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Everything posted by BergenMagpie

  1. Need to get Murphy on. Wont happen until we are 1-0 down though
  2. El Ghazi will probably cause us more trouble, but Dummett has been good. Never thought Id feel relief to have him back at left back..
  3. Probably safer to bet on him scoring
  4. He said within 6 months. 3-5 day hearing and about one month decision making for the arbitrators
  5. Hate how, whenever he is caught on camera during a game, he is always oafing around in circles, mouth shut, dwarf hands in pockets, looking into the ground or up in the air with a apathetic expression regardless of whats going on the field. No manager has given me less confidence than him. My hate for pards is unparallelled though
  6. Guess theyd sign contracts of maximum 3 years and then enjoy the top clubs having a bidding war with regards to salary, SoF and bonuses
  7. Our only player who wants to actually win the game is a loanee
  8. Never seen a player be so afraid of getting involved. Actively making himself unavailable to receive a pass. Imagine being so scared of doing your job, especially when its broadcasted to millions of viewers
  9. What a shite team. Think ill just go for a coffee in the sun instead of watching this aidsfest unfold. Bet Pereira and Gallagher will fuck us up. Bruce and Sam will hug it out and share some laughs after the game. Sam will praise Bruce in the media saying he deserves more time and that he is the only man who kan keep us up. Fulham will proceed to get something vs Liverpool
  10. That disallowed Fulhan goal If that had happened to us at 1-1 vs Wolves Id be done with football by now
  11. Thought they were higher up the table. Not that long since the "stop the count" tweet, and now theyre sat 14th in the league 3 points behind Palace
  12. Probably 350 pages of the daily argument between the optimistic vs overly pessimistic and 100 pages of the mandatory "Keith should get off twitter" replies after any NCSL tweet is posted here. At this rate we will se 1-2 more takeover threads before any conclusion to the saga
  13. One of the most frustrating NUFC players to watch all time. His only job is to pass the ball to ASM, but he refuses to do so
  14. Have Dunk on my bench boost. Just saw the disallowed free kick goal...
  15. Can we not get a point without sacrificing 1-2 key players? Fulham must be motivated as fuck after this. Despite our point lead its all in their hands now
  16. "Play ball" for 20 minutes then lining them all up to red-arse Saivet for 40 minutes. After that training is done and he invites Shelvey and Hendricks home for beers
  17. Cant wait for 4-3-3 with Gayle - Carroll - Joelinton for the next 4-5 games...
  18. Had a good evening betting on Juventus, Sevilla, Brugge and Cambuur all with handicaps. Withdrew 400 euro winnings and left 100 euro to play with. I saw that Palace were 60/1 to win just before overtime, and I had a moment of madness actually considering putting 100 euros on it. My stupid rationality made me downgrade the bet to 5 euros. Almost wish it had ended 1-1
  19. Why are you acting as if I'm trolling? I'm not. Need to be a blind man to not think Bruno is performing at the very top of the game at the minute. A very simple comment made in the other games thread while he played and scored twice. So wise up with that shite. Always thought they were trolling and you were biting Bruno is obviously pure class and everyone knows that
  20. How was that voted through? Like what incentive is it for clubs outside the top 6 to vote for it?
  21. Looked flabbergasted that Jones was able to operate the touch screen
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