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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Come on it was a face saving statement, they were basically saying where not waiting 12 months for arbitration. The global uncertainty hasn’t stopped them speculating billions on struggling businesses with a long term strategy in mind. You’ll hear from them next when it’s announced.
  2. Yeah and maybe they can find a cure for Covid 19 once they’re finished with your list. Fucking hell.
  3. They’re certainly in the market for a purchase, if they don’t make one by a set time looks like they have to refund investors. Whether we’re that purchase remains to be seen, the involvement of Scudamore would add credence to them looking at a PL or English club. My major concern now is that Leeds would be a cheaper and just as appealing option since they’ve been promoted (though anyone who knows their stuff realises we’ll always be a bigger club potentially). I still believe Staveley seals the deal by December, however the one thing this takeover has done is increase our exposure worldwide. When the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia wants to buy you, it will certainly have perked the interest of a lot of wealthy investors.
  4. More info on the Scudamore group and Redbird capital get a mention in this article. Some big hitters involved with this group certainly interesting. https://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/news/2020/07/28/billy-beane-s-redball-new-moneyball.html https://www.sportbusiness.com/news/redball-acquisition-corp-surpasses-ipo-goal
  5. It means if it does happen you know about it when you wake up in the morning without any speculation. This is exactly what will happen, the lack of publicity in weeks coming will allow this to be thrashed out behind closed doors as it should have been all along.
  6. Respectfully disagree all signs suggest to me this is ongoing and far from over. People can choose to bail out mentally if they haven’t got the stomach anymore, but it’s not going away and she’ll be in charge by xmas. won't happen if Ashley buisineses are recovering which appears to be the case. Again disagree he appears very receptive to this bid and all evidence suggests he finally wants out.
  7. It looks that way but they’ll have some very clever people working on this now, they’ll find a road map to getting this done. Also I still believe the ownership structure is a red herring and if they can come to some sort of agreement re piracy that will unlock the door. In my opinion the ownership structure was the only way PL could delay and block the deal. It’s all about piracy and compromise.
  8. Respectfully disagree all signs suggest to me this is ongoing and far from over. People can choose to bail out mentally if they haven’t got the stomach anymore, but it’s not going away and she’ll be in charge by xmas.
  9. Staveley will have the keys by xmas by hook or crook, the current silence is a clear sign things are still ongoing. A compromise will be found, be it a change in percentages or some sort of guarantee regarding govt involvement. The key stumbling block is still piracy and more moves on that have been made this week. The deal is still doable despite some experts on here saying it’s dead, they have some of the best lawyers being paid millions to find a solution and I think they will.
  10. ‘I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I’m miserable now’. When radio newcastle played this to accompany news of the deal collapsing, never has a song been used more appropriately to sum up the mood of so many.
  11. "No red flags" was Staveley's info given to Caulkin - not some fact. Yes and the questions re piracy were quoted by numerous journalists, yet the PL implied that this hadn’t even been looked at yet, and would only have been considered once who owned club was decided. You need to get over your absolute hated of Staveley makes you like a grade A cnut. There's definitely a middle ground here. Don't think either of you are there. Thanks for the arbitration but fuck off
  12. "No red flags" was Staveley's info given to Caulkin - not some fact. Yes and the questions re piracy were quoted by numerous journalists, yet the PL implied that this hadn’t even been looked at yet, and would only have been considered once who owned club was decided. You need to get over your absolute hated of Staveley makes you like a grade A cnut.
  13. The club must have a record of questions asked and the timeline, also they would be aware of no red flag feedback from PL. Someone needs to blow the lid on these smarmy cnuts, the notion that our interest was foremost is fucking laughable.
  14. For all the talk of ownership structure and naming state as owners, if the mood changed in July as Ben Jacobs has stated today, this ties in with decision to ban bein. When we look back the sound bites were positive after anti piracy measures were introduced. This is the heart of the matter for me, the PL said piracy wasn’t the reason at this point, but that is clearly bull s***. Caulkin repeatedly stated the consortium were answering questions on piracy. As questions went through Justin Barnes there is surely enough evidence to show the PL are lying b******s.
  15. Everything you say makes sense, but of course the PL also left themselves with enough wiggle room that they could just keep on dragging the process out with enough faith in their position that it wouldn't come back to burn them. Might have been a bit of a gamble on their part, but they knew they would have the backing of the rest of the league, and that was the main thing. They correctly guessed that by putting in the arbitration clause with no guarantees of success if that went in favour of PIF, the Saudis would just decide to walk away rather than wait another 12 months of being messed about. It must have been what they were banking on ultimately. Hence why Ashley has apparently been asking Saudis to give the PL a name. I just wish they would and then we’ll see how confident the PL are of rejecting it. They already had a name, but as far as I'm aware they wanted SA govt to be named officially as owners rather than an individual who couldn't be linked directly. I would guess if they had MBS down as the owner, it would be very difficult to suggest there were any other shadow directors they could insist on being put forward. Of course the Saudis would never go with that, but I bet the PL would get twitchy arses saying he wasn’t fit and proper. In fact it would be worth seeing the impact it would have on U.K. & Saudi relations.
  16. Everything you say makes sense, but of course the PL also left themselves with enough wiggle room that they could just keep on dragging the process out with enough faith in their position that it wouldn't come back to burn them. Might have been a bit of a gamble on their part, but they knew they would have the backing of the rest of the league, and that was the main thing. They correctly guessed that by putting in the arbitration clause with no guarantees of success if that went in favour of PIF, the Saudis would just decide to walk away rather than wait another 12 months of being messed about. It must have been what they were banking on ultimately. Hence why Ashley has apparently been asking Saudis to give the PL a name. I just wish they would and then we’ll see how confident the PL are of rejecting it.
  17. Yeah I’m certainly not taking Masters answers at face value, he’s hardly going to admit they said no red flags or there has been outside influence. In saying that I would like a more in depth response to what PL has come out with since last Friday from the consortium, instead of just sources close to them providing snippets.
  18. Fully expecting some generic corporate bull s*** regarding working with fans in future and looking at o & d test moving forward, none of which answering how they’ve f***ed us over, but hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
  19. Love Winter, but I think he's lost the marbles here. "What’s so frustrating is that he has such a great strategic mind. I spent a few minutes with him and he picked apart this issue with agents fees, his mind untangled it and put it back together like a Rubik’s Cube. He stood there, with no eye contact, and I thought wow you have such an amazing mind, why aren’t you more involved in this? Why aren’t you more invested?" No way is Ashley that intelligent. Yeah not sure about that paragraph but I enjoyed reading it. The part about Fergie always reading the chronicle when he came up made me smile, always had the impression Fergie was a bit in awe of our support at times especially in the 90’s. I’ll never forget the build up and atmosphere in the ground the night we lost to Cantona. The whole ground was loud as fuck a full 20 minutes before kick off, still get shivers thinking about that night.
  20. Talking of journalists great read from Henry Winter, Sean will love the bit about Mandy to. https://www.ne1sgame.com/post/an-interview-with-henry-winter-part-3
  21. Jesus Christ just put MBS’s name on the takeover for fucks sake and dare the PL to fail him.
  22. Superb is he still alive, haven’t seen him knocking around for a good few years ? Aye, he is still wandering around Wallsend trying to bum tabs off people. Seen him in Wallsend last week surprisingly wearing a face mask! Don't know how he's keeping up with his smoking wearing that thing. Fine specimen will probably out live the lot of us, used to be a regular feature down the coast.
  23. Superb is he still alive, haven’t seen him knocking around for a good few years ?
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