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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Horrible fat mackem manure loving snake shithead
  2. Seymourrrrr Seyyyyyymourrrrrr
  3. Bruce is never going to be accepted even if he wins the first 10 in a row He's not wanted here ffs
  4. So I'm apparently CDM so that must make Seymour KB?
  5. Class that. Funny because it's true
  6. Who were you then? You whip out all the forum in-phrases so were clearly on the forum before July... In-phrases? Just a long time lurker
  7. Bruce isn't wanted here, Rafa was, end of.
  8. There's nothing he can do. We aren't a football club. There is zero chance of hope or progression, have the last 3 years not made people realise that. Even if he came 8th this season Ashley would just sabotage things so we are fighting relegation again the season after. It's a pointless vicious circle and only ends with Ashley leaving. People on about the football side of things and give Bruce a chance. A chance to do what exactly!? We know why he's here and what he's about. f*** Ashley and Bruce they both should be hounded out of this once great passionate club Give Bruce a chance ffs, Na you're oright
  9. Eh? Why would I be trying to fool anyone? I'm agreeing with you that Bruce is a joke and people will be too soft with him.
  10. Are you being serious? He deserves abuse from the first minute, he's done f*** all wrong man Surely he deserves a chance atleast? Ok let's give Bruce and Ashley a chance
  11. Eh? I'm not even him and I'm agreeing with what your saying ffs
  12. Are you being serious? He deserves abuse from the first minute, he's done f*** all wrong man Surely he deserves a chance atleast? He's a fat manure mackem shithead who pretends to be a Newcastle fan and is a horrible yes man snake. Yes he should be as he shouldn't be here. Accepting him is accepting Ashley's version of nufc
  13. He should be abused from the first minute he is in the dugout at home. Our fans are so soft and thick though they will be singing his name by September
  14. 36m joelinton signing man we need to get behind the lads
  15. It's already blowing over. People saying we need to move on and get behind Bruce etc. There will be a bit of a fuss against Arsenal then by the 2nd or 3rd game it will all be back to normal completely blown over and Ashley wins again. Nothing spent and the tv money banked again. Then the support the teamers can get on with keeping him here another 10 year and making him richer. Football and everything else shouldn't even come into it until he has gone
  16. Fitzgerald


    A Bishop bullshit PR special in reaction to falling ticket sales? Never
  17. 32m in profit and "transfer budget" untouched. Mike wins again
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