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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Agreed. Any public sympathy is going to disappear the second the media get a shot of some moron shouting abuse at Masters and his family. What public sympathy? The vast majority of football fans will be on the PL's side if only out of self interest. Agreed, I think most fans of other clubs are missing the distinction between wanting answers from the PL, and wanting the takeover to go through no matter what. The petition is for an explanation and answers. I think the vast majority of us want the takeover to go through no matter what, and I couldn’t give a flying fuck if someone launches a firework at Masters while he’s sat on the bog.
  2. This is maybe why he needs some disposable at the minute. https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2020/08/frasers-group-boss-mike-ashley-eyes-30-debenhams-stores
  3. St James was such a great place to be the noise when Keane gets sent off, everyone out there seats frothing with rage. Great memories.
  4. Closer to what? I’m not going to be tedious and claim to be ‘in the know’, but I’m relatively confident this takeover will happen. Maybe not this week as others have suggested, but certainly within the next two. So where's the confidence coming from then? Positive noise, really. I may be proven completely wrong, but I’m more confident now then I have been through the whole takeover period. Happy to hold my hands up and say my ‘confidence’ is s*** in a couple of weeks if it’s proven to be, but hopefully I’ll be right. Mike still seems on side so that’s not to be underestimated at this point. Neither is his ability to f*** things [football related] up. True but think if this was over the toys would have been out the pram by now, and everyone would be getting both barrels.
  5. Closer to what? I’m not going to be tedious and claim to be ‘in the know’, but I’m relatively confident this takeover will happen. Maybe not this week as others have suggested, but certainly within the next two. So where's the confidence coming from then? Positive noise, really. I may be proven completely wrong, but I’m more confident now then I have been through the whole takeover period. Happy to hold my hands up and say my ‘confidence’ is s*** in a couple of weeks if it’s proven to be, but hopefully I’ll be right. Mike still seems on side so that’s not to be underestimated at this point.
  6. In a strange way Ashley is the best person to get this sorted, his tank will be parked well and truly on the PL’s front lawn shortly.
  7. Any sign of rocker revealing the reason behind his smiley face last night, I’m presuming he hadn’t just had a nice takeaway.
  8. Not bad if Aramco or Saudi Airlines were on the front we’d be fucking buzzing, and I may have considered buying the yellow one. As it’s not will I fuck.
  9. 40 MP letters is impressive going, it’ll be interesting to see what happens this week. Not sure how the NUST go about turning the screw further this week and it’ll get harder as time goes to keep this in the media.
  10. I’m certainly no legal expert but surely the bottom line must be, a governing body in the U.K. has basically refused to give a decision, basically saying we’ll just sit here month after month and neither accept or reject the bid. As someone selling a business surely you must have some sort of case, maybe that’s way to simplistic but I just can’t get my head around how they get away with that. A consortium has invested at least 17 million and god knows how much in legal fees, they also claim it was indicated that there would be no problems. At the very least surely the PL have to make a decision and reject it, I just don’t see how they can retain any sort of credibility otherwise. Also I don’t see how silence is an option now, Masters will have to reply to the ombudsman, MP’s and PM, i think the level of detail in the reply will give us a big clue where we’re at.
  11. Few thoughts on the below why hasn’t Mike Ashley parked his tank on the PL’s front lawn yet ? 1) The statement from the club said he was committed to the Saudi deal, but was this just lip service to keep fans happy, and privately he’s happy with his 17 million. This would be believable if he thinks Mauriss deal is in the workings, I mean he would end up with 367 million for the club, why would he want to waste legal fees on fighting this. 2) He’s playing a waiting game to see what happens with this fan led pressure being applied, if it doesn’t work and it looks like no other options are on the table, he unleashes his lawyers for restraint of trade. 3) Negotiations are still ongoing in the background and it is still a watching brief. 4) His lawyers have advised him that any legal action would be highly unlikely to be successful. In this case we are truly f***ed and stuck with the cnut.
  12. Not sure if this is true but certainly a good way of embarrassing and potentially causing PL grief. As shown recently with the Washington Redskins in the NFL, when sponsors threaten to withdraw and it affects income streams, things start to happen.
  13. NUFC Union Jack unfurled from window and flare set off, absolute scenes here in Whitley. NEWCASTLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED
  14. Howay the fucking lads some effort this, not sure what impact it’ll have, but didn’t money Mike Ashley say he would reveal himself ?
  15. Hopefully there response is to make a decision, it might actually be the only way out for them. How can they justify refusing to approve or reject, unless they make out the process was ongoing and the buyers pulled out before they could. However, this would essentially be calling the buyers liars and then it would get interesting.
  16. Great article by Michael Martin sums up my views on the hypocrisy we’ve had to endure very well.
  17. Decent article from David Conn in the guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/aug/08/why-north-east-is-protesting-at-saudi-arabia-failure-to-buy-newcastle
  18. I think they’ve probably tried all that and the PL have still refused to make a decision or give a timeline. Maybe the only way of going public was to withdraw the bid, by all accounts they did consider releasing a statement on the Tuesday, but thought better of it for whatever reason.
  19. It won't make a difference to the PL's stance as admirable as it has been from everyone. They've already made their mind up and it's not going to change. So what if Newcastle and its football fans are unhappy? As long as Liverpool, spurs, qataris and the rest don't get upset. It's going to be ignored until it goes away and the likes of sky etc will allow it to disappear. Not sure about that, they haven't said anything, I suspect because their grounds for rejection are not sound legally. What this should do is flush out an answer, then the s*** could really hit the fan, pardon the pun Your right flushing out a statement appears to be the plan.
  20. My thoughts this morning are this has been a great week in terms of supporters uniting, I think if anything we’ve underlined why this is still a mighty club. This has clearly not gone unnoticed by the consortium and has probably reaffirmed their determination to buy the club. More importantly I always believed the PL would take what they perceived as the easy option, I think Masters and co will now be realising that they have underestimated the impact shitting on us would cause. We may not get this takeover through but it has highlighted the conflicts of interest and potential corruption at the heart of the PL. Why does this matter, well the cartel of clubs at the top might just find that the PL lose their authority to decide ownership, it’s not beyond the realms that this leads to an independent body being appointed to oversee this in future. The decision making process at present lends itself to breaking competition rules and an even playing field. Masters and Hoffman may have just brought about major scrutiny on their organisation, here’s hoping. How does this benefit us if takeover doesn’t go through, well who’s to say Staveley doesn’t return with BZG money or Maktoum money behind her. What would stop the top 6 objecting again and claims that the Dubai govt should be made directors. It certainly doesn’t motivate me to be fighting this for other clubs benefit down the line, but it may be that we have another takeover that doesn’t appeal to the top 6, that’s the reason we need to fight for transparency, and if these rules are going to be strict, they should be applied at the start of every season with current ownerships. If our takeover is unacceptable based on ownership structure then why is Man City’s structure acceptable for example. I certainly don’t think this attempt is dead in the water, and wouldn’t be surprised if negotiations are still ongoing in background. It may be that the Saudis reducing their ownership % with a view to increasing in future may be agreed. Who knows but I’m certain the Rubens and Staveley at least will have the keys in coming months by hook or crook.
  21. Another celeb on board nice to see. https://twitter.com/samfendermusic/status/1291890645548838915
  22. I still think Staveley will end up owning the club, it might be without the Saudis and in 6 months time, but I don’t think she’s going anywhere.
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