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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Ashley/Charnley need to just go in and start tipping tables over, hoying paper balls, stabbing people with pens etc. Just create carnage. Metaphorically speaking, this. Ashley (Charnley acting for Ashley) needs to go into PL AGM and say that Ashley has a s***-ton of legal advice that says he could sue the Premier League and all member clubs who have deprived him of natural justice (deprived him of the ability to sell his club to anyone who meets the O&D Test criteria) and that if they don't get off their arses and pass the sale then the next time he sees them will be in court. Would love this apparently the meeting is via video link so nothing to stop Mike dialling in from Miami.
  2. Yeah they’ve commissioned lawyers to propose new law re Human rights be applied to Premier League test. According to Simon Bird who’s article I refuse to link, the PL have been ordered to make changes. He never ceases to stop writing shite during this whole takeover. What would be interesting though is if the PL adopted these new proposals re slavery, torture etc would be if that extends to broadcasting partners with links to the Qatari govt. Is bein sports a separate entity from Qatar, what is their ownership structure, somehow I’m guessing it wouldn’t.
  3. Guy is generally a scumbag. He voted against the 2nd Tyne tunnel and also against the Silverlink roundabout and A1 duelling. Had the misfortune of meeting him once before. He's an extremely bitter b******. Hates NUFC or anything north of the Tyne for that matter. Openly admits it as well. Aye just googled him originally from Consett, if I don’t get a reply a further e mail will be winging its way to him this weekend reminding him of where he represents the mackem cnut.
  4. Alan Campbell, Tynemouth? Waste of time. He’s a Sunderland season ticket holder. Well that’s me never voting for him ever again. Aye wants to bare in mind he’s in a very small minority around here if he is, and remember who he represents.
  5. Alan Campbell, Tynemouth? Waste of time. He’s a Sunderland season ticket holder. Aye I’ve written to him never knew he was a mackem like, if I don’t get a reply my vote will be going elsewhere next time.
  6. Keep this going get your friends and family to sign it, sooner it reaches 100k the better.
  7. Hello, that'll be me <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In the mean time some of your constituents are having having a tough time this evening. How about some support for them.<a href="https://t.co/l813ojMHZH">https://t.co/l813ojMHZH</a></p>— Chris J Read (@cristovread) <a href=" 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> I used the NUST link to write to him earlier but not had anything in return yet. Tremendous he’ll be frothing with rage after his attack on fans for supporting the takeover, his response will be interesting.
  8. A not so subtle message maybe, or maybe he’s just f***ing p*ssed off like the rest of us.
  9. I think the more MP’s outside the region the better, can only spread more awareness. Does anyone live in that SNP cnuts John Nicholson’s constituency, I’d love to see his reply to that letter.
  10. Who gives a fuck most fans will be glad we’ve been shafted, however no one can tell me they wouldn’t be gutted if this had happened to their club. Luckily where a big enough club to fight our own battles, and for the first time in a number of years I’m proud of our support for uniting and fighting this.
  11. Not before time the council got behind this, they’ll be one of the main benefactors if this takeover happens. I’m convinced the PL can be pressurised into accepting this, the last thing they’ll want is the bad press and scrutiny this is starting to bring on them. Get every fucker you know to sign this petition.
  12. If PIF had offered a billion pound for spurs do we think the deal would have been waived through. That ultimately for me is the question here, because I think we all suspect it would. I agree nothing has changed fundamentally in the PL’s position at present, however all we can do is try and apply pressure. There might be a nice shock awaiting the PL shortly in the way of legal action by buyers or sellers, we just don’t know yet.
  13. The bid was doomed from the start We’d have been better off being relegated as things stand.
  14. Anyone doubting the influence of top 6 clubs on this process really need to read this article. In short we are not paranoid to believe other clubs notably the top 6, will have lobbied heavily in this process.
  15. There’s a lot of Newcastle fans who want to talk to him at the minute. https://twitter.com/NewcastleFansTV/status/1290362848871436290
  16. Yeah just listened would recommend everyone listens to this. Alex Hurst details conversation with Staveley and Michael Martin speaks well as usual.
  17. Agreed. As with the some of the excellent protest work against Ashley & SD, I have a lot of time for anyone who takes a stand for something they feel strongly about.......absolutely zero time for the sneering w*****s who aren't prepared to get off their arses and fight for the club. Agree completely if we ever needed to unite now is that time.
  18. Think I’m starting to believe this more, still doesn’t change the Premier Leagues non action at present, but it does open up avenues for potential legal action. I’m still convinced the next big news will be Ashley unleashing legal action.
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