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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Apologies in advance I know this will not be a popular move amongst some on here. But after repeated requests from the Infinite Odyssey over recent days and weeks i’ve finally relented. I’m only to willing to help this poor lad fight his addiction, however I think at this point the best course of action is to feed his problem. The condition I believe some have named it as ‘Wraithism’. So I’m sure everyone’s with me in wishing the Odyssey all the best, and feel free to direct any anger at myself. Enjoy the vid fella.
  2. They certainly will win the case, not since the OJ Simpson trial has such a legal dream team been put together. I still think it’s all about takeover and not compen at this stage.
  3. Tbf he is right. That letter was published by the chronicle in April. Unless they have quickly updated the article to include the contents of that letter, the letter was there in full. Whitley Mag made to look daft again What do you mean again ? Cheeky cunt
  4. Good old Luke trying to piss on Kennedy’s chips again. I’m pretty sure the full contents of the letter have never been publicly disclosed.
  5. It's not even English at all though really. It's been written by a complete idiot and anyone with half a brain can see that as clear as day. Oh hello, here’s the Newcastle Online resident idiot.
  6. Any protest action in the history of this club, with possibly the exception of save our seats causes this. Don’t get hung up on it, it seems a lot of our fans have a huge chip on their shoulders. I have no involvement with NCSL or even know these lads personally, however I believe 100% in what they’re doing. In no way has anything they’ve done to this point been of a detriment to the takeover. However, for some on here to call them embarrassing and NCSL idiots is despicable.
  7. And now I think they’ve done it on purpose and in fact it is backed by the legal team and nick the baker is a genius. Boris is now sitting there thinking ‘these people speak my language, I must help my people’ Oh Joey if your going to be churlish and criticise other people for being incoherent, you need to make sure your spot on yourself. I would have thought some of the other highly intelligent posters on here who have criticised NCSL would have picked you up. That "that that" repetition is an infelicity that that author might have avoided with a bit of rewording so that that "that that" juxtaposition never found its way into print. Four words in before you f***ed up yourself. Amazing. https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2013/08/this-and-that.html Difference is I don’t criticise others like your good self. Except that that's ( ) exactly what you did do. You claimed the letter was a ramble and incoherent, then proceeded to write a sentence that was incoherent. Now that is that. Except my sentence wasn't incoherent at all, was it? Whereas the letter was undoubtedly all over the place, and your rant about me pointing that out was littered with grammatical errors. What's your link to the group here then? You clearly have one. What is it? What what joey lad ? Daft replies eh, because you've no answer. I’ve already said your sentence was incoherent, but I’ll repeat it again for your benefit. You do seem to like repeating things after all. You did, but repeating something which is incorrect doesn't make it correct. Doing it whilst littering your own post with grammatical errors just makes you look stupid too. Anyway, back on track with the thread, what is your link to this group you so vehemently defend? The vast majority have been critical of the letter, why not you? I usually couldn’t give a s*** about grammatical errors on a message board, however it clearly got under you’re skin which i think is great. Oh and I’ve made my views on NCSL abundantly clear over last few pages. So you can shove your questions up your arse, in the nicest possible way of course.
  8. And now I think they’ve done it on purpose and in fact it is backed by the legal team and nick the baker is a genius. Boris is now sitting there thinking ‘these people speak my language, I must help my people’ Oh Joey if your going to be churlish and criticise other people for being incoherent, you need to make sure your spot on yourself. I would have thought some of the other highly intelligent posters on here who have criticised NCSL would have picked you up. That "that that" repetition is an infelicity that that author might have avoided with a bit of rewording so that that "that that" juxtaposition never found its way into print. Four words in before you f***ed up yourself. Amazing. https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2013/08/this-and-that.html Difference is I don’t criticise others like your good self. Except that that's ( ) exactly what you did do. You claimed the letter was a ramble and incoherent, then proceeded to write a sentence that was incoherent. Now that is that. Except my sentence wasn't incoherent at all, was it? Whereas the letter was undoubtedly all over the place, and your rant about me pointing that out was littered with grammatical errors. What's your link to the group here then? You clearly have one. What is it? What what joey lad ? Daft replies eh, because you've no answer. I’ve already said your sentence was incoherent, but I’ll repeat it again for your benefit. You do seem to like repeating things after all.
  9. And now I think they’ve done it on purpose and in fact it is backed by the legal team and nick the baker is a genius. Boris is now sitting there thinking ‘these people speak my language, I must help my people’ Oh Joey if your going to be churlish and criticise other people for being incoherent, you need to make sure your spot on yourself. I would have thought some of the other highly intelligent posters on here who have criticised NCSL would have picked you up. That "that that" repetition is an infelicity that that author might have avoided with a bit of rewording so that that "that that" juxtaposition never found its way into print. Four words in before you f***ed up yourself. Amazing. https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2013/08/this-and-that.html Difference is I don’t criticise others like your good self. Except that that's ( ) exactly what you did do. You claimed the letter was a ramble and incoherent, then proceeded to write a sentence that was incoherent. Now that is that. Except my sentence wasn't incoherent at all, was it? Whereas the letter was undoubtedly all over the place, and your rant about me pointing that out was littered with grammatical errors. What's your link to the group here then? You clearly have one. What is it? What what joey lad ?
  10. You have no idea about strategy have you? Ashley AND the consortium are playing this very well. Obviously you can't see that or you are too thick to comprehend it. He’s to thick to comprehend it mate, and clearly has an agenda. :lol: Incredible, the same person who (still) believes and links Wraith's talkshow every other week is chastising others for failing to comprehend the intricacies of a supposed wider strategy It's totally bizarre how you're hysterically defending this ridiculous letter, I'm sure everyone (either publicly or privately) can acknowledge its clumsy and nonsensical composition. Instead you're continuously bringing up this sanctimonious superfan angle, where users can't criticize blatant deficiencies in this group, because we're not planning our own Jarrow march or whatever Your obsessed with Wraith mate aren’t you ? Wraith is a massive bell end what ever people think of the takeover I’m certainly not here to speak for Wraith, I may have linked his shows a long time ago, when there was some good takeover craic with Kennedy and his Friday show. However, feel free to go back over my posts and show me one instance where I have spoke up for him. This Odyssey fella has an unhealthy fascination with him though, and clearly needs help.
  11. Because the very issue of whether or not the takeover is still ongoing is very much open to debate. This is the purpose of the thread. It’s like someone telling posters that they can only post in the Longstaff thread if it’s positive. It's f***ing ridiculous isn't it, theres even a thread specifically for only positive posts, and they still cry if someone says something they don't like On another note, just rename this thread the Whitley Mag thread, close it and be done with it. He's so deluded and posts so often I'm starting to think he has something to do with these NCSL idiots. Wraith is pulling Liam Kennedy's strings. To laugh at Wraith for being an idiot but not see he's pulling the wool over your eyes would be ironic in the extreme. You’ve got some nerve calling anyone an idiot.
  12. You have no idea about strategy have you? Ashley AND the consortium are playing this very well. Obviously you can't see that or you are too thick to comprehend it. He’s to thick to comprehend it mate, and clearly has an agenda. :lol: Incredible, the same person who (still) believes and links Wraith's talkshow every other week is chastising others for failing to comprehend the intricacies of a supposed wider strategy It's totally bizarre how you're hysterically defending this ridiculous letter, I'm sure everyone (either publicly or privately) can acknowledge its clumsy and nonsensical composition. Instead you're continuously bringing up this sanctimonious superfan angle, where users can't criticize blatant deficiencies in this group, because we're not planning our own Jarrow march or whatever Your obsessed with Wraith mate aren’t you ?
  13. Wrong. It doesn't matter what they sign at the bottom, they repeatedly talk about the fanbase as a whole in their letter and indeed in all of their communications. And it doesn't matter if people do things for free or professionally - If you do them publicly, do them well or expect criticism. Then there's a choice: Throw your toys out the pram, or use that criticism to do better next time because, as said, we all want them to do well. But the criticism absolutely is valid and should not be censored just because they're doing it for free. They're representing us, in our eyes AND seemingly in theirs. If we feel the tone is wrong, we have every right to say that. At no point have they said they’re representing the fanbase, they have asked for support from the fanbase which is entirely different. They mention the fanbase as in the 100 thousand signatures and the NUST poll of 97% approval for takeover, but at no point have they claimed to speak for the whole fanbase. If you think by writing this letter it makes them fair game to be called embarrassing, then no wonder no fan action in relation to removing Ashley has ever stuck. This fanbase has a major problem with anyone standing up to take action. If you think criticism is due and you claim to want them to do well, why don’t you get in touch with them and offer some help. I’ll keep coming back to this it’s easy to criticise, and I’d be very interested to know which parts of the letter you think embarrass us as fans so much ? I’m quite sure they’d welcome constructive feedback, but some of the criticism is ott and way off the mark.
  14. You have no idea about strategy have you? Ashley AND the consortium are playing this very well. Obviously you can't see that or you are too thick to comprehend it. He’s to thick to comprehend it mate, and clearly has an agenda.
  15. This is such a nonsensical argument. I'm not allowed to criticise because I haven't written a letter myself? Get out of here. That's like saying I can't criticise any of our players unless I'm willing to be a better professional footballer myself. Think the referee made a wrong call? Don't mention it if you've not reffed in the PL yourself. Criticise the government? Not until you've been PM yourself and done a better job! You see how silly it is? It just doesn't work like that, stop talking such utter soil. I have every right to criticise anything I wish that's released into the public domain, especially if it purports to be taking action on my behalf. We already (rightly or wrongly) have an image problem as a fanbase, and as a fan I'm entitled to not want that made worse and I absolutely will speak out if I think that's the case. Again, I'm very much behind the concept of what they're doing but if they're getting "disgusting" stick over this letter, it's because of what they themselves have written. Maybe the fault is there, not with the people pointing that out? This is a unique situation and not comparable to the examples you have quoted. The examples you have given are all well paid professionals, who have put themselves in a position where you would expect criticism. Why on earth would someone want to criticise 2 fans using there own time, and money for the potential benefit of the whole fanbase ? I’m not accusing yourself of this, and to be honest I really can’t be arsed to scrawl back through old posts, however when people are accusing them of being embarrassing, in what way is that constructive ? If these 2 lads decided to say f*** this, we’d all be worse off as a result. As for potentially embarrassing the fanbase, have a word with yourself, these 2 lads are individually doing more for this fanbase than anyone else I can remember in recent memory. On a final point the latter was not signed on behalf of the fanbase, therefore to imply it reflects on yourself or any other supporter is utter tosh.
  16. And now I think they’ve done it on purpose and in fact it is backed by the legal team and nick the baker is a genius. Boris is now sitting there thinking ‘these people speak my language, I must help my people’ Oh Joey if your going to be churlish and criticise other people for being incoherent, you need to make sure your spot on yourself. I would have thought some of the other highly intelligent posters on here who have criticised NCSL would have picked you up. That "that that" repetition is an infelicity that that author might have avoided with a bit of rewording so that that "that that" juxtaposition never found its way into print. Four words in before you f***ed up yourself. Amazing. https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2013/08/this-and-that.html Difference is I don’t criticise others like your good self. Except that that's ( ) exactly what you did do. You claimed the letter was a ramble and incoherent, then proceeded to write a sentence that was incoherent. Now that is that.
  17. And now I think they’ve done it on purpose and in fact it is backed by the legal team and nick the baker is a genius. Boris is now sitting there thinking ‘these people speak my language, I must help my people’ Oh Joey if your going to be churlish and criticise other people for being incoherent, you need to make sure your spot on yourself. I would have thought some of the other highly intelligent posters on here who have criticised NCSL would have picked you up. That "that that" repetition is an infelicity that that author might have avoided with a bit of rewording so that that "that that" juxtaposition never found its way into print. Four words in before you f***ed up yourself. Amazing. https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2013/08/this-and-that.html Difference is I don’t criticise others like your good self.
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