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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Fitzgerald


    We are going to end up 20m in profit aren't we which will all be forgot about in with a few friendly wins and " give Geordie steve a chance man"
  2. It's all the fake Newcastle fan stuff that annoys me. He has never gave a fuck about Newcastle united until last week when its his ticket back to the PL
  3. Fitzgerald


    No way this happens like
  4. British little n large combo with Gayle
  5. The happy clappers are gonna love this. BHH
  6. I get that point but my opinion is while I consider it unlikely he'd sell in the short to medium term while in the prem I consider the chances of him selling outside the prem to be basically zero. That's the main problem for me. If there was genuinely a chance he could leave in the next 2/3 years whilst we are in the PL I would be ok with supporting us and willing us to stay up but I think there's no chance. I went to Swansea, Southampton and Arsenal in our first season back up in 2017 hoping just to survive for a year or 2 then we might get investment and/or new owners. More fool me. I won't fall for that again
  7. We are all just incredibly angry and frustrated. I don't know how to behave. Deep down I don't want to see Newcastle go down. I don't want to see them lose games or get hammered. I'm certainly never going to a home or away game until Ashley leaves but it would be nice to at least be able to be an armchair fan. But I know even that's pointless, devoting any time, feelings or passion towards it is just a waste of time. We just need Ashley gone but I can't see him ever leaving in the PL So we are stuck in a bad position. I would like to just be able to watch games on sky and at least hope we do ok but I'm struggling to even be able to do that due to Bruce.
  8. I'm in bed I'm not watching that shit I always browse here with my morning brew it's ritual. That's all. I was hoping to see some comments taking the piss out Ashley fc not people talking and planning tactics like it matters. Winning games just makes Ashley richer and keeps him here longer. I can't see how people don't get that at this point.
  9. It's going to be interesting. Really like the look of Muto. Miggy in the position Colback is playing could be really dynamic. I think this setup really suits Shelvey, as he has the two other midfield runners alongside him to do all the legwork. No offence but I’m really struggling to see how you give this much of a f***. It’s the most uninteresting thing in the world. Mental isn't it. People saying it's a shame about this or that regarding players and tactics etc. Winning pre season games will only draw people back for the Arsenal game and help it all to blow over. Again. Allowing Ashley to win. Again. He's not leaving in the PL. losses are the best thing for this club long term I feel like if you were really done you wouldn't be on a Newcastle forum. I don't really trust your commitment man. I love football still and I love this board. I can't detach completely as it was too big a part of my life. I just like to take the piss and laugh at Ashley fc until he leaves and also to read the thoughts of other people in this shit situation I have to admit when Rafa left and it was all burn it all down that's the final straw, I never expected people to be debating tactics and getting excited about muto etc
  10. With me its just strongly refusing to accept and back Ashley's version of NUFC. I can't get behind or accept the fact we are a yoyo club with steve Bruce in charge. I still prefer to remember and think of NUFC as the 94-2006 pre Ashley version as one of the biggest and best clubs in the country. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong who knows
  11. It's going to be interesting. Really like the look of Muto. Miggy in the position Colback is playing could be really dynamic. I think this setup really suits Shelvey, as he has the two other midfield runners alongside him to do all the legwork. No offence but I’m really struggling to see how you give this much of a f***. It’s the most uninteresting thing in the world. Mental isn't it. People saying it's a shame about this or that regarding players and tactics etc. Winning pre season games will only draw people back for the Arsenal game and help it all to blow over. Again. Allowing Ashley to win. Again. He's not leaving in the PL. losses are the best thing for this club long term
  12. The hell are West Ham doing to be losing to this shower wake up you hammers man
  13. Asian mags with more balls than the SJP crowd :lol:
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