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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Obscene. 6 years on 350k a week at Real Madrid then this. Dam he must be the richest player on the planet soon if it happens
  2. Is there a forum league setup or shall i make one now?
  3. He will only take it out on sports direct FC. Whether that's a good or bad thing.
  4. Overrated and spends half the game diving. A record of 1 goal in 7
  5. erm, we've spent 10 years pussyfooting around them man and the penny hasn't dropped wrt ashley...what the f*** do you think it's gonna take to get them realise what is needed? and it is needed It won't ever drop
  6. Lejeune be available that quickly? Basically what I assumed the lineup would be when fit as well. Too forrin that. Need Clark, Gayle, that lazy c*** jonjer and wearyside jack in
  7. Ah right yeah so it's 42k currently and probably be about 44k official attendance v Arsenal. Even if 5k boycott it will look fairly empty. Fuck knows what the 38k or so in the ground for the Arsenal game are playing at like
  8. Is that in total? Or are unsold season tickets added on top of that?
  9. hope so, would love to see poch get some backing Same. Love poch me
  10. Definitely has poor decision making in the final third but I'd rather us sign someone like him who has the traits you can't teach and lacks the ones you can. His pace and skill are unquestionable. He just needs to look up when he gets into the box by the looks of it. I’m not too sure you can reach decision making personally, perhaps to a certain level but if Traore couldn’t learn it at Barca, then I’m not so sure. Being able to choose correctly in the final third is often an innate skill. He could be coached to look up and pick somebody out when in the box though which would help his game, rather than just seemingly toe-punting it anywhere when he's out of dribble room. Teamwork can be coached into a player. Wtf coached to look up and pick someone out in the box, don't you get taught that at like 8 year old ffs
  11. Tbf you can do what you want when your the king Fuck I hate Bruce so much I'd prefer the king back. Least he didn't pretend to be a massive Newcastle fan
  12. happy enough to ignore his total shithousery to sheff wed then? and his previous record for f***ing clubs over to further his own ambition nice guy steve Or his playing a song bullshit if Sunderland beat us. The anaphylactic faced c*** can f*** off Nufc through and through :lol: Wonder how many matches he has been too
  13. Jesus. So what we looking at for official attendance v Arsenal? 42-44k?
  14. Whatever happened to Odin anyhow? And Godzilla who was adamant the sheikh would be in charge any day now
  15. Get fucked you mackem shithead
  16. Fitzgerald


    Afternoon mrs Benitez
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