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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Exactly. Same w*****s who boo Perez too. I seen them Newcastle fans tv c***s were there as well, they are everything wrong with our modern fan base. Boils my blood just seeing thumbnails of their videos online. Nothing Ashley does would ever stop them going
  2. 2 cracking posts from kanji and HTT. Basically Rafa leaving and Bruce arriving are the final 2 nails. Anyone feeding this now is as bad as them. The rest of us just have to sit and wait till the day they both leave
  3. Morons for going but that's encouraging. Usually would be 3k plus at a game like this?
  4. God I hate him. Has there even been a manager so hated before he's even took a competitive game!?
  5. Exactly. Cunts like wearyside jack, Aarons, sterry, jonjo, sterry etc all be pally pally and getting loads of game time when they should have been peddled by now
  6. Bruce out. Fuck off steve will ya
  7. Why Bruce man ffs. I don't know if it's a good thing though as if we got a decent manager/coach in and spent some money I would probably still care enough to watch games on telly. With Bruce there is no f***ing way I'm supporting him or the club so it's probably done me a favour that fat mackem snake coming in as he's the final fat nail for me
  8. And there we have confirmation there will be 50k behind Bruce's boys this season and exactly why
  9. f*** me the fickle fickle b******s - if Rafa goes we go eh - spoons Wankers
  10. Fucking hell! Our fans are a special type of moron like. Should be getting loads of grief
  11. Aye it is. He's wank. Aarons should be nowhere near the club either. Struggled in the Czech league ffs
  12. Exactly. Even IF he had a point about Rafa the fact nobody decent would touch us with a barge pole shows how rotten it is. NUFC free of Ashley or ran as good as Ashley says would be one of the best jobs in Europe
  13. Weren't we "monitoring and pondering" Pepe for about 8m recently too Aubamayeng lacazette Pepe will be some front 3 like! Torreira Guenduizi and Ozil midfield 3. If they sorted their defence they would have a top side again
  14. Grim as fuck and sums th club up. Little ginger mackem dog
  15. Imagine even contemplating swapping Dybala for Lukaku :lol: :lol:
  16. Yep he's the tipping point for me. The fat mackem manure fake Newcastle fan shithead is just petrol to the flames
  17. Unfortunately I think mike is right on this one. He and you have never been more wrong A lot of it is no doubt bullshit but don’t think Rafa is as innocent as everyone thinks he is This. Not taking 1% of my hate and blame for the last 12 years off Ashley but I do reckon Rafa wanted to go to China for the big money regardless. Still, even if we totally take Rafa out the equation and even if that interview about the last 6 months was true it still doesn't explain the last 12 years of this shitshow and steve f***ing bruce Also if the club is in such a good position as he makes out and he's done no wrong why would no half decent manager go near the place!?
  18. "Rafa might have cost the joelinton deal" Who gives a fuck about joelinton man. Trying to use him as a point scorer
  19. My view always was we had to keep Rafa. For my own personal safety we had to keep Rafa Wtf
  20. He'd be worth over half a billion by the time he retires if he sees out 4 years there, added to what he's worth already. Mental. On course to be the richest footballer of all time to add to a few European cups
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