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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. I would probably still pick Saudis ahead of most others tbh. If they're good enough partners for our govt, Amanda and the Reuben bros, they are good enough for me. Exactly these journalists now preaching we should be wary of their motives can f*** off. I’d happily see them purchase the club without passing the test, and then just fold the club to f*** off the PL. These journalists would be better off investigating which clubs are actively pulling Masters strings to prevent this and also what extent Bein are medalling behind the scenes. I’d say you’d be more of an idiot to continue to want Sports Direct FC to represent our great city, in a league who clearly would only value us as being continued cannon fodder for the big 6. But each to there own I’m sure you’ll be amongst the thousands who continue to rock up and happily take it up the arse. Most of those who are against the takeover probably don't attend games anyway. Some of them might be actual moral objectors. Although they'll probably happily join millions of others in marvelling at football played by clubs like Chelsea and City with their angelic owners. And most of the people in favour of the takeover has no idea who MBS is or what he has done and are willing to do to get what he wants. Don't get me wrong, I would love Newcastle to have bottomless pits of money and compete with the best in the world. But I don't want MBS as our owner. Doesn't mind Amanda Stavely or the Reuben brothers though, think they could be good owners without PIF. Has it taken you 16 weeks to realise MBS is no angel ? You should apply to the PL for a job, I think you’d fit the criteria there looking for. So you either like MBS and what he stands for or you just don't give a s*** and want Newcastle to get his money. I'm more worried what he could do to Newcastle when/if he looses interest. How would he react the day the fans will drive him out as with Ashley right now. He could build a theme park on Barrack road for all I care if this doesn’t got through. When the PL start caring about ethics and applying it across all areas of their business then I might consider it a valued argument.
  2. I would probably still pick Saudis ahead of most others tbh. If they're good enough partners for our govt, Amanda and the Reuben bros, they are good enough for me. Exactly these journalists now preaching we should be wary of their motives can f*** off. I’d happily see them purchase the club without passing the test, and then just fold the club to f*** off the PL. These journalists would be better off investigating which clubs are actively pulling Masters strings to prevent this and also what extent Bein are medalling behind the scenes. I’d say you’d be more of an idiot to continue to want Sports Direct FC to represent our great city, in a league who clearly would only value us as being continued cannon fodder for the big 6. But each to there own I’m sure you’ll be amongst the thousands who continue to rock up and happily take it up the arse. Most of those who are against the takeover probably don't attend games anyway. Some of them might be actual moral objectors. Although they'll probably happily join millions of others in marvelling at football played by clubs like Chelsea and City with their angelic owners. And most of the people in favour of the takeover has no idea who MBS is or what he has done and are willing to do to get what he wants. Don't get me wrong, I would love Newcastle to have bottomless pits of money and compete with the best in the world. But I don't want MBS as our owner. Doesn't mind Amanda Stavely or the Reuben brothers though, think they could be good owners without PIF. Has it taken you 16 weeks to realise MBS is no angel ? You should apply to the PL for a job, I think you’d fit the criteria there looking for.
  3. I would probably still pick Saudis ahead of most others tbh. If they're good enough partners for our govt, Amanda and the Reuben bros, they are good enough for me. Exactly these journalists now preaching we should be wary of their motives can f*** off. I’d happily see them purchase the club without passing the test, and then just fold the club to f*** off the PL. These journalists would be better off investigating which clubs are actively pulling Masters strings to prevent this and also what extent Bein are medalling behind the scenes. I would actually like this to be investigated - for exactly the same reason I want Hunter Biden to be investigated. This conspiracy theory is as bad as any of Trump’s ridiculous notions... Conspiracy theory or naivety on your part ? I think you’ll find certain clubs hold more sway than others. https://offthepitch.com/a/manchester-united-and-liverpool-given-special-access-vet-chief-executive-candidates
  4. I would probably still pick Saudis ahead of most others tbh. If they're good enough partners for our govt, Amanda and the Reuben bros, they are good enough for me. Exactly these journalists now preaching we should be wary of their motives can f*** off. I’d happily see them purchase the club without passing the test, and then just fold the club to f*** off the PL. These journalists would be better off investigating which clubs are actively pulling Masters strings to prevent this and also what extent Bein are medalling behind the scenes. I’d say you’d be more of an idiot to continue to want Sports Direct FC to represent our great city, in a league who clearly would only value us as being continued cannon fodder for the big 6. But each to there own I’m sure you’ll be amongst the thousands who continue to rock up and happily take it up the arse.
  5. I would probably still pick Saudis ahead of most others tbh. If they're good enough partners for our govt, Amanda and the Reuben bros, they are good enough for me. Exactly these journalists now preaching we should be wary of their motives can fuck off. I’d happily see them purchase the club without passing the test, and then just fold the club to fuck off the PL. These journalists would be better off investigating which clubs are actively pulling Masters strings to prevent this and also what extent Bein are medalling behind the scenes.
  6. He might be making some decent points, but a decision is haste who the fuck is he kidding. He might not be so diplomatic and understanding if it was his own club being fucked around. There’s definitely a change in narrative where if this test fails, we’ll be patronised and told it’s for the best. However 2 years down the line the Saudis will be lauded as the saviours of a more fashionable club, and meanwhile we’ll be told where lucky that Mauriss chose us to leverage the club with 350 millions worth of debt.
  7. Surely the buyers will want to unofficially reply to the premier leagues today via Caulkin etc. This not so unsubtle attempt by PL to publicly absolve themselves, and pass the buck to the buyers surely warrants a public reply. Unfortunately some of the media will lap up the narrative that buyers are to blame here, as we’ve already seen yesterday.
  8. The bloke is a total and utter c***. If you want to see what an absolute clueless prick he is, listen to the latest True Faith podcast At this point I’m still in and still think they’ll work through it, I think an expensive legal battle will focus minds in coming days/weeks. Also just seen this video where head of FIFA is praising Saudis for fucks sake.
  9. For all the doom tonight even the grim reaper himself admits it’s not blocked.
  10. The big question here though is this the PL unofficially giving everyone an update on where we’re at. If so it appears the likes of Key’s and Bein have had a sniff of this since last week. I can only assume the PL feel unable to make a decision at present, however they are feeling under pressure now due to length of time, and want to openly put the blame firmly at the consortiums door. It’s really starting to stink now I just hope the Saudis and PCP are up for the fight, because this doesn’t happen if this takeover involved any of top 6 clubs.
  11. Liam Kennedy’s been reasonably positive in the past and he seems to be saying same thing. To be honest if it was just Edwards name on the telegraph article I’d give it short shrift, but Burt has been on this from the start. If it has reached impasse though, and buyers think they have answered questions, what the f*** happens now. If the PL do try to just sit on it without failing, hopefully patience snaps and they begin legal action.
  12. Had a feeling they would look for some technicality instead of outright accusing the Saudis of criminal activity. They won’t reject it either as their terrified of legal action that will follow. I also agree that certain top 6 clubs will be massively objecting to this behind the scenes, the recent reaction of Liverpool’s owners to the CAS ruling on Man City told you everything. They basically said that it threatened their whole business model, remember Liverpool and Man U actually had the power to reject Don Howes son as CEO of PL because they didn’t want him. Masters is in the back pocket of these clubs and they’ll be playing him like a fucking puppet.
  13. Some great lads and lasses follow this club with no connections to the area, however they get what this club is about. This badly cockney cnut however seems to revel in writing pure s*** with the intention of winding people up, he really should f*** off back to orient or wherever he f***ing came from. He’s claimed on 2 occasions now that exclusivity has lapsed with the Saudi bid with no follow up whatsoever, and on both occasions this has not been corroborated by anyone. As others have said he is out of the loop on this and desperate for attention, a f***ing cringe worthy cnut best ignored. He would be one of the first closely followed by Bird who I would ban if the new owners get the keys.
  14. Zilla are you out there, I’ll accept your apology and we can be friends again ? Jacobite he is a massive gob s**** who knows f*** all. I respect you having your opinion, though it won't change mine on him one bit No bother but I still think he has sources in Saudi, we’ll have to agree to disagree. Hopefully it’s done by the time he releases this mentioned article.
  15. Zilla are you out there, I’ll accept your apology and we can be friends again ?
  16. It IS our last Ashley/Bruce game. I wouldn't say 'enjoy it', but it will be our last chance to feel that "absolute hopelessness" during a match, that we have all felt for so long. So, while you can't 'enjoy' it, just 'experience' it - safe in the knowledge that it is ALL OVER . . . So are you saying this week or before start of next season ? I do love your optimism and obviously hope your right, but I do fear your going to be very disappointed if you think it’s happening next week.
  17. Still think it will happen eventually, however my feeling is that this still runs for weeks/months unfortunately. The PL are both incapable and unwilling to make a decision on this, they’re probably still hoping PIF walk away.
  18. That was the first time we played them up here after 95/96 game at their place. It’s fair to say a lot of our lot hadn’t forgot that night, they got a right shoeing at the bottom of barrack road after the match.
  19. Not sure if anyone seen this the other day, the suggestion is that this has come from Richard Collins head of compliance PIF. I have no idea if genuine or not, but it’s a quiet day on the takeover front and I love shit like this.
  20. Aye as anyone at Stoke away in league cup 96 will confirm, Wednesday night we took 6500 down absolute hell on all night. Took a snide blow on way into ground and had to use the gear lock to fend off some big baldy cnut after the match. Can laugh about it now but in all my years home and away never seen anything like it, running battles all over after match. We were at that one. Won 4-0 I remember. Atmosphere was hostile from the moment we arrived. We were driving around looking for the ground (it was the old Victoria Ground not the one they have now) and wound the window down to ask a couple of lasses where the ground was. "f*** off you Geordie b******s" came the response and we knew from then on it was going to be one of those nights. Finally found somewhere to park and went for a drink. No Newcastle fans allowed anywhere. Headed to a burger van instead. My mate bought a burger and didn't even get to take a bite of it when a Stoke fan walked up to him and knocked it straight out of his hands. Headed to the ground after that. Remember being funneled down an alleyway separated by a mesh fence. Stoke fans on the other side trying to climb over it to get to us. Finally got into the ground and it was the most intimidating atmosphere I've experience in over 35 years of watching NUFC. Came out the ground afterwards and you knew what was coming. We got chatting to a QPR fan who had travelled up from London especially to watch Les Ferdinand. Next thing we knew about 50 Stoke fans came charging over and started laying into the 5 of us. Somehow we managed to fight them off and ran back down towards the direction we'd came from. This meant trying to dodge punches and kicks from oncoming home fans though. Finally got to relative safety and witnessed a Newcastle minibus being turned over onto its side. We were then given our own personal police escort back to Stoke covered in blood and ripped clothes. Not a very pleasant journey home! Never been back to Stoke since. The stoke side of that story was that some young lass had been assaulted by geordies prior to the match, they then set out to seek revenge, course it was complete bollocks. It was the most orchestrated attack I’ve seen in my time following us. Cracking performance by the lads though Ginola, Ferdinand and Pedro destroyed them that night. We had to stop off at services on M6 coming out of stoke, the petrol pumps were all off and the forecourt was choca with mags, next thing the team bus comes in, Pedro, Clarky and the King were all in the shop, Pedro was literally grabbing every chocolate bar in the fucking place. Anyway got to shake all their hands sporting the biggest shiner in my fucking life, great memories from an era I don’t think we’ll ever see repeated.
  21. Aye as anyone at Stoke away in league cup 96 will confirm, Wednesday night we took 6500 down absolute hell on all night. Took a snide blow on way into ground and had to use the gear lock to fend off some big baldy cnut after the match. Can laugh about it now but in all my years home and away never seen anything like it, running battles all over after match.
  22. More feisty than the likes of West Brom, Derby or Wolves round Filbert Street back in the 70s/80s. Yeah the year we stopped up under Keegan on the last day was mental. If I remember rightly that lad had his eye put out when they invaded the pitch. Crazy times but what a buzz away days used to be back then.
  23. Always enjoyed our battles with this lot though had many dodgy moments down there over the years, incidents at the Scarborough and Peacock pubs spring to mind. Lads of a certain age have no love for this lot, and younger fans will soon learn they still have a large element. Like I’ve said not in our league, but they do have a very passionate hardcore support.
  24. Jacobite, It's not me who every week keeps telling people that the Wraith show is coming up like you do I thought it might be good counselling for you.
  25. Roll up lads I know your all big Wraith fans. Zilla this will be right up your street everyone thinks the takeover will happen on this show.
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