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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. And what you and others still fail to understand, is that abusing our own supporters even when you fundamentally disagree with what they are doing achieved nothing other than make you feel better. It entrenches their position and made them even more unlikely to see the bigger picture and change their ways. Greg, you know as well as I do that I left the whole campaigning side of things ages ago. There were times in the past when I and others took our frustration out on fans, realised it was counterproductive and attempted to do the whole kubaya thing, but it changed nothing and never would have. Rafa leaving/Bruce's arrival was the only thing that made the crowds finally dip and no amount of us being nice to fans we disagree with would change anything prior to that. Again though, I dunno why I keep having to make this point, but people hurling abuse, spitting at you, and starting on you aren't simply fans with a difference of opinion.
  2. You don't see the point at all, particularly as you're trying to frame people hurling abuse, spitting at, and literally starting on other supporters as 'people with different opinions' Shit, I didn't realise that they started on you! Yeah, that's fine then, they probably deserve financial ruin during a global pandemic. Hope their families end up on the streets too, the little cunts. Yes, laughing at cunts not getting their season ticket money back is the same as wishing them and their families complete financial ruin. In the same way being positive about the takeover is being desperate to be owned by baby bombers? He really doesn't understand it does he. He does, he's sitting at home stroking himself in to a frenzy at all the attention he's getting. Ignore him, it'll hurt him more. So fucking weird.
  3. Fancy despising someone for going to a football match though I mean that's not what I'm doing like, but it's fucking hilarious that it's you attempting to make this point when you did exactly that for years.
  4. You don't see the point at all, particularly as you're trying to frame people hurling abuse, spitting at, and literally starting on other supporters as 'people with different opinions' Shit, I didn't realise that they started on you! Yeah, that's fine then, they probably deserve financial ruin during a global pandemic. Hope their families end up on the streets too, the little cunts. Yes, laughing at cunts not getting their season ticket money back is the same as wishing them and their families complete financial ruin. In the same way being positive about the takeover is being desperate to be owned by baby bombers? He really doesn't understand it does he. Not sure what's so difficult to for you to understand that I'm talking about specific people like. It's you two that are broadening it to include all fans.
  5. Because there is nothing to counter argue about. People know fine and well now, you just pop in here all antagonistic and full of fury, looking for an argument that nobody can be arsed to have with you. The attitude of always jumping in that you are constantly right on all matters doesn't help your cause either and probably why most people just let you get on with it. Nobody wants to argue at all, it only seems to end up that way when you make an appearance. Ehh hold on, I was responding to the people who are desperate for the Saudi state to own their football club trying to lay down to other people what is and isn't decent. If pointing out that I think that's bullshit and they aren't in any position to arbitrate decency makes people uncomfortable, makes me antagonistic, or makes people think I have nefarious reasons for posting, so be it. See, you twist it to come across in your antagonistic way. the bit in bold isn't true though. People are not "desperate for the Saudi state to own their football club". The majority of people are desperate to see the back of Ashley, this doesn't make them fans of "baby bombers" or dying to see "mass murderers", and you know this as it has been discussed to death already. It's always put across as all people are cunts who don't agree with your own take. Wish you'd get over this whole tackling me and not the issue thing like. I'm being honest with my points, if you don't think I'm not being honest then don't reply to me like you say you've already been doing. The people who applauded the post against mine and ManDoon's supposed indecency are desperate for this takeover to happen. Whether you want to frame that as being desperate for Ashley to leave or being desperate for this specific takeover by the Saudi state to happen, it still doesn't put them in any position to tell anyone what is and isn't decent and it doesn't help the argument that it's just desperation for Ashley to leave when there was potentially another offer on the table a few weeks back and folk were saying they'd prefer the Saudis.
  6. You don't see the point at all, particularly as you're trying to frame people hurling abuse, spitting at, and literally starting on other supporters as 'people with different opinions' Shit, I didn't realise that they started on you! Yeah, that's fine then, they probably deserve financial ruin during a global pandemic. Hope their families end up on the streets too, the little cunts. Yes, laughing at cunts not getting their season ticket money back is the same as wishing them and their families complete financial ruin.
  7. Nah, you're inventing now. The sequence was ManDoon said he loved the support the team fans not getting their refunds You all didn't like it I tried to provide some context for why some of us hate that segment of our support You said it was indecent Others who are desperate for the club to be owned by the Saudi state applauded I pointed out that they're not in a position to say what is and isn't decent
  8. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds. To be fair to Kasper, he hasn't been "one of those frothers" at all, quite the opposite. He just knows the comment was lifting. The relentless pearl clutching over our stoic and noble fans, man. You know fine well there are cunts in our support who were openly antagonistic towards Sack Pardew/Ashley Out and its members. If it's disrespectful to not give a shit about those same people losing out after you watched the way they went on, then it's disrespectful. Who cares. What have the cunts who abused Sack Pardew have to do with any of this? We're just talking about people who've renewed season tickets and might now be in financial difficulty because of covid and needing that money back. You seem to be talking about something completely different. Unless I've missed something ManDoon's was talking specifically about those people. Genuinely love the fact they aren’t getting ticket money back. Weird that you deleted a fairly substantive part of the quote you’re using to back up your argument there, almost as if you’re editing post-event to attempt to prove your point. The full quote changes nothing about it, I formatted it so the people ManDoon was talking about was clearer. Here's the full thing, it changes nothing. Genuinely love the fact they aren’t getting ticket money back.
  9. Because there is nothing to counter argue about. People know fine and well now, you just pop in here all antagonistic and full of fury, looking for an argument that nobody can be arsed to have with you. The attitude of always jumping in that you are constantly right on all matters doesn't help your cause either and probably why most people just let you get on with it. Nobody wants to argue at all, it only seems to end up that way when you make an appearance. Ehh hold on, I was responding to the people who are desperate for the Saudi state to own their football club trying to lay down to other people what is and isn't decent. If pointing out that I think that's bullshit and they aren't in any position to arbitrate decency makes people uncomfortable, makes me antagonistic, or makes people think I have nefarious reasons for posting, so be it. You are entitled to your opinion on any matters in relation to the club. But why don’t you have a go at presenting it in a way that isn’t aggressive, angry or just generally belittling. People might like you more then. You could just all stop being pussies like. Just a suggestion.
  10. You don't see the point at all, particularly as you're trying to frame people hurling abuse, spitting at, and literally starting on other supporters as 'people with different opinions'
  11. Because there is nothing to counter argue about. People know fine and well now, you just pop in here all antagonistic and full of fury, looking for an argument that nobody can be arsed to have with you. The attitude of always jumping in that you are constantly right on all matters doesn't help your cause either and probably why most people just let you get on with it. Nobody wants to argue at all, it only seems to end up that way when you make an appearance. Ehh hold on, I was responding to the people who are desperate for the Saudi state to own their football club trying to lay down to other people what is and isn't decent. If pointing out that I think that's bullshit and they aren't in any position to arbitrate decency makes people uncomfortable, makes me antagonistic, or makes people think I have nefarious reasons for posting, so be it.
  12. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds. To be fair to Kasper, he hasn't been "one of those frothers" at all, quite the opposite. He just knows the comment was lifting. The relentless pearl clutching over our stoic and noble fans, man. You know fine well there are cunts in our support who were openly antagonistic towards Sack Pardew/Ashley Out and its members. If it's disrespectful to not give a shit about those same people losing out after you watched the way they went on, then it's disrespectful. Who cares. What have the cunts who abused Sack Pardew have to do with any of this? We're just talking about people who've renewed season tickets and might now be in financial difficulty because of covid and needing that money back. You seem to be talking about something completely different. Unless I've missed something ManDoon's was talking specifically about those people. Genuinely love the fact they aren’t getting ticket money back.
  13. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds. To be fair to Kasper, he hasn't been "one of those frothers" at all, quite the opposite. He just knows the comment was lifting. The relentless pearl clutching over our stoic and noble fans, man. You know fine well there are cunts in our support who were openly antagonistic towards Sack Pardew/Ashley Out and its members. If it's disrespectful to not give a shit about those same people losing out after you watched the way they went on, then it's disrespectful. Who cares.
  14. Yeah, yeah, all shock, horror, and ad homs but not a single substantive counter argument, as usual.
  15. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds. I was only quoting you because you were defending him. The "you" was still directed to ManDoon if that wasnt clear. I have no idea what the rest of your post has to do with the original comment or mine. The rest of the post is implying that no one desperate for the club to be owned by the Saudi's is in any position to tell others what is and isn't decent. Not saying you're one of the former in this case, but those clapping are.
  16. Fine: Starting on fellow fans. Wanting the club to be owned by mass murderers Not fine: 'Disrespecting' fellow fans by not giving a shit that the people who played stupid games by choosing to give money to notorious tight cunt Mike Ashley won stupid prizes when they didn't get their money back.
  17. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds.
  18. What you have to bear in mind with ManDoon's take is that the way a lot of our fans went on (including starting on one of the members of this forum) during the Hull protest against Pardew a few years ago probably radicalised a lot of us into actively despising sections of our support. Agree with it or disagree with it, that's just how it is.
  19. Did we buy Ginola because they fucked us over with George Wreh ? Yes, it was sweetener as we were going to report them. It's also spelt Weah* Cheers, thanks for the feedback. There was a Christopher Wreh who played for Arsenal. Quiztopher Wreh is always a solid team name if ever needed. If someone's already beaten you to it, I'd suggest Quiz Bart-Williams. Quizteam Benteke was the football pub quiz team I was in.
  20. In regards to the last bit, how and why? He's #1 or #2. There is absolutely no denying it at this stage. Pretty comfortable putting CR7 after both real Ronaldo and Little Ronaldo. Longevity becomes an issue. I don’t care. CR7 is comfortable the GOAT. look at the numbers. the trophies. the goals in the champions league which is the biggest club competition. oh and carried Portugal to 2 international trophies. he has won the league in Portugal,england, spain & Italy. it isn't even close. I'm a Ronaldo fanboy, and have no time at all for Messi. However, even I know that Messi is "probably" better. All I'm saying on this Pretty much where I'm at. I think Ronaldo actually gets underrated on here. You probably already know this but I think it's a bit of a joke that there's even a comparison between the two tbh As good as C.Ronaldo is.
  21. No player has ever been more in love with blasties than Batistuta.
  22. Everton would love that They're not wrong either, he turned inexplicably shit right at the end of his career.
  23. There's definitely a category of players that's like Lee Trundle. Can't quite put my finger on it though, Martin Palermo's possibly in it as well.
  24. Aside from the obvious big ones that would have been amazing over here Seedorf Rui Costa Martin Palermo Always thought Enricho Chiesa would have been good in the PL as well for some reason.
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