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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Regular reminder Hall never put a penny into the club and sold it for millions......to Ashley
  2. Was busy googling BT listings for it. Cheers, fella
  3. Honestly man, blokes come in to play for a team that doesn't play to his strengths and your busting his nuts. sit down. 3-1
  4. Aye, looks like goalkicks and corners
  5. Off duty Met Officers and Man City's versions of Steve Wraith and Adam Spectrum, I'd guess
  6. Also been well researched that kids who, for instance, pull legs off spiders for fun have the chance to have those psychopathic brain cells. Early lack of empathy for animals etc etc. Watched a very interesting documentary about war heroes and their psychology. Obvs could only be researched in relatively recent times but they did brain studies on WW2 medal of honour recipients and found most had the same genetic make up of serial killers and psychopaths. Also went as far back as the US Civil War and found evidence of similar and also, right through all wars, many cases where soldiers didn't fire one bullet. Couldn't do it. As for Greenwood, sure his exalted lifestyle will have contributed to his "entitled" mindset but the rest, the misogony, bullying, aggression etc etc is widespread.
  7. Take it up with his employers if you're so broken for him. He used his free speech on a public forum, using his employers handle and upset people. They, his employers, clearly agreed. As for cancel culture, he's been "cancelled" that much he was straight back on that very same public forum whining for victimhood.
  8. "sign Chudery on a loan"
  9. "Is league one a harder league to get out of than the Championship?" They think they're going to piss the 2nd division, don't they?
  10. That caught my eye too "howay lads, get back here and watch my class defending......."
  11. Bet the decrepit, melted candle doesn't know f5 is the refresh button. Old cunt.
  12. Players with that ambition don't look dogshit against Cambridge in the FA cup.
  13. Who do they think they are? Sam Smith?
  14. If nothing else, this thread has taught me that f5 is the refresh button. 58 YEARS OLD. Every day's a school day
  15. Rebecca Welton got the same shit as well.
  16. Bizzarely, I let a kid off of Toontastic kip at mine in Crammy on a matchday and I was on nightshift. I left a key Think, iirc, a few stayed. JJ (?) Smashing blerk off Skinkers looked after us when we were planning our stove flue. Even came and had a recce of the job to get the right parts listed. Karma, I gues.
  17. Apart from that fat gobshite Walter and his wannabe SAS writer of shit books. Still waiting for the movie deal
  18. Same here for Toontastic being my first NUFC forum. Migrated to Skunkers because, on there, if you called someone a cunt they didn't burst into tears.
  19. Clark manages that, per game
  20. I was replying to the short "debate" referencing Hurst's politics. I've no illusions about the wealth within football or anywhere, pal.
  21. He's in good company then. Him and huge Tory donors, the Reuben family, hanging around foodbanks they've voted for. Add John Hall's £500k donation to the tory coffers. We're basically Tory FC
  22. Loving his emotional response to the MoM there.
  23. If I bought a listed building for £95m and had it for 3 years I'd, at least, have a tarpaulin over the roof
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