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Everything posted by Newintoon

  1. to be fair Hull did score at the typical sub time 60th min and he aint really the one to bring on wen u have just took the lead but he should be starting Palace at home.
  2. we carried a threat all game
  3. He did look like he was pondering something at the end of match, prob balti or steak and kidney! but 1 win in 15 league games holy fuck that's awful
  4. well fans have been singing that for 6 weeks at us and it hasn't happened so the jokes on them. Shit its not is it
  5. Not starting again, been a few weeks now would have thought Palace at home would be perfect game to start him, maybe Bruce just sees him as a bit part player.
  6. Its amazing they are hammering the players calling some bog standard yet wont criticise the manager? It baffles me.
  7. I'm with them on that, Moyes would have to be off his tits to come here. Id love him here but would be a disaster. He isn't a puppet, would be telling Ashley to shove his job after about 2weeks. Can u imagine Ashley making comments like he did about Pards to Moyes, he would prob go in his office and nut the cunt
  8. A quote from Pards about Ashleys pub comments in the sun today that I didn't see yesterday, " I think he`s trying to be supportive in his own kind of way" fuck me, can he get anymore pathetic Ashley - Im going to spilt u open and gut u like a fish Pards - His own way of saying im getting a pay rise
  9. How would Phil Thompson know about that? Ive no idea but claimed he found out this week that was the case, seemed pretty convinced
  10. Phil Thompson on soccer Saturday, Ashley will have to pay out for whole 8 year contract so Pards wont b going nowhere, contracts are watertight
  11. Thank fuck for those clever people at Opta Stats. I liked "he did win one dribble " what the fuck is that. Looks like the whole backroom staff got to go with Pards or no chance Ben Arfa will come back.
  12. Palace confirm that tickets for the away sections at Selhurst Park will be on public sale until kickoff, with no season ticket or membership restriction u could sit in the away end now, it be fun giving Pards some abuse.
  13. Very much this, most of the media have turned the Dan Walker tweet saying how the previous 28 PL managers sacked all had a better record the Pardew even soccer Saturday panel and Mark Lawerson think he should go which I never thought possible. Add this to our next PL match on Monday night football, hope they can get a load of banners down to that in front of the sky sports cameras.
  14. Enough of this biffa bollocks Can anyone do this with subtitles plz
  15. Nevilles right like, Milners been immense
  16. yeh I know shock horror , u wont get any of old West Ham boys club Gale, Sherringham and Cottee slagging good old Pards. "Hes a good manager", I mean look at his record in 2014 speaks for itself we will be in relegation dogfight if we don't oust the cunt
  17. Pardew - "what a performance " sorry what, we are fucked, funny listening all mackems saying how disappointing a point at Burnley is and we carrying on like we won the league
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