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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Wife was watching some YouTube podcast last night featuring Jeff Winter being interviewed by 3 blerks. One thing he said was if two teams just want to come out and kick fuck out of each other there's not much a ref can do. That game looks like one of them. Ps Winter came across canny, as it happens. Quite funny
  2. Bit like all the flag shagging, dyed in the wool, Unionists I know. Almost universally despise the jocks, Welsh and Irish. I think it's called English exceptionalism ? Same one's proud to be English but hate scousers, manicurians, cockneys etc etc Also radged up a bunch of Irish lasses sang an Irish Republican ditty whilst also thinking swelling the streets of a German city singing "10 German bombers" is cool af Strange bunch
  3. Without googling Peter Withe and Gary Shaw are the only two I can think of other thsn those two Ps pre-prem
  4. I glad I've never grafted for some on here. "I need next week off, paternity leave, boss" "Get fucked"
  5. The vehicle of choice for serial killers and landscape gardeners
  6. Came on as sub in all but 1 game? As recently as last weekend. Some memory you lad ????
  7. Never mind them what about Range Rovers, especially Evokes. Used to be marquee but now they're like dog shit. Everywhere. Mostly black. Was a time when it was just gangsters and royalty had them.
  8. Personally don't give a flying fuck what they call the ground. Football's all about the money and the only way we were/are ever going to be competitive was by being equally rich as the big players. The club has to bring in as much revenue as possible because they're changing the rules to hump us. Clinging to the, albeit sentimental and historical, naming in the circumstances is a tad precious. Imho, obvs ?
  9. This is them checking YouTube vids of Gibbs-White
  10. Dear me. I knew it was bad but ffs
  11. "Up the Ra"? Not quite their "no surrender" because a song about fighting centuries of colonialism isn't the same as a song about combating decades of terrorism but, either way, probs not a good look singing it in the changing rooms.
  12. Done deal. Signing ceremony to take place in the car park at Howden Aldi
  13. Looking forward to the "Before" & "After" photos
  14. Try telling the kids about Lee, Dinnis and McGarry and they won't believe you ?
  15. 2min 50sec Clearly states his philosophy. Reward unless tactical. He'll change it up. Imho https://www.nufc.co.uk/nufc-tv/latest-videos/howe-when-we-needed-to-be-clinical-we-were/
  16. Groundhog63

    Dan Burn

    Trip down memory lane
  17. Not quite young but spookily similar1
  18. UK "sanctions" against RSA are about as likely as UK "sanctions" against Russia. The latter being performative.
  19. Brentford 1 v 1 Brighton Leicester 1 v 1 Palace Fulham 2 v 1 Bournemouth Wolves 1 v 0 Forest Spurs 2 v 0 Everton Villa 0 v 2 Chelsea Leeds 0 v 2 Arsenal Man United 2 v 1 Newcastle Southampton 1 v 2 West Ham Liverpool 1 v 2 Man City
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