is not banter, it's really really odd behaviour. Heard stories from more than one group of fans I see regularly that villa fans were driving up the motorway taunting coaches by waving flags and beeping horns. The banners and singing in stadium were fine and all part of the crack imo but it was after, outside that a large majority (but I would stress not all) of villa fans just seemed to collectively turn into a pack of rabid zombies. That said, it was SEVEN f***ing years ago. That people still seem to be genuinely upset baffles me, and as for the banners in this thread well, Jesus f***ing wept!! Personally, I'd turn up and not even mention the whole thing- as Brummie has alluded to, no-one likes being ignored or feeling unimportant. I resent that the whole Villa thing has basically become part of our culture as a fanbase now. I hate that every time we play Villa the same articles surface in the mag and true faith. It just comes across as very bitter and we used to be bigger and better than that. Those banners were designed to get a rise out of us- 7 years later we're still biting, you couldn't make it up. It's a massive game for NUFC on Saturday, all efforts should go into supporting the manager and the team. And as for the opposition, f*** giving them the attention they want. Aston who?? Any group of fans would dislike another set of fans who acted like such c***s. We aren't bigger and better than that and we never were, no group of fans are as its really part of Football. Having said that yeah we shouldn't be pissing about with banners in this game, we need to concentrate on supporting our side above all else. I do understand where you're coming from, but one day as a fanbase we're gonna have to move on from this. For me, coming back up, beating them 6-0 in a game they thought they'd win easily and having a laugh at their stunned faces probably did it. I see why it took others longer, but it's seven years and they haven't exactly set the world on fire since. Where do we draw the line? Cos if we're still grumbling on in 10, 15 years it'll be like the mackems and their silly one-way rivalry with Coventry. Who wants to be that small-time?? We're giving Villa far more attention than they deserve and they think it's hilarious. As I outlined above, Villa fans went way over the top on the day. But part of football is also accepting that people will take the piss when things go wrong and not getting too upset by it. Our fans were pretty merciless when we sent Birmingham City down in 2006, and in 1997 on one of the best days I've had as a Newcastle fan with qualifying for the CL and all, we still found time to repeatedly remind already-relegated Forest that they were indeed going down with the mackems. I've never seen any of their fans go on about it. I don't want to fall out with anyone about this, but I really think a lot of people don't understand how much it comes across as us being delicate little flowers.
  14. It wasn't bitterness, it was schadenfreude. It's all part of football. The time to worry is when you go down and nobody bats a f***ing eyelid. People go on about 'the banners' but they're talking about two banners which could have been brought by one person for all we know. It's not like we were all riding around the city centre, sat on top of our cars, bibbing our horns and waving flags at 3am in the morning because you'd got relegated. Anyway, we know what it's like now - we've been slowly tortured to death in front of the entire world for one entire season now. We have had loads of p*ss take and media coverage about it and to be honest, it just makes me feel better - that us getting relegated is still 'a story'. Unlike pointless yoyo clubs like Albion or Norwich, up and down so often people forget where they are from one year to the next. This fixture is a great opportunity for you lot to take the p*ss back, and we're going to have to suck it up. The only problem is: 1. Your current league position which may render p*ss taking inadvisable before the end of the match. 2. The fact that that banner posted here is proper s****. Tbh Brummie, it was worse than you probably saw, although granted "bitter" is probably the wrong word to describe it. I've been to numerous away grounds down the years and never experienced the amount of abuse, threats of violence, wankers taking their turn to get in my face and eyeball me etc as on the train from aston to new st that day. Loads even followed us onto our platform to wring every last bit of piss-taking they could out of the day. That is not banter, it's really really odd behaviour. Heard stories from more than one group of fans I see regularly that villa fans were driving up the motorway taunting coaches by waving flags and beeping horns. The banners and singing in stadium were fine and all part of the crack imo but it was after, outside that a large majority (but I would stress not all) of villa fans just seemed to collectively turn into a pack of rabid zombies. That said, it was SEVEN fucking years ago. That people still seem to be genuinely upset baffles me, and as for the banners in this thread well, Jesus fucking wept!! Personally, I'd turn up and not even mention the whole thing- as Brummie has alluded to, no-one likes being ignored or feeling unimportant. I resent that the whole Villa thing has basically become part of our culture as a fanbase now. I hate that every time we play Villa the same articles surface in the mag and true faith. It just comes across as very bitter and we used to be bigger and better than that. Those banners were designed to get a rise out of us- 7 years later we're still biting, you couldn't make it up. It's a massive game for NUFC on Saturday, all efforts should go into supporting the manager and the team. And as for the opposition, fuck giving them the attention they want. Aston who??
  15. Horrendous today. His fitness level is appalling for a professional sportsperson.
  16. Looking at the likes of Tiote and Sissoko this season I have wondered at times. They both wanted moves last summer after we just stayed up and both didn't get to leave. If we go down, they'll be off for sure to trim the wage bill. Not saying they've been throwing games, but I don't put it past either of them, or any teammate who fancies a move, to think "fuck it, its better for me if the team goes down anyway" and just carry on not giving a shit or putting effort in.
  17. Keep Sissoko and Janmaat and sit them on the bench for the whole season. And wijnaldum. They seem,happy enough to fuck the club over, the club should fuck their careers over!!
  18. Party time on wearside man!!
  19. It's definitely a must-not-lose. 3 points is a catchable gap, 6 points and it's all over realistically.
  20. I've been wondering about this. IIRC wasn't one of Ched Evans' appeals damaged by the actions of his"supporters" towards the victim?
  21. How much compensation do you get if both your keepers are crippled on international duty and you get relegated, missing out on £100million of tv cash??
  22. Probably just England fans being divvies, singing daft songs and latching onto the latest excuse to be obnoxious in a clumsy attempt to be light-hearted/ have "epic bantz". Funnily enough, the mackems are probably the only set of fans that would take it seriously due to the whole silly "respected throughout football" mantra.
  23. How the fuck do you not end up in prison for that?!?
  24. Every 50/50 went their way. Seemed to take the shift in momentum at the end personally and did everything in his power to slow the game down, break up play etc.
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