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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. It all depends on why you ultimately believe the deal stalled, if it is just ownership structure at this point as PL would have us believe, then there’ll be a way round that. Man City are not owned by the ultimate ruler of Abhu Dhabi yet their model is allowed. The key to structure may be something along the lines of City. However, we all know the ownership structure is bull shit, it’s all about piracy and pay back after the PL were fucked about for 3 years. There were more anti piracy measures announced last week, and who’s to say bein won’t be reinstated, the Saudis are certainly unpredictable. Most people should bail out for their own sanity, but my belief is silence is now golden and if it’s completely dead we’ll know soon enough via Caulkin.
  2. Man City really should have their approval rescinded in light of the PL's about turn with Newcastle. By all means the bin Zayeds can continue to own the club, just don't allow City to play in the Premier. If PIF try and mirror the city model, taking piracy out of the equation it would be very difficult for them to justify blocking it on ownership structure alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if they working on something like this now, or changing percentages. I think PIF have long forgotten about Newcastle. As Mark Douglas has confirmed they’ll be back like a shot if the deal can proceed. Isn't the ball in their court though? It'll therefore only proceed if they actively do something. As far as I can see, the PL have concluded that MBS has ultimate control and influence over PIF so they wanted him to go through the O&D test. As de facto head of state of Saudi Arabia he understandably didn’t want to go through that as its not befitting of a monarch to be put to a test. The result is an impasse and PIF withdrew. Nothing will happen unless either the PL or MBS change their stance. Which they won’t. I retain hope that these expensively assembled legal teams will find an inventive solution to this. As in Staveley’s 1st bid which had sovereign wealth behind it, whats to stop PIF becoming an investor in PCP, and purely becoming a silent investor. PCP would be technically 90% owners of the club with Staveley at the helm. PIF would expect a return at some point clearly as in any investment fund, but they’re clearly all happy working together, and this may be a short term solution to get deal done. PIF would have no seat on the board, and we may not get the level of investment as originally planned this way. Basically your right with your assessment and that is just something off the top of my head, but there’ll be some very highly paid people currently working on a way round the MBS issue and working on various ownership models.
  3. Man City really should have their approval rescinded in light of the PL's about turn with Newcastle. By all means the bin Zayeds can continue to own the club, just don't allow City to play in the Premier. If PIF try and mirror the city model, taking piracy out of the equation it would be very difficult for them to justify blocking it on ownership structure alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if they working on something like this now, or changing percentages. I think PIF have long forgotten about Newcastle. As Mark Douglas has confirmed they’ll be back like a shot if the deal can proceed. I'm going to tell myself this 'it's gonna happen' thing is just your shtick now or I'd be worried about your sanity. I’m merely weighing everything up I‘ve read, and have come to the conclusion this isn’t dead yet. A raft of journalists have now confirmed that talks remain ongoing in background, and I’m convinced Staveley won’t let this go now. All parties want the deal to happen and have PR people and lawyers working on it. I absolutely believe Staveley will have the club by xmas with or without PIF, however I don’t rule out PIF also being part of this yet. I’m also not naive to the point I don’t understand the problems with the deal and have all along as I’ve previously posted, however it’s a long game and the deal is not dead as some experts on here would have us believe.
  4. Man City really should have their approval rescinded in light of the PL's about turn with Newcastle. By all means the bin Zayeds can continue to own the club, just don't allow City to play in the Premier. If PIF try and mirror the city model, taking piracy out of the equation it would be very difficult for them to justify blocking it on ownership structure alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if they working on something like this now, or changing percentages. I think PIF have long forgotten about Newcastle. As Mark Douglas has confirmed they’ll be back like a shot if the deal can proceed.
  5. Liam Kennedy still mentioning possible legal action, and work continuing in background. https://www.shieldsgazette.com/sport/football/newcastle-united/mike-ashleys-business-power-play-highlights-newcastle-united-takeover-intentions-2951420
  6. Man City really should have their approval rescinded in light of the PL's about turn with Newcastle. By all means the bin Zayeds can continue to own the club, just don't allow City to play in the Premier. If PIF try and mirror the city model, taking piracy out of the equation it would be very difficult for them to justify blocking it on ownership structure alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re working on something like this now, or changing percentages.
  7. It would seem Mr Hoffman couldn’t even progress a bid of his own for his beloved Coventry City. It’s nice to know the decision regarding our future and prosperity of the region was made by such capable and trust worthy people. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EgKiW_sWsAA0AZr?format=jpg&name=medium
  8. Reubens own part of QPR so cant own us as far as I’m aware. No they don’t Jamie is only a director, which he was going to relinquish had takeover gone through.
  9. She mentioned at the time that there was sovereign wealth included in the bid along with Reubens, however the nature of PCP means it could have been a variety of investors. It basically could have been any of the Middle East nations taking a stake. I believe she’s quoted as saying there was Chinese money behind her 2nd attempt last year before Rafa left.
  10. Brings back memories of when Bobby wanted him and we ended up with f***ing Stephen Carr. What was Shepherds quote at the time ‘there’s always another car in the garage’ or something like that.
  11. Some indication as to the state of play with PIF would be most welcome, but I’m guessing we won’t get anything The key will be he’ll not call Staveley/PIF time wasters. Mark Douglas confirmed yesterday he still hasn’t informed PL deal is off, that tells you everything you need to know at the minute.
  12. Come on it was a face saving statement, they were basically saying where not waiting 12 months for arbitration. The global uncertainty hasn’t stopped them speculating billions on struggling businesses with a long term strategy in mind. You’ll hear from them next when it’s announced. What is it honestly going to take for you to accept this takeover is dead? Even an official withdrawal statement hasn't managed it Steve Wraith saying it perhaps? I’ll accept its over when Staveley tells Caulkin, then Caulkin tells rockers mutual friend, then rocker announces it on the forum. Until then hope prevails.
  13. Come on it was a face saving statement, they were basically saying where not waiting 12 months for arbitration. The global uncertainty hasn’t stopped them speculating billions on struggling businesses with a long term strategy in mind. You’ll hear from them next when it’s announced.
  14. Yeah and maybe they can find a cure for Covid 19 once they’re finished with your list. Fucking hell.
  15. They’re certainly in the market for a purchase, if they don’t make one by a set time looks like they have to refund investors. Whether we’re that purchase remains to be seen, the involvement of Scudamore would add credence to them looking at a PL or English club. My major concern now is that Leeds would be a cheaper and just as appealing option since they’ve been promoted (though anyone who knows their stuff realises we’ll always be a bigger club potentially). I still believe Staveley seals the deal by December, however the one thing this takeover has done is increase our exposure worldwide. When the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia wants to buy you, it will certainly have perked the interest of a lot of wealthy investors.
  16. More info on the Scudamore group and Redbird capital get a mention in this article. Some big hitters involved with this group certainly interesting. https://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/news/2020/07/28/billy-beane-s-redball-new-moneyball.html https://www.sportbusiness.com/news/redball-acquisition-corp-surpasses-ipo-goal
  17. It means if it does happen you know about it when you wake up in the morning without any speculation. This is exactly what will happen, the lack of publicity in weeks coming will allow this to be thrashed out behind closed doors as it should have been all along.
  18. Respectfully disagree all signs suggest to me this is ongoing and far from over. People can choose to bail out mentally if they haven’t got the stomach anymore, but it’s not going away and she’ll be in charge by xmas. won't happen if Ashley buisineses are recovering which appears to be the case. Again disagree he appears very receptive to this bid and all evidence suggests he finally wants out.
  19. It looks that way but they’ll have some very clever people working on this now, they’ll find a road map to getting this done. Also I still believe the ownership structure is a red herring and if they can come to some sort of agreement re piracy that will unlock the door. In my opinion the ownership structure was the only way PL could delay and block the deal. It’s all about piracy and compromise.
  20. Respectfully disagree all signs suggest to me this is ongoing and far from over. People can choose to bail out mentally if they haven’t got the stomach anymore, but it’s not going away and she’ll be in charge by xmas.
  21. Staveley will have the keys by xmas by hook or crook, the current silence is a clear sign things are still ongoing. A compromise will be found, be it a change in percentages or some sort of guarantee regarding govt involvement. The key stumbling block is still piracy and more moves on that have been made this week. The deal is still doable despite some experts on here saying it’s dead, they have some of the best lawyers being paid millions to find a solution and I think they will.
  22. ‘I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I’m miserable now’. When radio newcastle played this to accompany news of the deal collapsing, never has a song been used more appropriately to sum up the mood of so many.
  23. "No red flags" was Staveley's info given to Caulkin - not some fact. Yes and the questions re piracy were quoted by numerous journalists, yet the PL implied that this hadn’t even been looked at yet, and would only have been considered once who owned club was decided. You need to get over your absolute hated of Staveley makes you like a grade A cnut. There's definitely a middle ground here. Don't think either of you are there. Thanks for the arbitration but fuck off
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