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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Ask godzilla[/member]. Should be done any day now just loose ends to be tied up iirc
  2. Give him a chance man he's one of us wa need to get behind him
  3. Fitzgerald


    Ah the Irish international with a Glaswegian accent. The league 1 messi
  4. Fitzgerald


    Small time c***s. They don't want to be in the PL again anyway marra What is it? 3 top half finishes in half a century A few games in the early 70s as their entire European pedigree and only sell out for us and take that
  5. Exactly how I feel. I'm doing the right thing stopping away and hearing about people who are stopping going after 40 years only to be replaced by these super fans who don't give a f*** annoys me Beyond me what anyone going to that Arsenal game thinks they are supporting or what the point in it is
  6. But you will still follow games and want Sports Direct United to win? I live In Florida. At 7 or 9 or 10a on a Saturday or Sunday I’ll watch and follow our matches on tv yes. And when I watch my teams, I want them to win. Not sure how you can call Sports Direct United (cos that's what it is) your club, but carry on. You really are a simpleton. The guy makes an excellent post that I'm sure 95% of people on here agree with and you can make a childish dig. I enjoyed the last 2/3 seasons with Rafa and the team played a part in that so yeah, I'll support them from afar without giving a penny to the club. If the day comes when those players have been replaced by Bruce's men then yes, my affiliation will have diminished. I'd sarcastically tell you to carry on, but aware you will relentlessly anyway. Ignore him. He needs help. Ideally offline.
  7. Fair play that's the way to do it. Also people aren't been conned into putting money in the club. They know the situation the just don't give a fuck
  8. They are trying to get the championship class of 2016 back and what a job they are doing Darlow, Clark, lazaar, ginger jack, Aarons, Gayle, atsu Murphy. all them will be featuring next season. Glorious
  9. Cheers. If only they were all like me eh
  10. I was called a mackem so proved I wasn't. Don't see how that bothers you tbh. Save your resentment for the scabs still going nowadays, not me who hasn't been for years and has gave up something I was mad about for the greater good
  11. Wtf? starting on someone posting exactly the same things as you!? You need help man.
  12. How am I? You're paranoid. You keep saying ban me when I'm saying exactly the same as you. Makes no sense
  13. Eh? Again? And what the hell for you loon? You say no different to me you mad man. I'm saying exactly the same as you. So you don't want us to lose then?
  14. Sunderland fan ey? That how I was at Wigan away my first away game October 2005 1-0 loss Jason Roberts 12.30 kick off Or my first home game 1999 4-1 v Coventry a midweek match came back from 0-1 down, saha scoring on loan from Metz Or with bill redhead on the back page bus to West Ham 2005, villa 2006 a 1-2 win ameobi and n zogbia. Charlton away too on a Sunday, a 3-1 loss Scott Parker thunderbolt Or European trips to Brugge and benfica 2012 and 2013. Watching on the big screen in the square in Brugge and at the match in benfica where after they kept us back and showed highlights of our wins v Sunderland Mackem? No. I just hate Ashley and Bruce and the morons still feeding and supporting them and if I can't have NUFC then they don't deserve too
  15. Ashley and Bruce happened and a load of spineless sheep.
  16. Absolutely Be a good call actually for the ones who want to see us get hammered on a matchday
  17. Aye. Fancy it? Thought you were one of us anyhow?
  18. For all the crash and burners to revel in the suffering of the 2 fat snakes
  19. Ahh the back page. Brings back memories of my first away trips. The 2-4 win at Upton Park Michael Owen hat-trick and Shearer at our end. 7 hours there 7 hours back not a drop of drink. God I loved Newcastle back then. Cheers mike
  20. Pickford Digne Need a zouma replacement Mina Coleman Delph? Sigurdsson Gomes Richarlison Moise Kean ? At least 2/3 players away from top 6 level
  21. Going to be glorious. Fuck you steve
  22. Decent money and I'm sure they will get by just fine with Ronaldo, Higuain, Dybala, Manzuckic, Douglas Costa etc etc
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