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Everything posted by RS

  1. He’s absolutely bomb-proof thanks to his unwavering loyalty to Ashley. Bastard has even moved back home to Manchester to avoid the fans. I can however see him resigning before the fans are allowed back in though as he is a coward of a human.
  2. Picture the scene: Loads of players running round asking each other what they should be doing. Camera zooms into Bruce hand in pockets, licking the fucking lips off his face
  3. It’s off until it’s back on. And tying up championship players says a lot.
  4. RS

    Mike Ashley

    I can only assume that Ashley is using this club as a social experiment to see how often he can crush a section of the population then bring them back again. (Like a spin on Trading Places). There cannot be another reason for a company making the same repeated mistakes. it got to be on purpose now.
  5. It’s only a day out for me n me mates. And the kids love it so it would be hard on them. And I forgot to cancel my renewal so I may as well go. And I support the team not the regime. That covers most of the shit excuse to go crack doesn’t it??
  6. March man. All will be revealed in March. At least that was the crack in February.
  7. No training. No strikers. He’s actively trying to get sacked. Mexican stand off between him and Ashley now
  8. Wow. Literally throwing money away!
  9. It’s like one of those videos of a car broken down on a train crossing with the train blowing it’s horn like fuck, knowing in reality there nothing going to stop the accident from unfolding. Absolutely mind blowing that the people in charge of a premiership club couldn’t see this happening yet tens of thousands of normal supporters knew the script from Bruce’s arrival. Guess it’s the difference between actually caring about something and just owning it.
  10. RS

    Mike Ashley

    Is this his his social experiment to see if he can achieve complete abandonment of a football club by its fans?
  11. Bloke is a proven flop. How anyone in the sports press thought this isn’t where we would end up is beyond me.
  12. A fit, young Jonathan Woodgate was probably the most accomplished centre half I’ve ever seen at Newcastle. Edit. Watched him against us away to Leeds once and he was head and shoulders the best centre half performances I’d seen. (We still won)
  13. He’s only got the best interests of the club at heart apparently! He’s top of the PL in the lying stakes I’ll give him that.
  14. RS


    It’s a trophy designed for minnows to give their supporters a nice day out. I hope they enjoy it. Most likely ending with a Covid gathering outside the sol with flares and flags.
  15. The fucking dropped omelette lives for another week.
  16. Fiddling while Rome burns. You couldn’t get a better example.
  17. Going down with his ship. Brave man.
  18. Covid is to blame.... It didn’t kill him
  19. Decision in 6 months according to the ace reporter at the chronicle https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/timeline-newcastles-takeover-arbitration-case-20081132
  20. He’s a retard. It could only be football that could make people as thick as this as rich as they are. Imagine if this fucker was not in this business. He’d be security at Poundland.
  21. £6.475m compensation. Fuck me.
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