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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Maybe means all the letters have been written I think maybe when they saw they were a vessel for Richards Keyes to spin the company line, they may have had second thoughts and backed off a bit rather than be associated with that geriatric spastic. And also, if it’s almost certain to go ahead in the next few hours/days, some of them might well be resigned to it so if you can’t beat them, join them type thing. Caulkin will eat at the table first but the fight will be on for the scraps as far as the press goes.
  2. Isnt he that drunk who has been punched in the head multiple times? Cracking boxer in his day. Got a couple of bad KO’s towards the end. Always seemed a canny bloke tbf ??‍♂️
  3. That sounds a bit creepy and sexual She is a bit cute Dated PrinceAndrew in 2003 apparently. Obviously a poor judge of character A career stepping stone.
  4. If we built a proper academy, I’d prefer to see him working with the youth setup. Imagine getting trained and motivated by someone like Keegan when you were just a kid.. he’d produce 10 more Gascoignes.
  5. The Keegan thing sounds like a token gesture. After Mike Ashley, they don’t really need to win us over. As much as I love the man, perhaps it’s best he’s honoured by a statue or maybe if they build something, naming a stand after him or something. He’s a man of principal. He’d only say something about the Saudis and it would all end in tears ?
  6. Working in Nashville, supposed to be bringing the team into the MLS this year, they’ve been playing all the big teams reserves for the last year or so. Was fairly instrumental in the upturn in how Liverpool have been doing financially. Interesting that he was probably around when Benítez fell out with the previous owners but had a lesser role with them at that point.
  7. Success at any cost. All people will remember are trophies, the winning manager and some of the players.
  8. “Chairman Chris Mort said: "This is all part of the vision that recently helped us to secure Kevin Keegan's return to the club as manager." Christ, so he was in on it. Well fuck him then, more than happy to put a structure in place that would fuck us, didn’t have the backbone to take the flack from it obviously.
  9. I reckon the checks are done at this stage. It’s all about choosing the right time to announce it now
  10. You are two days late on your news and no, he wasnt part of Staveleys law suit. Yellow ticker on sky sports news right now, I hadn’t really seen much about it before now. I’m not suggesting that he was part of her complaint, more so that he has allegiance to his former colleagues maybe? I hope not
  11. New non executive chairman appointed to the PL who worked for Barclays. Jobs for the boys for sure, but I did wonder if Amanda Staveleys case against the bank might come under scrutiny in relation to this guys affiliations. Hopefully the deal is done before he gets his teeth into it.
  12. The government have already made their position clear so he’s a bit late.
  13. Settled their Belgian tax bill as well. Headlines are quite misleading. They mention the 600 odd million that was what they initially claimed was owed but this amount was reduced by around 475m But that’s still around 150m paid. And probably not directly from SD as they aren’t that cash rich. Wonder if he’s received a bit of a windfall already and given a loan to his other company??
  14. Thanks Steve! “Oh don’t thank me, thank the moons gravitational pull”
  15. I think it gets announced next Friday. It’s 2 weeks today since the paperwork went in to the PL. A good few reporters have said it would be 2-3 weeks, say they finish their report by Wednesday, that leaves a day or so for everyone to get their PR releases done properly. I think it’ll be low key. An announcement on the website and maybe a secondary statement on their short term and long term goals. If they give the press a chance some numpty is going to ask Staveley what she thinks about reporters being hacked up.. If the season does resume at some stage they’re going to need to coach Bruce on dealing with such questions (this is why I think they’ll bin him fairly quickly..)
  16. ? Asked to name his worst moment, Quinn said: "I would have have to say after the Newcastle result away. "To see their chairman come into the boardroom at St James' Park doing the conga, that was hard to take."
  17. He was working on behalf of Staveley the last time around but don’t think he’s involved this time. Can’t imagine he’d have talked to anyone, he’s quite professional as Ashley appointments go..
  18. Chillwell, Dunk, Matt Doherty, Mikel Merino (bring him home!), Coutinho, Mertens, Cavani. Then see if the best that we already have can raise their game.
  19. I'm surprised Adrian Durham hasn't said the Saudis should be investing the money into the NHS instead. I think read somewhere that they will be making a sizeable donation when the deal is announced. Clever really, as even Amnesty can’t shit on the gesture given what’s going on.
  20. Imagine him hiding in his office trying to avoid the sack
  21. I wonder did someone from the AP doorstep Khashoggi’s fiancé to get that soundbite. As if she gives a shit about Newcastle United.
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