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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. It has been acknowledged he did move goal posts and renegotiated the price. However, my point being Staveley confirmed this wasn’t a deal breaker, but would it be beyond the PL pushing that story out to there mates just to pass the blame.
  2. Looking back on golf mags info re Richard Bevan basically saying the sale wasn’t going through due to Ashley, having given this more thought i do believe maybe PL execs (would it be a long shot that Bill Bush would speak to Richard Bevan) we’re trying to shift the blame even before consortium officially pulled out. I think what we’ve established from all this is that despite the PL being huge business, the actual operation is a clique and pretty small scale. I’m guessing what Staveley has said is pretty spot on about them refusing to make a decision (I hope they have proof of this), and they currently have absolutely no idea how to answer the questions put to them. But going back to the initial point if golf mags info is correct, it shows they were already trying to pass the blame on to someone else for the delay, which actually gives me confidence that they may be actually trying to sort this behind the scenes, as I’m convinced they actually have no legitimate reason that they would want to give publicly for taking 17 weeks. Bottom line is that they have to reply to these MP letters, and I don’t think a bland reply saying it’s a confidential process is going to cut it anymore, especially since one of the replies will be to Boris.
  3. thing that can't be ignored is the piracy stuff as its perceived as a threat to future tv income from the MENA region for all 20 clubs they can't just ignore it and wave it through as they'll have 19 other clubs, bein and hell probably a few other rights holders hammering at their door wondering what the f*** they're playing at on one hand taking various efforts to stop the piracy and getting nowhere and on the other just letting the crowd who have been letting the piracy happen just waltz in. Saudi Arabia has shown 0 signs of doing anything to think they're going to crack down on it and indeed seem to be doing the exact opposite by appealing the WTO judgement and banning bein They announced new piracy measures and the momentum appeared to be with us at that point, it was the banning of bein that arguably pushed it over the edge. Masters stated at the commons select committee they wanted to see a positive response from them re piracy. A big gesture by the Saudis at this point ie reinstating bein might break the deadlock on this, I don’t believe for one second the ownership structure is the deal breaker. we don't have anywhere near enough information to speculate whats wrong with the proposed ownership structure so its hard to make any comment on it. And while yes reinstanting bein would probably break the deadlock theres more of a chance of one of us buying the club than that happening not while the conflict between qatar and KSA is ongoing If the consortium are to be believed it boils down to wanting the Saudi state as Directors. Even the PL know this would be out of the question, hence why they’ve probably requested it.
  4. thing that can't be ignored is the piracy stuff as its perceived as a threat to future tv income from the MENA region for all 20 clubs they can't just ignore it and wave it through as they'll have 19 other clubs, bein and hell probably a few other rights holders hammering at their door wondering what the f*** they're playing at on one hand taking various efforts to stop the piracy and getting nowhere and on the other just letting the crowd who have been letting the piracy happen just waltz in. Saudi Arabia has shown 0 signs of doing anything to think they're going to crack down on it and indeed seem to be doing the exact opposite by appealing the WTO judgement and banning bein They announced new piracy measures and the momentum appeared to be with us at that point, it was the banning of bein that arguably pushed it over the edge. Masters stated at the commons select committee they wanted to see a positive response from them re piracy. A big gesture by the Saudis at this point ie reinstating bein might break the deadlock on this, I don’t believe for one second the ownership structure is the deal breaker.
  5. Nails it. The PL don't appear to have applied the test in the spirit in which it was drawn up at all. And is this why they won’t reject it because they would lose the appeal. Even if this pressure makes them make a decision and reject it, that maybe is what the consortium are after.
  6. But it's not to difficult to imagine the passage of information between EPL and Bein on a so called "private and confidential process" wether deliberately or not It may not be difficult to imagine, but any actual evidence of it? Keys doesn't seem to have had any accurate information. Genuine question. Has anybody? No, which suggests that the PL have actually been very tight-lipped. This goes against what true faith podcast and other snippets suggest, apparently Bill Bush from PL has been briefing. Also the stories of the deal stalling etc and they were standing behind broadcast partners surely also came from PL.
  7. Nah he’s just a traitor who fled to Canada, probably working for the Qatari’s now.
  8. That’s fair enough but the PL also need to accept by bundling their rights for the MENA region, it is also unreasonable to expect a nation to accept an offshoot of Al Jazeera into their country. Yes there’s no excusing the piracy and let’s be honest we all know their guilty of that. However, say the NFL bundled the rights for Europe and a Russian broadcaster got the rights, would it be reasonable for U.K. to say where not allowing them to broadcast in our space, I would suggest yes it would. If I’m not mistaken there is something in test that allows for corrective action to be taken, they have introduced new anti piracy measures, and it will be interesting to see how serious they are about this when there is no legal way of watching the PL. I would have loved them to have allowed bein to broadcast to get this through, however either it was just to big of an ask for them, or they genuinely miscalculated and thought they could buy the rights.
  9. No we’re not but until the U.K. stops dealing with them, why should this deal be a line in the sand. If it was and the Saudis weren’t allowed to invest in anything else in the U.K. fair enough, however we know that’s bull s*** and they will continue to trade and invest in U.K. Why should our city be the one to miss out on millions, just because certain organisations see this deal as a high profile easy target. I agree, it is picking out this unethical investment. The thing of it is rather than broad ethics being issue mind it does seem to be specifically the piracy issue. And again how the premier league have dealt with this has been absurd, I am just not hugely optimistic of this being resolvable. I still wonder if the Saudis hadn’t banned bein would this have gone through, the ownership structure just sounds like a convenient technicality.
  10. No we’re not but until the U.K. stops dealing with them, why should this deal be a line in the sand. If it was and the Saudis weren’t allowed to invest in anything else in the U.K. fair enough, however we know that’s bull s*** and they will continue to trade and invest in U.K. Why should our city be the one to miss out on millions, just because certain organisations see this deal as a high profile easy target.
  11. This guys impressed me and has also spoke to consortium about ownership structure, this really is gathering pace. If Masters thought f***ing us over was the easiest outcome, maybe he’s starting to think again.
  12. Not sure they can open up to much without having made a decision, they’re in a very tricky position here. I don’t want to get to bullish to believe we’ve got them cornered, because I think they’ll eventually come out with some wishy washy statement and we’ll be no further forward. We either need govt pressure behind the scenes based on the economic impact of this decision, or we have to hope the PL are currently re engaging with the consortium and trying to reach a compromise.
  13. In light of the above discussion, I suspect legal action is def being considered if PL don’t budge.
  14. From the govt website i wonder if PIF have approached them to facilitate with PL. Department for International Trade Location: Saudi Arabia Part of: Department for International Trade DIT provides trade and investment services and practical support. We help UK companies succeed in Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabian companies set up and invest in the UK. We offer expertise and contacts through our extensive network of specialists in the UK, and staff in the British Embassy in Riyadh, at the British Consulate General in Jeddah and the British Trade Office in Al Khobar. Set up a business and invest in the UK Discover investment opportunities and learn how your business can expand to the UK on great.gov.uk.
  15. The test is only for the PL, at least the PL have a test unlike many european leagues. PIF should just buy us regardless of PL approval, then apply to join one of those European leagues instead. The Scots would welcome us with open arms. I think PIF should buy us and see if the PL stop us from playing in their competition. We can always apply to play in the Scottish league in the meantime if they say no. English football would be a miss, but at the same time it wouldn't exactly be the worst thing either. Think I'd prefer to compete in the Scots league rather than continue to be used as bog roll to clean the arses of the established top 6. Oh and I would like to think that losing Newcastle from the Premier might hurt that competition too. Big fan of this idea with all the public pressure now and MP letters flying, they would have some balls to expel us from league. Add to this would it not fall into a legal grey area as they have neither approved or rejected. Basically I have no fucking idea but would be great fun to watch, unfortunately I don’t think PIF are a charity and will be banking on tv income from PL.
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