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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. Just waiting for the day Colback goes to another club and he'll be called a Newcastle hero as well. I wonder if anyone called Alan Smith a hero too somewhere?
  2. He's not the hero we need, but he's the hero we deserve?
  3. Maybe at the stage where he finally gets sold.
  4. I remember writing that one on here once.
  5. Can't say that I feel any contempt for the guy, he seem to have some delusions of grandeur though. Good athlete, worse as a football player and he doesn't really believe in our cause under Rafa. There's no point in keeping a player who feels like that.
  6. Nattfare

    Image of the week

  7. Hurts just looking at the incident, knots in the stomach kind of thing. I hope it's not career ending, but things probably won't be the same for him as a player again if he recovers.
  8. R.I.P. Siem De Jong's football career 2007 - 2014
  9. Let's call it a rapier then.
  10. Two finger grip and with that tiny bracer he's asking for a nasty bruise on his arm.
  11. There's too little love for Grimsby on here, surely?
  12. 1. Wales 2. Wales 3. Wales 4. Madagascar
  13. And he is supposed to be a professional football player, embarrassing.
  14. Did they throw them at the kids who wanted one at the beach?
  15. http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/11500000/ronaldo-crying-cristiano-ronaldo-11566310-200-150.gif
  16. Dzięki. Was suspecting it, but didn't dare saying it should I be wrong and look like a fool.
  17. Bartosz Kapustka Kapusta = Cabbage in Polish So could be that his name has something to do with cabbage too.
  18. Sky will wheel him out as a guest for our matches next season
  19. Omonia Nicosia. True Geordie pashion for the win. I also keep reading it as Omnia. Omnia is a country in the Discworld books.
  20. http://rs27.pbsrc.com/albums/c177/relcoh/GIF/tumblr_lckjm5wq3a1qb5b3po1_500.gif~c200 I'm so happy I could dance in front of Asmir Begovic on a free kick.
  21. Actually, it might not be such a bad idea. We need someone to teach those lazy, spineless and inferior DNA forrins what true British passion is. Bellamy and Carver would be perfect to demonstrate this by throwing airport seats at each other in training.
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