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Everything posted by BergenMagpie

  1. I blame the people who were 2 or lower in the relegationmeter thread. Had to jinx it
  2. 5 or 6 due to our injury crisis. With Schär, Manquillo and Wilson out we will probably be back to playing like shit. If we keep picking up injuries this easily it will be pretty hard. Fulham will probably target us and their upcoming 4 games will be their last chance to close the gap - so they will be pretty motivated. They are obviously pretty shit at winning games, but how fucking typical wouldnt it be if Maja ends up being the one who finally starts converting their chances?
  3. So WM claims he isn't Keith, yet claims to know how much the case is setting him back in personally, not just the monetary value. Also, it isn't (setting him back personally, I mean). Anyone that thinks someone forks out an entire years salary on this (bearing in mind the salary is dropped by tax etc.) is clearly a bit simple. I’ll humour you despite you’re insults. He’s publicly stated it has set him back 50k so far in legal fees, and that he has ceased work for a year to facilitate this, including that he has turned down work also in this period. You’ll have to ask him with regards to his tax matters, however unless you believe he is lying all his claims have been made in the public domain. Anyone with the slightest bit of sense believes you, sorry he, is lying You really needed to drag the "Keith on twitter" discussion into yet another week? Get a life man
  4. Put 25 pounds on a 16/1 acca today where I only needed Monaco to win by two, but was denied by a late goal by Nimes making it a 4-3 win. Kicking myself after as Monaco rarely win by 2 Won around 500 on the city game though with 25 on BTTS City win, 25 on BTTS City-1 and 12,5 on Foden goal/assist. Overall a good day of betting, but couldve been so much better
  5. Should be plenty of drama left this season. Fulham looking good vs West Ham
  6. Lewis is playing like its a friendly. Refusing to make a forward pass
  7. Think we played well, but center midfield is obviously a big issue. Cant win the ball back without giving away a free kick/throw in. It was always going to be a tough game as the Palace attack is so effective
  8. Thought Bruce said you cant transform a team overnight
  9. Love Brentford. No matter how many of their attacking players they have to sell, theyll always manage to be the highest scoring team in the championship
  10. Havent been this emotionally invested in a game in a long while. Such an important win. Best possible outcome us going from zero to hero within days after we get a proper manager. Bruce will still most credit in the media, but now it should be clear as day for everyone with a stake in the club just how useless he is.
  11. That is outrageous. Some stones on those lads. Luuk de Jong to put it away in the end Thought he got an undeserved amount of stick for us. He was basically playing as a defensive midfielder while still being the furthest man up the pitch. Some of the darkest times in the pardew era that
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