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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. I find myself shouting, only in my head thankfully, ‘Luuuukkke’ whenever I read his name. Which, perhaps equally oddly, was also a chant I tried to get going, unsuccessfully (probs ‘cause he was shite), when the de Jong of that name came on against the Makems way back when.
  2. Think it probably is. Doubt he’ll get an extension/new contract. Great shame if his time here does just peter out, he’s had some great moments through a bleak era. But guess that’s football.
  3. Little Geordie mini Jow on the way?!
  4. Yeah, but less pies and pints. So swings and roundabouts… ?‍♂️
  5. Or entered more raffles/meat draws in the social club ?
  6. We wouldn’t need to win every game, but in all likelihood we’d need to accumulate another 58 points from 24 games (2.43 points per game) to put us on 91 points and around the 2.4ppg mark overall—the average winning total for last 10 years. So: 1) lose three, draw three, win 18 (90 points in total); 2) lose four, draw one, win 19 (91 points in total); 3) lose three, draw two, win 19 (92 points in total). I agree, can’t see it happening. But, as Eddie says, it’s great for us to dream!
  7. Think I have a negative bias re young Sean. Don’t know why; love local lads doing well. Dawns on me I only ever seem to notice when something doesn’t come off—miscontrol, not quite making a pass, too ponderous in decision making. I know he puts in admirable effort. Always great to see. New Year’s resolution, I’m going to try and shift focus and notice the good on the ball moments, the contributions he makes in possession.
  8. From time to time, we’ll all feel understandably anxious about form falling off, still be slightly disbelieving about the results we are achieving. However, last half season (from 15 January to end of season) Howe’s NUFC had this record: p19 w12, d2, l5. 38 points; 2.0 points per game. This season: p16 w9 d6 l1 33pts, 2.1ppg. I don’t see any reason for/signs of a significant downturn looming. We are currently looking at a mid 70-something points return. We’d need a ten percent+ improvement to seriously challenge for the title (January shopping??) and a 20 percent+ deterioration to finish outside the top six. It’ll eventually sink in, it seems we are, in fact, class. No malo.
  9. If we get to the final, I know…, will you have more chance of a ticket if you’ve been to all/most League Cup games?
  10. You start it off, I’ll defo join in ?
  11. I know there are very mixed views on this, but I’d still love to have Gordon. A bit of nasty and a lot of industry in our attacking midfield would improve us. Him and Joelinton with Maxi, Almiron and Bruno, would be hard to play against.
  12. This season, me thinks. Another loss and he’ll see his arse.
  13. What a pair of chancers! Close call.
  14. I have these conversations quite a bit—I live in Manchester—and Man Utd banter has replaced the kind of Sunderland ‘ribbing’ that used to occur when I was in the North East and they were in the same league (literally and figuratively). Most ‘dans la Manc’ seem to feel slightly more optimistic now. Some are still seething/can’t adjust to the change that has occurred, have a “We are Manchester Utd” impenetrable (by the facts) ego. Inflated by phenomenal, but past, successes. MUFC had their worst points return (in the Premiership/League era) last season. 1.53 points per game; not normally enough to finish 6th (1.61 ppg is average) but they did. Prior to that they’ve only been out of the top six once (2013-14 but with a better points return). I think Man U realistic goals, especially given the shit-show soap-opera that has been stinking-up the place, are making sure they don’t fall to a new (modern) low. Man City and Arsenal are much better/out of reach, Liverpool will overtake you. So you are competing with Brighton and Spurs, maybe even with Chelsea and Newcastle. Though mainly competing with your expectations and the weight of the past, through trying to maintain a better performance this season that’ll put you in and around the top six mix. Unsurprisingly, I still fancy us to finish above you though. Not bothered if it is 6th over 7th, or 4th over 5th (or 3rd over 8th, who knows ?‍♂️) and I’d gladly trade it in for beating you in the League Cup (final preferably)
  15. I’m just wishing you’d taken the preseason bet I offered about us finishing above you.
  16. Based on who who have left, and home/away variation, I reckon we’ll win another 12, draw 5 and lose 5. 41 pts added to the 33 banked. My guesstimate is 74 points this season.
  17. Nice to see you. Hope all is as fine and dandy as the footy.
  18. Southampton and Everton are in the mire for me.
  19. A thing of beauty, right out of the Wyn Davies playbook!
  20. Just finished watching (delayed start). Well, well, well! ?
  21. Keep away from radios/phone/people who are watching… oh! and newspaper billboards— remember The Likely Lads!
  22. I thought you were on about arriving back overweight after excessive Maccy Ds… it’s been a long day.
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