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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Facunda Pellistri is a name I’ve seen mentioned tonight.
  2. Disagree with this. I’ve said months ago they oddly been ahead of the others with the takeover if nothing else. Liam Kennedy has been very on the ball through this, probably on half the money of Ryder and Edwards but seems to have some knowledge and sources.
  3. Yeah but now they’ve drawn huge attention to the fact, and i’m sure this won’t go unnoticed by the 2 legal Rottweiler’s at their door.
  4. If it's true that they are meant to redo the checks on every club every 12 months then this is how they tackle this potential problem. Approve the deal then in 12 months, if there seems to have been influence from MBS, then do something about it. Good point give them benefit of doubt, the level of investment at risk warrants it.
  5. The fact all directors nominated have already passed o & d certainly clears up why they were confident of approval last week. They’re clearly a hairs breath away from approval, let’s hope this threat of legal action sees us home.
  6. The PL are not a cash rich organisation either, the operation is actually quite small. This could get very tasty, especially in the current climate. One things for sure other clubs will be f***ing furious I believe the clubs can vote to fund the legal action. I doubt cash will be a problem for the PL. You sure with tv rebates owed due to covid, reduced income and wages at same level. I would doubt clubs will be willing to fund this legal fight at the moment.
  7. There’s no guarantee the Saudis will bid again if we win, that’s the only issue. If assured of green light they’ll be back, this is coordinated by all parties.
  8. In my opinion he’s parked his tank for no other reason than 340 million. He’s already banked 17 million from PL refusing to make decision, this is about getting sale through.
  9. What’s Edwards had to say about Mike giving up, are we into double figures for the number of times he’s been wrong.
  10. The PL are not a cash rich organisation either, the operation is actually quite small. This could get very tasty, especially in the current climate. One things for sure other clubs will be f***ing furious If the PL has the financial support of those other clubs they'll be alright. £10million off each of them should see them alright. Aye can see them being happy with that, we’ll be fucking hated
  11. The PL are not a cash rich organisation either, the operation is actually quite small. This could get very tasty, especially in the current climate. One things for sure other clubs will be fucking furious
  12. Steve Wraith inferred yesterday that it’s not one person, he knows who they are and they more than likely have a source or sources within club.
  13. Yet he drivel’s on about Mauriss still being in talks. I honestly thought Lee Ryder was untouchable but this cunt has left him for dead.
  14. Absolutely under a Corbyn government it would be dead in the water, take the North of Tyne Mayor as an example. He hasn’t even stirred himself despite the promise of millions worth of investment.
  15. This, I’ve just been reading his twitter account never paid much attention before. It’s certainly very funny and does seem to call stuff.
  16. Has money mike ever been as active as this, he seems to have gone into overdrive. The fact he’s winding up some of the worst local journalists is even better.
  17. My take after this week nothing has changed, the political pressure and moves will continue behind the scenes. Ashley clearly frustrated by lack of movement and getting his money, but crucially no statement from PCP to say it’s over. I notice Staveley’s husband is still liking posts on twitter apparently re takeover, where in a long game and they’re not done yet. In the meantime as much as I hate club in its current guise and was happy to see it and PL rot, I have changed my mind, and believe a solid steady season will aid us get this through. Any flirtation with relegation will only sow seeds of doubt on Saudi side. With the likes of Philip Hammond and senior govt officials lobbying for this we have powerful allies, and the PL will certainly need govt support during coming season. The make up and level of support with this bid will wear the bastards down eventually.
  18. The judge is a complete wind up merchant! I like him, better than all the “I’m right you’re wrong” crew. Stop being wrong then.
  19. Timing wise, looks like it. He was the most positive about it happening hence why I questioned these two. Are you a policeman ? And don’t re write history you said nothing was happening and mocked certain posters for believing it was. As for deleting your account, that would be the most positive thing since version 2.0 failed. Ha, love you too I didn’t believe anything was happening. Other than what I heard last night about the government putting pressure on, I’m still not convinced much is happening. Honestly hope you’re right though. You started back at college ok btw? Still ongoing. If only I was young enough for college
  20. Timing wise, looks like it. He was the most positive about it happening hence why I questioned these two. Are you a policeman ? And don’t re write history you said nothing was happening and mocked certain posters for believing it was. As for deleting your account, that would be the most positive thing since version 2.0 failed.
  21. Exactly step forward your friends at NUST who seem to have given up and gone on holiday. I’m completely out of order on that, apparently. Which one of you two was Godzilla on here? That’ll be Cheesy beans, however more to the point do you now accept the takeover wasn’t dead ? Your credibility along with a few other on here is now zero. Maybe you should delete your account and come back as Frank Pingel, oh hold on that’s already taken, maybe Rob McDonald he was pretty useless aswell. Strangely enough Rob McDonald was my second choice of user name. Two fine strikers I can see how you were torn. Both fine and relevant figureheads for this great club. Hoy in Billy Askew behind both of them and who’d need the fucking Saudis.
  22. Exactly step forward your friends at NUST who seem to have given up and gone on holiday. I’m completely out of order on that, apparently. Which one of you two was Godzilla on here? That’ll be Cheesy beans, however more to the point do you now accept the takeover wasn’t dead ? Your credibility along with a few other on here is now zero. Maybe you should delete your account and come back as Frank Pingel, oh hold on that’s already taken, maybe Rob McDonald he was pretty useless aswell. Strangely enough Rob McDonald was my second choice of user name. Two fine strikers I can see how you were torn.
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