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Everything posted by Newintoon

  1. Tbh I wouldn't start him away at Man U for hull,wots the point he's not going to get the ball high enough up the pitch to make a difference,bring him on last 30 mins if behind but burnley he doesn't start,baffling
  2. If he puts Sissoko on the wing ill give up. Gouffran should be no where near the team
  3. Williamsons not getting in the team when everyone's fit need a new diagonal free kick target
  4. What if we qualified for the Europa and Rangers qualified for the CL and were dropped into the Europa? I doubt we could both qualify for even different competitions without a potential conflict of interest. Only one club could take part in a UEFA tournament and the higher profile tournament would take precedence. So if Rangers qualified for the Champions League and we qualified for the Europa League, then Rangers would be allowed to play in the Champions League and we would not be allowed in the Europa League. Therefore if Rangers later dropped into the Europa, it would not be a problem because we would not have been allowed entry in the first place. If we both qualify for the Europa League, then the club with the higher co-efficient would be the club allowed in. At present that would be us because our co-efficient is higher but one would assume once Rangers get back into the Champions League, their co-efficient would soon overtake ours. Where's that from? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/newcastle-united/11257795/Newcastle-and-Rangers-will-not-be-able-to-play-in-Europe-together-next-season-because-of-Mike-Ashley.html
  5. Unless it's Hodgson at Liverpool or some Spurs cunt not living up to expectations, then criticising managers isn't alright. I noticed this in the Spurs match Danny Murphy first half we were absolutely woeful and he's blaming the players,not giving pardew any stick what so ever then second half he was blasting pochettinos tactics and formations it was ludicrous!
  6. I like the lad played ok today was one of our better players first half, I just hope he doesn't get the Ben Arfa treatment from some fans moaning like fuck when he occasionally loses the ball, that's going to happen sometimes when u actually attempt to take defenders on.
  7. had a work mate who was a mackem said they were giving Bellamy stick when taking a corner he said don't know why u booing me I hate the twats as well. I don't doubt that for a second.
  8. http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/531241/Brendan-Rodgers-sacked-Liverpool-plane-fly-banner-Chelsea-Real-Madrid were pretty crap against us but bit early for this when they nearly won title last year
  9. just watched Hull game Ben Arfa been taken off was pretty poor, Hull are shite
  10. ill never be happy with the team while our best player is at Hull
  11. u going to drop Obertan after he got man of the match against City? Holy fuck he dropped Gouffran
  12. Arghh all these cunts on skysports news, so alan pardew does know what he's doing then, chuckle chuckle! Well fucking no clearly not unless his master plan was to win 1 league game in 15 then win 2 in a row and a cup game
  13. Just seen koemans interview of course I want to win this cup that's why I havnt rested anyone,plus there's a European place through the cup! Pardew - we got done by the fixtures we play 2 hrs before everyone that's why I've rested a few We played well tonight,he's still a cunt and want him removed asap!
  14. Wonder what happened wudnt let them on the coach or something?
  15. https://twitter.com/steveprintne/status/525664087272062976/photo/1 Great to see them still going with this. good article on the website as well today.
  16. Hull are playing well, ben arfa at the heart of it, its painful to watch and hope the fuckwits that said he doesn't pass are watching
  17. Newintoon


    Losing a match heavily shouldn't mean they get refunded ffs. It's football, it happens. You buy your ticket and you don't know what you're going to see. Would they be prepared to put another £25 each in a box whilst leaving the ground after seeing a big win? Thought not. I say that somewhat tongue in cheek about 4-0 but 8 fuckin nil!if the players want to reimburse the fans that travel all that way as a apology for a woeful sham of a performance What's the problem?
  18. Newintoon


    Manone apparently getting the players to reimburse the fans,thoughts? I want my last two trips reimbursed 8-0 aggregate should been 16 -0
  19. Newintoon


    The scary thing is they have now only conceded 1 more then us despite shipping 8 yesterday and we have scored the same
  20. The suns assessment 5/10 looked short of match fitness and made no contribution. A lil harsh from the first half that I watched
  21. Look at southampton,player of the month,manager of the month they havnt crumbled to shit selling some of their best players!cant he see that,get rid of pardew get someone like frank de boer in! 1 win in 15 league games fuck me what's the matter with him
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